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Which products are subject to seasonal demand, trends and trends of seasonal factors. Use of space on the sales floor Seasonal products examples

What is "locust strategy" and "range adjustment"? How does the seasonal factor affect retail sales and how to maximize revenue during this period? Find answers to these questions in our next article.

Seasonal factor in trading

All companies have different business strategies, but it is not uncommon for stores when sales are affected by a seasonal factor.

AT different time year, demand for certain goods drops to zero, and then novice entrepreneurs begin to get nervous, but experienced retailers are no longer surprised by this seasonal factor in trading.

Some stores rely specifically on the high season: for example, a fireworks company, just a few weeks before and after the new year, can make revenue comparable to the year of operation of the trade enterprise.

At the peak of consumer activity of seasonal goods, businessmen receive "surplus profits". Other stores are trying to sell goods in accordance with the season or switch to other activities.

A decrease in demand for goods under the influence of seasonal factors is noted by almost 90% of stores in various directions.

“Seasonality” in marketing refers to an economic process that is directly related to the change of seasons, as well as holidays, weather factors, shopping habits and consumer stereotypes.

Marketers distinguish three main types of "seasonality":

  • "hard" seasonality - is directly related to certain events, events, dates, and after their onset, the product loses its relevance.
    For example, this is the Easter holiday, when the population buys Easter cakes and chicken eggs in large quantities, or Valentine's Day, when valentines, soft toys, pictures of hearts, etc. are popular;
  • "moderate" seasonality - does not cause significant damage to the business, since the decline in demand within the framework of such seasonality is no more than 20%, and the enterprise will remain "afloat".
    But in any case, it is correct to take into account moderate seasonality in the annual accounting planning of the store;
  • “Bright” seasonality is the most common type of seasonality among stores. The decline in demand in such a "bright" seasonality can be up to 40%.
    In this case, it is necessary to take measures to increase sales in the off-season, so that the store remains afloat and does not go bankrupt.

During the season, it is important to serve customers quickly and without errors, the program for automating the work of the Business.Ru store will help you with this. Thanks to it, you will be able to sell both in stock and arrange goods on order. Automatically calculate sales prices, set individual discounts and markups for products.

How to manage sales in a seasonal business. Video

Sale of seasonal goods: how to support sales in the off-season

We diversify activities

One of the most effective ways to support sales of goods in the off-season is to reorient business, markets, expand the range of products in order to obtain economic benefits.

To survive in tough conditions economic crisis, a trade enterprise today needs to sell goods in several different directions, in other words, the business needs to be diversified.

But in order to make sense of business diversification, an entrepreneur at the initial stage must assess all the risks, set clear goals and determine the resources that are planned to be attracted. good example diversification are shops that sell Christmas trees in winter, seedlings in spring, and flowers in summer.

Keep in mind that seasonal items may lose demand. This risk is especially true for food products that will expire if they are not purchased on time.

Notify customers about the seasonal sale through the built-in email client. This service is available in the Business.Ru store automation program. The system will prompt the results of the mailing - the number of sent letters, the percentage of delivered and read.

Launching new items for sale

If you are facing a seasonal drop in demand for items sold in your store, it is not a bad option to take care of the launch of new products or unusual seasonal offers in advance.

by the most best months July and January are considered for this - they are the most "dead" in the winter and summer seasons, no special events and events take place, which means that your new bright product or product will attract more attention from buyers.

It is during these months that you can try to interest buyers with discounts or gifts, drawing their attention to the fact that the sale of a unique new product begins, accompanied by pleasant bonuses. By “promoting” new items in this way, it will even be possible to overestimate their prices a little.

We hold sales

It is also widespread among enterprises retail method of selling goods during the off-season. Many retailers believe that it is better to sell all goods that are “dead weight” in warehouses during the off-season, put them into circulation even at a slightly lower price.

Bright signs: "Sales of seasonal goods!" will attract the attention of buyers and it will be possible to sell snow shovels in a non-food store in the summer, and swimwear in a clothing store at attractive prices in the winter.

Professional automation of goods accounting in retail. Tidy up your store

Take control of sales and track the performance of cashiers, outlets and organizations in real time from any convenient place with an Internet connection. Form the needs of outlets and purchase goods in 3 clicks, print labels and price tags with a barcode, making life easier for yourself and your employees. Build a customer base with a ready-made loyalty system, use a flexible discount system to attract customers during off-peak hours. Operate like a big store, but without the cost of specialists and server hardware today, start earning more tomorrow.

Adjusting the assortment of goods

Another rather profitable way to stimulate demand for goods in the off-season is to adjust the assortment. To do this, the company must "adjust" its range of goods for each season.

For example, for an enterprise Catering this is the introduction of "warming" drinks and dishes in the winter, or vice versa, the sale of cooling drinks, okroshka and jelly in the hot winter months.

That is, a trade enterprise should not focus on selling "illiquid" goods during the off-season, it is necessary to devote all its efforts to the sale of "trading" products. It is due to its sale in the off-season that the store will be able to stay afloat.

Seasonality of demand is a phenomenon in which the demand for certain goods and services changes under the influence of external factors. These factors can include: time of year, weather, events, periods of business activity, and even days of the week. The simplest example: champagne and tangerines are in high demand for the New Year holidays, and wedding photographers - in the summer. The cycle is equal to one calendar year and all statistical indicators are maintained within this period.

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Types of seasonality

Millet fluctuations in products can greatly affect some types of business, so it is customary to distinguish 3 types depending on the degree of influence:

  • hard,
  • bright
  • moderate.

Products of rigid seasonality are in demand for a very short period of time. Let's take New Year's paraphernalia as an example - it is bought only once a year. For bright - sales fluctuations reach 30-50%, an example is outdoor sports equipment (skis, snowboards, bicycles). For moderate - fluctuations in sales do not exceed 10-15%. Such goods are called all-season.

The specifics of promoting seasonal products in social networks

Of course, there is a certain specificity not only in sales, but also in the promotion of such products in in social networks. First of all, you need to determine in what period you need additional sales: hot or low. Not always enhanced promotion and the fight against competitors are relevant precisely in a period of increased demand: sometimes it is necessary to find new customers precisely in a period of falling sales.

  • Conducting impact advertising campaigns;
  • Involvement of opinion leaders;
  • Increasing the mass of positive reviews;
  • Active work with negative feedback almost online;
  • Be in touch 24 hours a day through all channels: instant messengers, social networks, mail, phone;
  • Active posting from one to several posts per day.

During the period of falling demand, it is enough to carry out supportive measures to increase potential customers and retain the existing base:

  • Advertising campaign in quiet mode;
  • Regular posting;
  • Planned work on reviews (unless there is a surge of negativity, of course);
  • Thinking and developing a strategy for a period of increased demand.

It happens exactly the opposite, when seasonal products need new customers in a low period. Basically, this is true for small companies that have formed a base of regular customers and do not have the opportunity to expand for the season. For them, the optimal strategy would be to attract new customers or liquidate balances in the off-season.

If you don't understand what actions you need to take during low and high demand periods, please contact us. We will offer an action strategy that suits your business.

In any case, you need to take into account the specifics of promotion in social networks and the principles of interaction with the audience. All work related to the management of business communities, community management, working off the negative, periodic mailing must be carried out all year round.

How to keep sales in the low season

When your phone, social. networks and instant messengers cease to heat up from the number of requests, the question arises of how to stay afloat and what to do with the team. We can offer a few ideas.


First, it is very important to know your ups and downs in order to prepare your business. Detailed example how to do this we have given . Knowing these months, one should “accumulate fat” in order to survive periods of falling demand painlessly. Many entrepreneurs are dizzy about the success of high sales during a period of high demand and they make typical mistakes: expanding staff, updating equipment, renovating an office or moving to a new one. After often comes a bitter retribution for rash steps. Therefore, we plan and save.


A good way to neutralize seasonal bursts is diversification, that is, expanding the range. For example, sellers of sleds and cheesecakes switch to bicycles and scooters in the summer. A highly specialized business may establish you as a professional in a particular field, but promises to live in leaps and bounds from season to season.


To support sales in the low season, you can run promotions and special offers. The offer can be anything - a month of work as a gift when concluding an annual contract, 3 for the price of 2, just a discount on some items. The main thing is that the action solves exactly your problem: it provides an influx of operating funds, eliminates inventory, and so on.

Seasonal employees

If you have a need for low-skilled labor - assembly, delivery - it makes sense to hire additional staff for the "hot" time instead of supporting such workers all year round. This strategy does not work for everyone. For example, we cannot do this. Our team members go through a lengthy period of training and mentoring before starting independent work with clients.


A variation of the previous strategy is outsourcing, that is, the transfer of part of the work for seasonal services to professionals: courier service, call center, smm agencies, and so on.


The vacation period should be arranged only in the low season. So you can reduce the cost of employees, as well as some indirect costs: electricity, tea with cookies, toilet paper, after all. We had a funny period when it felt like toilet paper was just being flushed down the toilet. Here is such a pun. After the departure of one of the employees, the balance was restored.

Now, even in many large enterprises, it is becoming common practice to give holidays only in certain months. What can we say about small and medium-sized businesses, when any expense can hit your pocket hard.


Now - in a period of calm - is the time to start developing your business: analyze weaknesses, review business processes, test new services and prepare as much as possible for the next shock season.

Consider such a demand factor as seasonality for products when planning a business and promotion strategy.

In most cases, when planning a purchase, the consumer clearly defines which product groups he wants to purchase (bread, milk, pasta, clothes, shoes, dishes, etc.). Therefore, the entire assortment of the store can be divided into three groups:

· Everyday goods. The purchase of these goods is the goal of almost every visit of the buyer to the outlet. They are also called store-forming commodity groups.

· Periodic goods. The purchase of these goods is planned once in several visits.

· Goods of impulse demand. The purchase of these goods is usually not planned.

Since consumer goods are in demand by the largest number of visitors, a fairly large number of buyers accumulate around these departments. Therefore, these product groups should be located along the outer perimeter of the trading floor in order to make the purchase the most convenient. If buyers experience inconvenience, they will tend to leave the trading floor as soon as possible. Not only does this reduce the amount of time a shopper spends in a store (and therefore reduces the number of impulse purchases), but it can also lead the shopper to consider visiting a different store next time.

Ways to slow down the flow of customers. Excessively wide aisles and a tendency to arrange racks and counters in a strict geometric order leads to the depersonalization of the store. The buyer does not have time to notice and want to buy any product when moving from section to section, so it is necessary to slow down the speed of the buyer in the store. In this case, it is necessary not to reduce the passage, but to narrow it in the middle or at intersections with other passages. Often used to narrow the passage:


a decorative column

stand with a poster.

Less obvious but no less effective method slowing down the movement of the buyer in the store is the use of music. Slow, calm music creates a more relaxing atmosphere in the store, encouraging shoppers to take their time and stay in the store. Fast music has the opposite effect - a walking step becomes faster, which is mainly used during peak hours to speed up the movement of buyers.

Let's dwell on the components of the design of the place of sale.

1. Showcases. The shop window is one of the most effective means advertising.

Many customers enter a store because they see something in the window that interests them. The view of passers-by on the shop window falls mainly on its middle vertical third. Objects located there are noticed by passers-by 2 times more often than those lying on the side. Things at the bottom are noticed 10 times better than those at the top of the display case. The attention paid by the audience to different areas of the window showcase is distributed as follows:

10 % 5 % 10 %
30 %
45 %

The showcase should give the buyer an idea of ​​the assortment of the store, the buyer must understand at a glance what the store sells and what price level it is. For example, the level of prices in a store for customers with an income below the average will be eloquently indicated by large price tags placed at the bottom: the target customer can immediately assess whether he can afford such things, and only after that he enters the store to find out more about the range and quality of goods.

Displaying products in a storefront has the following benefits:

· on the showcase the product is presented "live", which makes it possible to immediately get an idea about it (color, shape, size, function);

The presence of other buyers looking at the same product can have a significant impact on the buyer.

The following types of showcases:

Facade (this is a glazed opening in the front of a commercial enterprise, in which goods are usually displayed. They are a three-dimensional advertising tool that serves to draw the attention of passers-by to goods sold in the store. Thanks to them, buyers get a specific idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe goods);

demonstration (designed to familiarize customers with samples of new products, possible models, modifications, colors. Allow the buyer to view the goods from a short distance from all sides);

trading (organized depending on the principle of trade: self-service of the buyer or service by the seller. They can be located either throughout the trading floor with free access to the buyer's product, or in the section in front of the seller. In any case, the product must be well viewed from the buyer's point of view, be sure have a price tag and a description of its main characteristics).

2. Laying out. Things are sorted by colors, sizes, sets in a certain sequence. Despite the seeming simplicity, the work of a visual merchandiser is akin to the work of an artist: a picture emerges from the messy multicolored goods in the space of the trading floor.

There should be enough space in the store so that the customer does not feel constrained.

Informs customers about the products available for sale;

acquaints them with the quality, methods of application and features of the product;

Reminds you of related products.

In accordance with the tasks, three main types of calculations can be distinguished:
1. Information display. great place allotted information - prospectuses and posters with technical specifications.

2. Calculation - consultation. The emphasis is on the possibilities of using the product.

3. Laying out - a reminder. An image of the product is created, photographs and pictures and advertising calls prevail.

There are several types of composition in the layout of goods, the perception of shapes and volumes. According to the use of space, compositions are divided into the following types:

1. Planar composition is organized in only one plane, the goods are laid out on the shelves or along the wall. All rhythms and elements are decorative. The composition makes almost minimal use of volume and depth. But the plane itself can have a curvilinear shape in plan. The composition mainly develops along two spatial axes: height and width.

2. Volumetric composition makes full use of all three spatial axes: height, width and depth. This type of composition is the most common.

3. Spatial composition also uses height, width and depth. Depth takes precedence.

Compositions can be symmetrical or asymmetrical. Compositions with the largest or smallest element in the center are sometimes called "major" or "minor" layouts, respectively. Most likely, this term was introduced by one of the manufacturers, reflecting their sadness about the "withdrawal" of the buyer's gaze from their corporate block to competitors' products.

Forming this or that composition, you can focus on a certain area general form. The oval focuses on what is depicted or located in the center, and any edges and corners are active zones. In particular, attention is focused on sharp corners, for example, at a triangle. Therefore, it is quite possible that the composition on the shelf in the form of a pyramid (from the facade it is read as a triangle) will make the goods located at the base in the corners more significant, and not in the center.

The rhythm in the layout is a certain repetition of goods of a similar size and other elements (price tags) with an equal distance between them. Rhythm also helps to create a sense of order, but without accents makes the shelves look boring.

3. Color. The color scheme is also very important in merchandising.

The strongest stimulus is Orange color. This is followed by yellow, red, green, dark red and purple. bright warm yellow Best suited for shelf stickers and sales and new product announcements. The text is well read on it, and in terms of impact it is much more effective than the usual white.

Cold and neutral colors - blue, green-blue and purple of different shades have the least irritating effect. Irritating colors are used to paint only small surfaces of rooms, calm colors are used to paint a large plane.

There is a concept of color blocking ( color blocking). On average, a supermarket visitor scans the shelves of goods at a speed of 1.2 m/s from a distance of 2.5 meters. To distinguish the right package from hundreds of others, retailers and designers sometimes use color blocking: products with the same color package are placed together on the shelf. As a result, a one-color block of goods is created. At the same time, blocks that combine different colors can give rise to associations that are useful for selling. For example, blocks of white, green and blue flowers may be associated with a relaxing and refreshing surf. This combination is good to use in the department that sells shower gels and other detergents.

The opposite way to attract can be contrast - not only in color, but also in shape. For example, a familiar product - a liter pack of juice - clearly stands out on the shelf with a narrower and elongated package. Unfortunately, other stores are afraid to experiment with custom-shaped packages due to the fact that they take up a lot of space.

A schematic representation of the main and secondary contrasts is called the Delacroix triangle. Three colors form the strongest contrasts with each other: yellow - red - blue. Weaker contrasts give combinations of orange, purple and green.

4. Range of goods. No product, in theory, should be "neutral" in terms of impact on the buyer. So, fruits or perfumes are best placed in front of a large supermarket or department store. This helps to create a feeling of freshness and luxury. Items related to impulsive purchases are placed in key positions. The joint arrangement of complementary goods ( cross merchandising) encourages the buyer to complex purchase. For example, T-shirts and shorts, pastas and pasta sauces. The joint display of bread, cheese and sausages on the same shelf in one large supermarket significantly increased the volume of purchases of all three products. Approaching this shelf, the buyer remembered about sandwiches and took everything he needed at once.

When posting products, you can make a link to complementary products that are not included in the standard package, because it is easier to convince the buyer to immediately purchase a set of things than to come back for a purchase again. Many shoppers love recommendations and suggestions about which product pairs best with which.

The axiom “full shelves sell out better” works well in giant shopping centers but not in small shops.

5. Technical means. These tools have been used for many years. The only problem with high-tech tools is that the buyer is focusing on them instead of thinking about the purchase. On the other hand, this system allows the customer to be attracted to specific products that would otherwise go unnoticed among several thousand others in the supermarket.

The use of sound effects is widespread. Moreover, it is not limited to the transmission of oral announcements. Sound effects can create an appropriate atmosphere in different departments of the store (for example, dynamic music in the sports department and loud sounds from the video walls) or an appropriate mood (for example, making the buyer move faster or, on the contrary, relaxing). There are also audio dialogue systems that can ask buyers questions. Finally, with the help of sound, you can control the attention of children.

To change the mood of the buyer and encourage him to make a purchase, various smells are often used inside the store. Scientific Center of Chemistry Monell in Philadelphia, launched its pilot projects, the purpose of which is to study the effect of certain smells on buyers. For example, the well-known, in this case, floral-fruity, smell made casual visitors to the jewelry store linger there longer. And a very low level of some odors could change the individual's train of thought and mood (for example, relaxed and trusting). In the UK, individual home goods sellers use the smell of a bakery or cafe to encourage customers to enter the store and buy goods that have nothing to do with food: clothing, lighting equipment, etc. For example, in supermarkets, the smell from the fish department is not so strong like the spreading smell of freshly baked bread from the bread department.

There is a firm in London, Marketing Aromatics, which proposes to create "a unique atmosphere in the store, relax patients in the waiting room, invigorate the sales staff or evoke associations in the minds of customers" using a variety of techniques, from central ventilation system to hand sprayers, liquids, granules, gels and powders. There are even pressure-sensitive tapes with microcapsules. All this creates the desired mood, eliminates unpleasant odors, impregnating the product or corporate literature, confirming the unique sign of the company - the aromatic logo.

6. Merchandising "for children". For many parents, going to the store with their children is a real torment. Children always want and ask for something. Some stores offer the following service. The child is given packs of yogurt at the entrance. A baby absorbed in food is less capricious. And then at the exit, parents pay for these yogurts by presenting empty packages.

Another interesting invention in this area, which also appeared in Russia, is the automatons for storytelling. They look like animals, trees or Santas. They constantly read fairy tale after fairy tale in voices, which can also captivate children for a long time.

7. Lighting can emphasize the winning features of the product. The general illumination also affects the reaction of the buyer. In a room with dim light, he feels more relaxed. At the same time, a person tends to move from a less lit area to a more lit one, so the subdued light that may be good in an antique shop cannot be used in a supermarket.

To further attract the attention of buyers, you can use local lighting or backlighting. For a long time of existence, certain practices have been developed for the use of various light filters. So, for highlighting meat and sausage products, a green or pinkish light filter is used, for confectionery - a white warm color, for fish - yellow. In vegetable sections, bluish-white fluorescent lamps are usually used.

8. Vending machines. it good way attract additional clients. There are a number of products that are very convenient to purchase in this way, for example, cigarettes and drinks. Or intimate products, such as contraceptives, which people are usually embarrassed to buy from real sellers.

At present, in a tough competitive market, each entrepreneur relies only on his own resources and capabilities. Hoping to earn maximum profit, many businessmen rely on seasonal sales. And this is quite justified, because, as marketing statistics show, sales volume is directly related to a short-term rise or fall in consumer activity. This fluctuation in consumer interest is commonly referred to as seasonality.

Seasonality is a periodic change in the demand for a product, depending on certain factors, usually the time of year. However, seasonality is not always tied to any single factor. The presence of seasonality can be said only in the case when the maximum peak and decline in sales of the product is observed for 2-3 years in a row, and the difference in the cost of the product at the peak and decline in sales is 30-40%. Usually, the cycle of seasonality is 12 months, although significant demand fluctuations can occur both within one week and one day. However, such fluctuations in consumer demand are not usually considered seasonal, since no additional measures are required to equalize demand. It is enough for an entrepreneur to understand these features of the market and take them into account in business planning.

Types of seasonality

As a rule, there are two types of seasonality:

  1. production;
  2. consumer.

Demand for seasonal goods depends on natural (climatic) factors. Classic examples of production seasonality:

  • cultivation and sale of fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • earthmoving activities;
  • landscaping work on household plots.

However, it is worth noting that the production seasonality related to the cultivation of crops is smoothed out due to the development and improvement of technologies for processing, storing and harvesting products, as a result of which the entrepreneur has a unique opportunity to sell his goods throughout the year.

Consumer seasonality is directly related to the following important factors:

  1. Season.
    As you know, significant fluctuations in consumer demand are associated with seasonal changes in climatic conditions. For example, in the spring people begin to prepare for the summer season and the demand for summer clothes reaches enough high level. In addition, in the spring, many people consume the maximum amount of foods rich in vitamins: juices, fruits (mainly citrus fruits), vegetables. Also at this time, various construction and agricultural equipment is in great demand.
  2. Holiday period.
    Everyone knows that the time of gifts comes closer to the New Year holidays. On most trading floors, the maximum peak of sales is recorded in the first winter month. As a rule, the most profitable market at this time is the market for gifts, Christmas tree decorations, various drinks, food products, clothing, cosmetics and household appliances. The Easter holiday has a particularly serious impact on food sales. During the Easter period, various social events, such as weddings and corporate parties, are significantly reduced. Accordingly, the demand for wedding services is significantly reduced, the sale of meat and alcoholic products is decreasing. Accordingly, the level of sales of eggs, fish, cottage cheese, vegetables and many types of grain products is increasing. The next peak of sales falls on the last winter and first spring months. It is in February and March that the main male and female holidays are celebrated: February 23 and March 8, respectively. If consumers start buying gifts for the New Year at the end of November, then the demand for gifts for men and women begins to increase 2-3 weeks before the holiday date.
  3. Other significant dates
    Another period of large sales falls on the end of August - the beginning of September, i.e. by the start of the school year. The maximum peak of sales occurs in the last days of August. At this time, the greatest demand is for such school products as: notebooks, pens, pencils, textbooks, rulers, satchels and other school and stationery, as well as clothes and shoes.
  4. Business activity.
    General business activity is one of the most important factors that can significantly affect the level of sales. Business activity is not only the ratio of vacationers and people working in a certain period, but also the general atmosphere and mood that stimulates people to work or rest. Marketers note 3 periods of decline in business activity during the year. Such periods are: — the end of December; - mid-January; - summer months. Of the above, the period of the New Year and Christmas holidays is considered the largest decline, when most people have 10 days off. Quite seriously, the volume of sales is affected by the "May holidays". Despite the fact that there are only two days off during this period (May 1 and 9), however, quite a significant decline in sales is regularly observed in all markets. In addition, a large percentage of consumers go on vacation at this time of the year. Also, low business activity is recorded from March to April and from October to November.
  5. Influence of budgetary possibilities.
    As a rule, many state-owned companies have a rather rigid budgeting framework. The main task of budgeting is a competent planned organization work activities. However, as practice shows, this results in a situation where at the end of the year (quarter) the clients of these companies need to “master” the budget and they spend a lot of money on purchases. Often, thanks to such customers, most trading companies experience a peak in sales. But even here there is a “but”: there is a big decline in the first quarter of the year, because during this period the new budget has not yet been approved and, as a result, funding has been closed.

For entrepreneurs, it is no secret that dealing with seasonality problems is very difficult. This task requires additional financial injections, which many companies cannot afford. Such measures can only be taken by a self-confident entrepreneur who has a well-thought-out business plan and has enough funds to resolve this issue.

Sales seasonality is a change in demand associated with the change of seasons, temperature fluctuations, holidays, shopping habits, etc. In some seasons, demand grows without much effort, in others it falls, despite all the efforts of the seller. And if trading at the peak of consumer activity brings companies super profits, then a decline in sales entails losses and troubles.

In this article, we will talk about how to prevent the negative effects of seasonal demand.

Seasonal demand or the wrong strategy?

Before we take action, we need to find out what exactly we are dealing with. Perhaps the decline in sales is not due to seasonality, but to other market factors - the emergence of substitute products, the opening of a new supermarket in the neighborhood, or the aggressive marketing strategy of a major competitor.

To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to analyze the seasonality of sales over several years and find out if the periods of decline coincide in time. The difference between seasonal and non-seasonal revenue will help to assess the scale of the tragedy and develop an adequate plan.

If the difference in sales is only 10-20%, there is no need to worry - even everyday goods such as bread and milk are subject to such natural fluctuations in demand. This is a temporary decrease in sales, it does not cause much harm and does not require intervention.

It makes no sense to spend money on marketing even if the demand for your product drops by 80-90% during low seasons. The reality is that artificial Christmas trees and sparklers sell well before the New Year and lose their relevance in January. Accept it as a fact and switch to other products or services.

An example of seasonal fluctuations in New Year's goods.

But with a 30-40% seasonal decline, you can fight. How to do this - we will now tell.

Organize the sale of seasonal goods

If your product does not sell like hot cakes, then people in this moment something else is needed. Determine what customer needs are coming to the fore this season and adjust your assortment.

For example, installation companies plastic windows switch to interior doors, thereby leveling the demand dips in the cold months. And fitness clubs, in order to retain customers, introduce new exclusive programs with the onset of summer:

How to “wake up” customers in the off-season - an example of a fitness club

Sell ​​additional products

If you can't find suitable option the main product, try to bet on additional goods and services, “pump” . From this point of view, the experience of the Leonardo hobby hypermarket chain is interesting. These stores stand out for their wide range of materials and tools for needlework, but most of the profits, as well as the main influx of customers, come from the sale of stationery.

On the basis of these trading platforms, festivals and master classes in needlework are held. They not only attract the target audience, but also smooth out the pronounced seasonality of the product, stimulating the sale of paints, colored paper and patchwork fabrics.

Offline events where buyers gather are an effective way to make yourself known, increase loyalty and increase sales in the off-season.

Expand your target audience

This method of dealing with falling demand has long been used in the hotel business. After the end of the "hot" season, many hotels stimulate sales by providing venues for business meetings, seminars and conferences. Thus, their clients are not only guests of the city, but also its residents who are interested in holding the event.

An excellent example of a strategic approach to expanding the audience was shown by the Japanese cleaning company Kikuya. Seasonal downturns in the dry cleaning industry forced the managers of this firm to come up with additional service- free storage of out-of-season clothes for up to 6 months. This turned out to be a real salvation for many Japanese families living in cramped apartments. Thus, the company not only increased the number of customers, but also maximally equalized the loading of equipment and personnel.

Kikuya's next step was the storage of seasonal sports equipment - snowboards in summer and bicycles in winter. And then it turned out that many customers are not averse to paying for the cleaning of this equipment.

A little later, after several other innovations, the company opened a paid course for managers called "Learning the Kikuya Production Management System." So the desire to overcome the seasonal decline in demand was the beginning of a great commercial success.

Adapt to the needs of each client

Artur Salyakaev, a business coach and sales expert in Russian jewelry retail, advises to work competently and individually with each of his clients. In his business, almost half of the revenue comes from a few days before January 1 and March 8. But if sellers know the birthdays and important dates of their customers, they will be able to make them great offers and actively sell jewelry throughout the year, increasing off-season sales.

Targeted sales are another way to increase the activity of the target audience. Special offers for older travelers help tour operators make a profit even in the "dead" seasons - after all, old people do not like crowded summer beaches.

Pharmacies demand consultations for diabetic patients with subsequent ordering of appropriate products. Not every city has a specialized store, and there are more and more people suffering from this disease.

The sales assistant is a living tool to increase sales in the off-season.

Run promotions and give discounts

Do not forget about discounts and bonuses - this is perhaps the easiest way to influence potential consumers. shows that people are gradually getting used to seasonal sales of clothes and shoes, pre-holiday discounts and "black Fridays", many families specially save money to buy seasonal wardrobe in the "off-season".

Even Russian Railways is actively using reduction factors for the sale of railway tickets. And the endless promotions of Ozone and the Labyrinth bring considerable income all year round.

How Russian Railways is struggling with a seasonal decline in sales.

Business seasonality is not a problem, but an opportunity

It is said that restrictions spur creativity. It will be great if, overcoming the seasonal downturn, you suddenly discover an additional direction for your business or attract a new promising audience.

But even if at the moment you do not have the opportunity to raise falling sales, this is the maximum benefit. Preparing for the next active season, reorienting the business, streamlining the client base, setting up basic processes - all this can lead you to new level income and fully recoup the unsuccessful period. But that's a topic for another article.

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