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What plants does the bird cherry belong to. medicinal plants

Prunus padus (Padus racemosa)
Taxon: Rose family (Rosaceae)
Other names: bird cherry
English: Bird Cherry, Hackberry (Ireland)


Tree or shrub from 2 to 10 m in height. The trunk and branches are covered with dull, black-gray, cracking bark. The leaves are alternate, short-petiolate, elliptical, dull above, somewhat wrinkled below. Cherry blossoms in May. The flowers are small, white, collected in dense, many-flowered drooping brushes. Cherry fruits are spherical black drupes 7-8 mm in diameter, sweet, strongly astringent, the stone is round-ovate. The fruits ripen in July.


In Russia, bird cherry is common in the temperate zone: in the European part, Western and Eastern Siberia, on Far East.
Prefers moist, rich, close-lying soils ground water. Bird cherry grows mainly along the banks of rivers, in riverine forests (urem) and shrub thickets, along forest edges, on the sands, along forest clearings.

Collection and preparation of bird cherry

For medicinal purposes, undamaged ripe, black and juicy bird cherry fruits, cleaned of impurities, as well as bark, leaves and flowers, are collected. Fruits are harvested as they ripen from July to September, flowers in May, bark in early spring. In dry, clear weather, cut off the brushes with fruits, scatter in a thin layer, dry in the air in good weather or in ovens, ovens, dryers at a temperature of 40-50 ° C, stirring occasionally. Then separated from the stalks, stems, impurities, sifted through a sieve. Dried fruits of bird cherry are black or matte, round-elongated, wrinkled, with a light stone, odorless, sour-sweet taste. The bark is also dried in ovens, dryers, and ovens. The flowers are air dried in the shade. Bird cherry raw materials are stored in boxes, bags, in a dry, well-ventilated area. The shelf life of fruits is 2 years, flowers - 1 year, bark - 5 years.

Chemical composition bird cherry

The leaves, flowers, bark and seeds of bird cherry contain glycosides: amygdalin, prulaurazine, pruiazine. Free hydrocyanic acid was also found - in the bark 0.09%, in the leaves 0.05%. The highest content of amygdalin was found in bird cherry bark - 2%, in seeds - 1.8%.
The leaves accumulate up to 0.28% ascorbic acid, essential oil.
The aromatic smell is due to the presence of prunazine glycoside. Bird cherry fruits contain malic and citric acids, sugars, substances and ascorbic acid, flavonoids.
Cherry purifies the air, because its fruits, flowers, bark, buds, and especially leaves contain benzoic aldehyde, which determines their properties (killing or depressing effect on bacteria).

Pharmacological properties of bird cherry

Ripe fruits of bird cherry have a fixing, bactericidal, vitamin, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the function of the intestines and stomach.
Bird cherry bark has a diaphoretic, antipyretic action.
Bird cherry leaves have fixing, vitamin properties.
Bird cherry flowers are used as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, volatile agent.

The use of bird cherry in medicine

Due to the presence of tannins, bird cherry fruits are used as an astringent for non-infectious nature and other disorders of the stomach and intestines, as well as an adjuvant for infectious colitis and diarrhea.

Medicinal preparations of bird cherry

A decoction of bird cherry fruits is prepared as follows: 1 tbsp. l. Bird cherry fruits are brewed with a glass of boiling water, boiled for 20 minutes, filtered. Adults are prescribed 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day for diarrhea and. Burnt berries are not suitable for use.
Decoction of bird cherry bark: brew 200 ml of boiling water, 10 g of bark, boil over low heat for 10 minutes, leave for 2 hours, then strain. As a diaphoretic, take 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day before meals for cough, rheumatism and.
A decoction of bird cherry leaves: brew 200 ml of boiling water, 20 g of leaves, boil on low heat for 5 minutes, strain. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day for diarrhea, gastritis, colitis, hypovitaminosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchitis, as an antitussive.
Infusion of bird cherry fruits: brew 500 ml of boiling water, 20 g of fruits, leave for 12 hours in a thermos. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day for diarrhea, gastritis, colitis.
Infusion of bird cherry flowers: brew 200 ml of boiling water 10 g of flowers, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Rinse wounds, ulcers, eyes with inflammation of the mucous membrane, use as lotions.
Apply bird cherry leaves to places of bruises, abscesses. Used for rinsing the mouth with rotting teeth, furunculosis
Bird cherry is a part of gastric fees.
The energy of bird cherry acts less than that of other trees. Most of all, its influence is felt in the spring, during flowering.


Bird cherry preparations are taken under the supervision of a doctor, in compliance with the indicated doses and terms of treatment.
Bird cherry preparations are contraindicated during pregnancy.
The internal use of bird cherry as a poisonous plant requires caution.
Bouquets with bird cherry flowers, but you should not put bird cherry in your room - your head will hurt.

The use of bird cherry on the farm

Bird cherry fruits are used in nutrition. They are consumed fresh, dried, powdered. From the fruits of bird cherry, you can make fillings for pies, cook jams, kissels, kvass, etc.
Kvass from bird cherry. Rinse fresh cherry fruits cold water, put in an enamel pan, cover with sugar, cover with a napkin and keep at room temperature for 12 hours. Then mix everything, pour warm water, add yeast, sugar and leave for 12 hours to ferment. Strain, pour into a three-liter glass jar, leave for 2 days in a room, then store in a cold place.
To prepare kvass, you need: 600 g of bird cherry fruits, 3 liters of water, 300 g of sugar, 10 g of yeast.
Cherry jam. Pour the fruits with sugar for 12 hours. Then drain the juice, cook on low heat for 20-30 minutes, put the fruits in it and cook until tender. Before the end of cooking, you can add citric acid. To make jam, you need: 1 kg of bird cherry fruits, 1-1.2 kg of sugar, citric acid to taste.
You can grind flour from dried bird cherry: crush the drupes in a mortar or grind in a hand mill. Can be made from flour kissel. To do this, brew 0.5 liters of boiling water with 0.5 cups of flour and mix thoroughly. Pour this mass into a saucepan with 1 liter of boiling water, add 2 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tbsp. l. (with a slide) starch, diluted in a small amount of water. Bring the jelly to a boil and remove from heat.
You can also cook from bird cherry flour. To get it, grind flour with sugar, pour hot water and bring to a boil.
Gruel from crushed bird cherry leaves kills bacteria and mold spores, 4 crushed bird cherry buds kill the most resistant mites after 15 minutes, crushed bird cherry buds placed in a vessel with a rat kill it after 20 minutes.
For economic purposes, green and red-brown paint is obtained from the bark of the bird cherry.
Bird cherry wood is yellowish-brown, softish, elastic, well polished, used for carpentry.

Photos and illustrations

Common bird cherry

scientific classification



flowering plants








bird cherry


Common bird cherry

International scientific name

padus avium Mill.

View in taxonomic databases

Common bird cherry, or carpal(lat. padus avium, syn. Prunus padus) - a species of trees (occasionally shrubs) of the pink family ( Rosaceae).


Part of a branch with an inflorescence

Branch with fruit

A large deciduous shrub or tree up to 10-17 m high with a broad ovoid crown and trunk up to 40 cm in diameter. The bark is dull, cracked, black-gray or brown-black, on which large rusty-brown or white lenticels clearly stand out. The inner layer of the bark is yellow, with a characteristic almond smell. Young branches are light olive, short-pubescent, later cherry-red, glabrous with oblong whitish-yellow lenticels; the bark is yellow on the inside, with a sharp characteristic odor. Shoots are green, quickly turning brown and becoming lentils.

The leaves are alternate, up to 10-15 cm long and 7 cm wide, oblong-elliptic, with a broadly cuneate or rounded base and a short sharp apex, finely serrated, with teeth ending in red-brown glands, dark bluish-green, matte and somewhat wrinkled above and glaucous below, in autumn pale yellow and carmine. Petioles 1-2 cm long, with several glands. Stipules linear, 8-15 mm long and up to 1 mm wide, glandular-toothed, whitish, falling off early.

The flowers are white, sometimes pinkish, 1.5 cm in diameter, very fragrant, in drooping racemes 8-12 cm long and 2.5-3.5 cm wide. The sepals are triangular, with glands along the edges. The fruits are spherical drupes, 7-8 mm in diameter, black, glossy, sweet in taste, but strongly astringent, edible. Stones acute or broadly ovate, grayish and with small shiny dots, 4-6 mm long and 4-5 mm wide, with folds on the surface. There are 4 thousand fruits in 1 kg.

Chemical composition

In the pulp of bird cherry fruits, tannins (up to 15%), anthocyanins (up to 8%), sugar (4-6% fructose, 5-6% glucose, 0.1-0.6% sucrose), pectins (up to 1, 1%), flavonoids, malic and citric acids; in leaves, flowers, bark and seeds (stones) - amygdalin (in the bark up to 2 and in the seeds up to 1.8%). Free hydrocyanic acid was also found - in the bark 0.09%, in the leaves - 0.05%. The leaves contain up to 200 mg% ascorbic acid. The smell of flowers and leaves is due to the presence of prunosine glycoside in them.


In Russia, it is distributed in the European part and Western Siberia.

It is common in all natural and administrative regions of the Saratov Right Bank. In the Rtishchevo region, in the wild state, it was noted in the interfluve of the Iznair and Sukhanovka, in the floodplain of the Olshanka River, it is used for planting greenery in the city park and courtyards of the city of Rtishchevo, grown in personal plots.

Features of biology and ecology

It lives mainly along streams and rivers, in riverine forests and ravines, growing on open places. The densest populations of bird cherry are found in mixed thickets of shrubs.

Blooms in May for 10-12 days; fruits ripen in August - September. Under the canopy of forests of tall tree species, it rarely blooms and bears fruit; blooms profusely on the edges and when lightening. Propagated vegetatively (by root shoots, cuttings), less often by seeds (bones). It blooms profusely every year, but does not bear fruit every year, as its flowers are damaged by late spring frosts, and the trees themselves are attacked by numerous pests, especially near cities and large villages.

Fruit yield from 1 tree - up to 15 kg, and from one hectare - up to 1 t / ha.

Economic importance and application

Bird cherry fruits were used by the man of the Stone Age, as evidenced by the results of archaeological excavations. Using them for food, people could not fail to note their specific astringent effect, so the fruits of bird cherry can be considered one of the oldest medicines.

In medicine

The bark is used in homeopathy as a tonic and sedative; with headaches, diseases of the heart, organs of the gastrointestinal tract. AT folk medicine- for the treatment of venereal diseases, with leucorrhea, intermittent fever, respiratory infections, suffocation, stomach cramps; decoction - for dysentery; as a diuretic and diaphoretic; infusion - rinsing with toothache; rubbing - in rheumatism.

Young branches and fresh bark in the form of essences are used in homeopathy; in folk medicine, a decoction is used as a diaphoretic, diuretic; with articular and muscular rheumatism, dermatoses.

The leaves are used in Tibetan medicine for diarrhea in children; locally - with furunculosis. Infusion (in the form of rinses) - with caries. Alcohol tincture- with rheumatism, gout. The juice of leaves and fruits is used to treat infected wounds; leaves, fruits and flowers (in the form of douches) - with trichomonas colpitis; in the form of poultices - for cleansing and healing wounds and bedsores.

A decoction of flowers is used for gangrene of the extremities, pulmonary tuberculosis. Infusion or decoction - as a contraceptive. Infusion - for washing wounds, ulcers, eyes. Juice of flowers and fruits - antiemetic for children.

The fruits are used as an aid in infectious colitis and diarrhea; diaphoretic, diuretic, anti-scurvy, anti-tuberculosis. Infusion - as a lotion for blepharoconjunctivitis.

The fruits are part of the gastric tea. Juice is prescribed as a diaphoretic, antiscorbutic, diuretic, anti-tuberculosis agent. Mixed with blueberry juice, it is indicated for gastrointestinal diseases accompanied by diarrhea. In addition, the juice is used for fever, metabolic disorders, gangrene, pulmonary tuberculosis.

Fatty seed oil is used topically for deep forms of trichophytosis and microsporia in adults and children.

In other areas

Honey plant and perganos; gives the bees a lot of nectar and pollen, and sometimes honeydew. Flowers accumulate a lot of nectar, but due to the fact that it quickly thickens and becomes viscous, bees cannot use it.

From the fruits, ground with drupes, they make flour for filling pies and for jelly. The fruits are also used for the manufacture of soft drinks, liqueur and tint of alcoholic beverages, distillation of vodka.

The wood is yellowish-brown, resilient and relatively soft, diffusely vascular, suitable for turning and furniture production. Green and brown-red paints are extracted from the bark.

An ornamental plant, forms with weeping branches, double flowers and multi-colored leaves are especially spectacular. It is used in green building for single landings, narrow alleys, along streams, rivers, near lakes throughout the natural range.

Bark powder is used in veterinary medicine for sprinkling long-term non-healing wounds, as an insecticide. Phytoncides of bird cherry fruits have a detrimental effect on molds, flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, and crushed leaves on the Colorado potato beetle, its larvae and eggs.

The leaves are poisonous to geese (possible poisoning of other species of birds and animals).


  • Burmistrov A. N., Nikitina V. A. Honey plants and their pollen: a Handbook. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1990. - 192 p. - ISBN 5-260-00145-1. - S. 177
  • Trees and shrubs of the USSR. Wild, cultivated and prospects for introduction / Ed. in 6 volumes. T. III. Angiosperms: families trochodendrovye - rosaceae. - M., L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1954. - S. 770-772
  • Elenevsky A. G., Radygina V. I., Bulany Yu. I. Plants of the Saratov Right Bank (compendium of flora). - Saratov: Sarat Publishing House. pedin-ta, 2000. - ISBN 5-87077-047-5. - p. 40
  • Universal encyclopedia of medicinal plants / Comp. I. Putyrsky, V. Prokhorov. - Minsk: Book House; M.: Makhaon, 2000. - S. 286-288
  • Flora middle lane Russia: Atlas-determinant / Kiseleva K. V., Maiorov S. R., Novikov V. S. Ed. prof. V. S. Novikov. - M.: CJSC "Fiton +", 2010. - S. 303-304

Botanical characteristics of bird cherry

Bird cherry belongs to the Rosaceae family, is a tree or large deciduous shrub, the trunk and branches of which are covered with dark motley matte bark. The plant has alternate elliptical leaves with short petioles. In May and June, fragrant white flowers appear, collected in drooping brushes. Black drupes with an astringent sweet taste ripen from August to September. Bird cherry planted in gardens, squares is a beautiful ornamental and medicinal plant.

In nature, bird cherry is found in forest and forest-steppe zones. The habitat is quite wide - Ukraine, Morocco (Africa), the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia and the European part of Russia.

Useful properties of bird cherry

The excellent properties of bird cherry have been used by people for a long time, valuable recipes for the preparation of various potions for the treatment of diseases are passed down from generation to generation. The bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of the plant are of great value for the treatment of many diseases. The bark is cut in early spring in small strips from several trees, carefully so as not to cause harm. Brushes with berries are harvested in July-September. Fragrant flowers are harvested in May.

The composition of the bark and leaves contains hydrocyanic acid (in the bark 0.09%, in the leaves 0.05%), benzoic aldehyde, therefore, phytoncidal properties of decoctions and infusions are observed. The fruits differ in the content of ascorbic, malic and citric acid, rutin, anthocyanins, flavonoids, sugars and essential oils. The kernels of the bones are rich in fatty oil, amygdalin, prulaurazine, prunazine. The plant contains tannins, the action of which helps to relieve inflammation.

Thanks to organic acids, bird cherry contributes to the normalization of the acid-base environment in the human body. Phytoncides provide antimicrobial qualities of the plant, flavonoids contribute to the diuretic and choleretic effect.

The use of bird cherry

Bird cherry has a huge range of applications in both folk and official medicine. Bird cherry bark is endowed with tonic and sedative properties, decoctions are indicated for heart disease, diseases of the stomach and intestines, pancreas and gallbladder, and dysentery. Traditional healers recommend using tree bark for fever, acute respiratory infections caused by infections, it is an excellent diaphoretic and antipyretic.

Venereal diseases, leucorrhoea in women are well treated. External use of a decoction of bird cherry bark saves from rheumatic pains, is used for rinsing when it occurs. An old recipe for infusion is known, which is recommended for use in cancer of the internal organs.

Infusion recipe: 2 tablespoons of crushed young shoots, flowers, dry bird cherry bark should be poured into a dish, preferably enameled, pour three cups of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 6-8 hours. It turns out a dark-colored liquid, which should be filtered, squeezed out the used raw materials and taken as tea 3 times a day, 0.5 cups before meals.

Young branches of bird cherry significantly improve the quality of treatment if they are used to prepare a decoction and used in combination with other drugs as a diuretic for muscular and various dermatoses.

Diarrhea in children is treated with remedies made from bird cherry leaves. Lotions with a decoction of leaves are effective for furunculosis. Alcohol tincture is excellent for rheumatism and that affects the joints of the fingers, hands, elbows and knees. Rinsing with decoction oral cavity and gums prevents diseases of the throat, and periodontal disease.

Fresh fruit juice can be used for douching with trichomonas colpitis. Also, juice is prescribed for 1/2 cup with a spoon of honey 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for general strengthening of the body, in case of metabolic disorders. Decoctions of flowers, leaves and fruits cleanse and heal bedsores and wounds. Bird cherry flowers are effective in the limbs, in the form of decoctions they help to recover from pulmonary tuberculosis. Infusion is recommended to wash, treat ulcers and eye diseases.

A decoction of bird cherry fruits is suitable as an additional remedy in complex therapy for colitis and diarrhea of ​​​​infectious origin. It is used against scurvy, for sweating in colds, as a diuretic. Infusion of fruits is used for lotions, has a positive effect in the treatment of conjunctivitis. Fatty oil is extracted from bird cherry seeds, which is used to eliminate serious ailments, such as microsporia and trichophytosis.

Cherry fruits and leaves

Bird cherry leaves secrete phytoncides, which help purify the air, destroy pathogens and small insects. With bruises and abscesses, the leaves are applied to the lesions, which significantly reduces pain. Ripe bird cherry fruits have a fixing effect on, have bactericidal properties, saturate the body with vitamins, strengthen the immune system, and normalize bowel function. They are used in cooking - fresh, dried and in powder form.

Bird cherry decoction

Recipes for decoctions of bird cherry are passed down from generation to generation, their use has a beneficial effect in the treatment of many diseases.

Decoction of bird cherry fruits: 1 tablespoon of raw materials should be boiled in a glass of water for 20 minutes, strain.

Decoction of bird cherry leaves: 20 g of raw materials should be boiled in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. Strained broth drink 1/4 cup 3-4 times a day.

Decoction of bird cherry bark: 10 g of raw materials must be boiled in 200 ml of water for 10 minutes, insist for 2 hours, strain and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

Infusion of bird cherry

The use of bird cherry infusions for the prevention and treatment of many diseases gives amazing results, allowing you to quickly cope with diseases.

Recipe number 1: you need to take 1 tablespoon of raw materials, add 200 ml of hot boiled water, heat the composition in a boiling water bath (15 minutes), cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. If the liquid has evaporated a little, add boiled water to the previous volume (200 ml). The prepared infusion is taken 1/2 cup a day 30 minutes before meals as an astringent.

Recipe number 2: 20 g of fruits should be brewed in 500 ml of boiling water, insist 12 hours in a thermos. It is recommended to drink such a remedy 100 ml 3 times a day before meals for gastritis and indigestion.

Infusion of bird cherry flowers: 500 ml of boiling water should be poured into a container with 20 g of bird cherry flowers, let it brew for 10 minutes, strain and use to wash wounds, ulcers and eyes.

Bird cherry tincture

Joint diseases, radiculitis and osteochondrosis cause a lot of trouble - this is stiffness of movements, pain, decreased mood. To alleviate the condition and remove inflammation, you have to resort to medication. Additionally, for high-quality treatment, you can use an effective tincture of bird cherry.

Recipe number 1: Pour 50 g of bird cherry bark with one glass of vodka. Insist two weeks. Rub into the lumbar region and the sick twice a day.

Recipe number 2: 150 g of bird cherry fruit should be poured into 500 ml of vodka, kept in a cool place for 2 weeks and taken 5-7 drops 3 times a day in the treatment of stomach disorders.

Common bird cherry

Common bird cherry loves well-moistened soils, sunny places, has a bitter, heady aroma of flowers. It propagates by seeds, cuttings and layering. This unique plant is a natural pharmacy, the presence of many useful substances allows it to be used productively in traditional medicine and homeopathy. If you rub the bird cherry leaves, then the release of phytoncides (volatile aromatic substances) increases, this contributes to the destruction of pathogens and infections, mold and fungi.

Indications for the use of decoctions and infusions of leaves, bark, flowers and branches of bird cherry can be a cold, bronchitis, inflammation in the joints. A decoction of the leaves acts as an expectorant.

Bird cherry white

Bird cherry is undemanding to soils, has a high yield, so gardeners began to cultivate it on their plots. Beekeepers place their apiaries next to groves where bird cherry grows in large quantities. This plant is a wonderful honey plant. It contains vitamins C, P and E, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper and others useful material maintain health and help cure many diseases.

Fragrant bird cherry

Lung diseases are treated with decoctions of flowers and leaves of bird cherry, they are brewed and drunk as a pleasant fragrant and healing tea. Vital essential vitamins and microelements - such as citric and malic acids, sugar, tannins - as well as rare elements titanium, molybdenum and strontium are well preserved in dry fruits, in some cases they help to improve the condition with a decrease in the activity of systems and a deterioration in the functioning of organs.

Bird cherry red

Few people know that there is a red bird cherry, it also pleases with its beauty and fragrant smell. The tree blooms flowers seven days later than bird cherry and blooms longer. The inflorescences are larger and fluffier, and the taste of the berries is different. Traditional medicine convinces with many examples in practice that red bird cherry is very good for health. Its bactericidal and anti-inflammatory properties are used to destroy pathogenic microflora.

Red bird cherry berries help in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. Fresh and in decoctions, they are used as an astringent. The bark, leaves, flowers and berries are brewed and taken for bronchitis and.

Contraindications to the use of bird cherry

It must be remembered that with prolonged infusion of berries and bird cherry bark, amygdalin glycoside is cleaved and hydrocyanic acid, a toxic substance, is formed, so products prepared from bird cherry should not be stored for a long time. Bird cherry is contraindicated in pregnancy and children under two years of age. It is not recommended to decorate rooms with bouquets of bird cherry flowers: an allergy may appear from the aroma, since flowers and leaves contain an increased amount of phytoncides.

Expert editor: Sokolova Nina Vladimirovna| Phytotherapeutist

Education: A diploma in the specialty "Medicine" and "Therapy" received at the University named after N. I. Pirogov (2005 and 2006). Advanced training at the Department of Phytotherapy at the Moscow University of Peoples' Friendship (2008).

The beauty bird cherry is familiar to everyone. But not everyone knows that this amazing plant has the ability of a natural healer. It is very important to apply these qualities correctly: otherwise, bird cherry therapy can bring not good, but harm to the body.

Bird cherry: flowers-berries

Bird cherry blossoms... How many wonderful poetic images are inspired by the lush lacy flowering of this wonderful tree! But the wonderful fragrant flowers of bird cherry are by no means the only advantage of the plant, to which people have paid close attention for a very long time.

Fragrant flowers - the first thing they remember when talking about bird cherry

Archaeologists found in one of the parking lots primitive man petrified bird cherry seeds. Consequently, the fruits of this tree were used by our distant ancestors as early as the Stone Age - earlier than the vast majority of currently known cultivated plants.

People enjoyed the same bird cherry in the Stone Age

Tradition and modernity

AT recent times the undeservedly forgotten good traditions of the Slavs are being revived, in which the use of bird cherry was everyday - both for culinary and medicinal purposes. Almost all parts of the plant were used: its fruits, berries, leaves and bark.

Bird cherry flour was in the old days a mandatory preparation for the winter

From dried bird cherry berries, for example, flour was made at special mills, which was mixed with rye and wheat and baked incredibly delicious bread. And bird cherry pies, cooked according to old recipes, are now becoming original decoration any holiday table.

Until recently, the botanical classification for some reason defined the bird cherry as the closest relatives ... to the plum. Now, scientists have revised this position: indeed, in many of its qualities, the bird cherry is much closer to the cherry. Breeders have already managed to bring out viable and very promising hybrids that received names by adding parental Latin names: padocerus (cherry cherry) and cerapadus (cherry cherry).

A hybrid of cherry and bird cherry cerapadus combined the best parental qualities

Bouquet of bird cherry

In the genus of bird cherry, there are two dozen species that hybridize with each other. The most famous and widespread species is the common bird cherry. Its properties are well studied and widely used in traditional medicine.

Common bird cherry is well studied as a medicinal plant

At the next most popular stage are two types of American origin: virgin and late; they are also quite common in our gardens. In the Far East, for medicinal purposes, a local species is sometimes also used - bird cherry Maaka.

The main types of plants - gallery

Common bird cherry - the most popular species among the people

Bird cherry siori - healing properties little studied species

Bird cherry can have both red and yellow or black berries

Cheryomukha Maaka - fruits are inedible

Late bird cherry has large, up to a centimeter in diameter, tasty fruits

Everyone in the garden!

Harvesting bird cherry is a responsible business. Its berries are harvested fully ripe: the riper, the tastier they become. The bird cherry season begins in mid-August, when they are harvested, plucked in whole bunches.

It is important to properly prepare the flowers and berries of bird cherry

It is very important to choose the right moment for picking berries: the weather should be clear, and the morning dew on the fruits should be completely evaporated. Cherry berries are dried along with the stalks, which are removed after the raw material has completely dried.

Before laying for storage, the berries must be freed from the stalks

Fragrant clusters of flowers are harvested in May, and even before that - tree bark and young twigs: they are most healing in early spring, at the peak of sap flow. Bird cherry leaves are usually not harvested for future use, but are used only fresh throughout the warm season, from spring to autumn.

Branches and bark of bird cherry are cut or broken into small pieces. This raw material is dried at low temperature in an oven, electric dryer or in a natural way. Without losing their useful properties, the bark and berries are stored in thick paper or linen bags for a long time - up to five years. The shelf life of delicate inflorescences of bird cherry is significantly less - no more than a year (subject to good ventilation).

Delicate flowers of bird cherry are not stored longer than a year

Composition and benefits

In addition to organic acids and bitterness, which give bird cherry berries a unique taste, this plant contains in its various parts a huge amount of other biologically active compounds, including:

  • flavonoids;
  • vitamins C, A, E, P;
  • routine;
  • coloring matter - anthocyanins;
  • Sahara;
  • tannins;
  • essential oil.

Acids and bitterness give the berries a characteristic bird cherry taste.

But special attention should be paid to high concentration substances that make bird cherry both uniquely useful and potentially dangerous - when misapplication. We are talking about phytoncides and glycosides.

Volatile phytoncides give us an amazing aroma of bird cherry

It is thanks to phytoncides that flowering bird cherry smells so magical. But one should not be alone for a long time with a fragrant bouquet in closed room: Loading dose of these compounds can be detrimental to both cardiovascular and nervous system. At the same time, in small doses, phytoncides are healing: they destroy pathogenic microbes.

Significant harm can also be caused by the glycoside amygdalin, which is especially abundant in the seeds of bird cherry fruits. When broken down in the body, amygdalin releases the infamous hydrocyanic acid.

These cute berries contain hydrocyanic acid

Hence the signature taste of bitter almonds, and the accompanying very unpleasant consequences. Heat treatment eliminates the problem, but it is nevertheless necessary to remember it.

In bird cherry, especially in its berries, the content of minerals valuable for the human body is also high, primarily such trace elements as cobalt and manganese.

Cherry berries are a storehouse of valuable trace elements

Chemical composition of bird cherry berries - table

The effectiveness of folk remedies

Since ancient times, the astringent property of bird cherry berries has been known, which has been successfully used in folk medicine to this day for the treatment of diarrhea and dysbacteriosis. In addition, the medicinal plant has a number of useful qualities for humans, including:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antibiotic;
  • hemostatic;
  • urine and diaphoretic;
  • sedative;
  • antiscorbutic.

Tender and fragrant bird cherry boldly fights with many ailments

The benefits of bird cherry flowers and fruits - video

Use in traditional medicine

The benefits of bird cherry are recognized not only by non-traditional, but also by official medicine. For the preparation of medicinal products, usually only one type of plant is used - the bird cherry. The properties of other species, unfortunately, are still studied too little.

Common bird cherry - the "head doctor" of a kind

homemade recipes

Quantity folk recipes from the leaves, flowers, bark and berries of bird cherry is very large. Their value, among other things, lies in interchangeability: for the treatment of the same ailments, you can use different forms and different parts of the plant.

For medicinal preparations, various parts of the bird cherry are used.

Infusion of flowers

Well heals purulent and other wounds, burns; treats eye diseases, as well as stomatitis in the oral cavity.



  1. Rub dry bird cherry flowers in your palms and pour them into warm boiled water.
  2. Infusion lasts 6-7 hours, after which the drink should be filtered.

Ready infusion is used for washings, lotions and rinses; inside use a third of a glass on an empty stomach and at bedtime.

leaf infusion

Take with beriberi, accumulated fatigue and loss of strength; the drug improves metabolism.


  • bird cherry leaves - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.
Bird cherry leaves are usually used fresh, not dried.


  1. Pour the leaves into a teapot and steam with boiling water.
  2. The infusion is prepared within a quarter of an hour, it can not be filtered.

Drink two glasses throughout the day healthy tea in which you can, if desired, stir a little honey.

Infusion with leaves and flowers

Stops inflammation, restores damaged tissues.



  1. Grind medicinal raw materials in the evening and pour it with boiled cool water.
  2. In the morning, drain the infusion through 4-5 layers of gauze.

Use for washes, compresses and lotions.

Berry tea

Improves digestion and male potency, tones.


  • bird cherry fruits, fresh or dried, - 2 teaspoons;
  • boiling water - 0.3 liters.

Tea with bird cherry berries is called the drink of love


  1. Fresh fruits can be crushed, dry fruits can be crushed.
  2. Brew the prepared berries with freshly boiled water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

Drink during the day in small doses.

bark decoction

Successfully used as a douche for the treatment of gynecological inflammation; when taken internally, it supports the work of the heart.


  • bird cherry bark - 1 tablespoon;
  • hot water - 1 glass.

Bird cherry bark - the basis for universal medicinal preparations


  1. Grind the bark and steam it with boiling water.
  2. Simmer on low heat for at least half an hour with the lid closed.
  3. Filter the decoction that has cooled completely.

Take a tablespoon half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Decoction of berries

Strengthens the immune system, is used to prevent and treat colds; contributes to the improvement of vision.


  • bird cherry fruits - 1 tablespoon;
  • hot water - 1 glass.


  1. Boil dried fruits and keep covered in a water bath for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Cool naturally, then filter.

The finished broth is divided into three equal doses and consumed throughout the day.

A decoction of leaves and twigs

An excellent drug for relieving joint and muscle pain, treating rheumatism.


  • thin twigs and green leaves of bird cherry - 1 tablespoon each;
  • boiling water - 0.5 liters.

A decoction of bird cherry leaves and twigs is an excellent drug for relieving joint and muscle pain, treating rheumatism


  1. Cut medicinal raw materials into pieces, steam with boiling water.
  2. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour the cooled broth through a sieve.

Take orally 50 milliliters two or three times a day.

Leaf decoction

It has a positive effect on the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves inflammation and eliminates infections.


  • fresh bird cherry leaves - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 0.3 liters.

A decoction with bird cherry leaves is good for digestion


  1. Boil the pre-cut leaves with boiled water.
  2. Keep on low heat for no longer than five minutes.
  3. Cool, strain, refrigerate.

Drink a ready-made broth in three doses, each half an hour before meals; single serving - a quarter cup.

Tincture on the bark

Effective antimicrobial and restorative agent; recommended for digestive disorders.


  • crushed bird cherry bark - 0.5 cups;
  • high-quality vodka - 0.5 liters.

Alcohol extract concentrates the beneficial substances of the bird cherry bark


  1. Pour the bird cherry bark into the vodka and shake well.
  2. Insist in a warm and dark place for 12-14 days, then decant the finished extract.

Use externally as a rub for sore joints or inside a teaspoon once or twice a day.

Tincture on flowers

A good remedy for the normalization of the pulse and the prevention of heart disease.


  • dry inflorescences of bird cherry - 1 cup;
  • medical alcohol - 0.5 liters.

Bird cherry flowers - support for the heart


  1. Bird cherry flowers drenched in alcohol are infused away from light for two weeks, shaking occasionally.
  2. After this period, the finished product is filtered and cleaned in a dark, cold place.

Take 2-3 times a day, 20 drops, mixing them with a little water or a teaspoon of sugar.

Berry tincture

It normalizes the heart rhythm, treats neurosis, improves the functioning of the digestive tract.


  • fresh bird cherry berries - 1 cup;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters.
Bird cherry tincture in small doses normalizes heart rhythm, treats neuroses, improves the functioning of the digestive tract


  1. Scatter ripe bird cherry in an even thin layer on a clean napkin and dry for two days.
  2. Mash the berries a little in a non-metallic mortar and pour vodka.
  3. After three weeks of infusion, filter.

Drink one to two teaspoons before meals twice a day.


An old way of harvesting bird cherry berries; It is used both in cooking and in healing - to mobilize the reserves of the body, treat infectious diseases and as a semi-finished product for other medicinal preparations.


  1. It is good to dry the ripe fruits of the bird cherry.
  2. Grind the dried berries in a coffee grinder in small portions to a state of flour.
  3. Sift the resulting powder through a sieve to get rid of large pieces of seeds.

AT pure form taken orally in a teaspoon three times a day between meals.


A strong energy drink, powerfully saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, restores metabolism.


  • ripe bird cherry - 1 kilogram;
  • boiled water - 0.5 liters.
Cherry juice saturates the body with vitamins and minerals, restores metabolism


  1. Squeeze the juice from freshly picked cherry fruits using a juicer.
  2. Pour the cake with an equal volume of boiled water, stir, squeeze and combine with fresh juice.
  3. Put in the refrigerator, for better preservation, you can pour a tablespoon of vodka or alcohol.

Juice is consumed one - two times a day for half a glass.

Treatment regimens

When taking preparations of bird cherry, one should remember that this plant is poisonous and an overdose in the treatment of them is dangerous. It is necessary to strictly adhere to proven measures of application and regimens of therapy, and in difficult cases - be sure to seek medical help.

Caution: useful bird cherry is dangerous in case of overdose!

Therapy with bird cherry preparations - table

Application features

The practice of using a natural healing agent has existed for a very long time, so some features of the use of bird cherry preparations stand out in it.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

In the old days, herbalists successfully used bird cherry as a contraceptive. This should be kept in mind if you are planning to have a child. The active substances of the plant tend to accumulate in female body it will take some time to get them out. For this reason, the use of bird cherry in any form should be completely stopped at least three months before the planned conception.

Cannot be consumed during pregnancy

You can not use this folk remedy for women also during the period of bearing a child and after childbirth, while the baby is on breastfeeding. Bird cherry, which is usually useful for women's health, can become dangerous for the health of mother and baby at the indicated intervals.

For kids

Cherry, rich in valuable substances, can be very useful for full development fast growing child. But before giving the child this folk remedy, the risks from its use should be completely eliminated.

Of all parts of the plant, its leaves are the least toxic, so children are usually prescribed drugs based on them. But even these sparing drugs are not recommended for babies under the age of two.

Bird cherry tea before two years should not be given to children

Most often, children are prescribed bird cherry for the treatment of intestinal disorders and helminthic invasions. Consult with the attending pediatrician - he will help you choose the right dosage for the child in each case.

In cosmetology

Regular consumption of bird cherry helps to normalize digestion, metabolism and cleanse the body. Thanks to this alone, the skin of the face and body becomes fresher, younger and healthier. However, external use folk remedies gives such clear and convincing results that you should definitely use it.

Cherry will help with skin problems

In home cosmetology, bird cherry is most often used to get rid of acne and other dermatological problems. In addition, the active compounds of infusions and decoctions contribute to the acceleration of metabolic and regenerative processes - the skin is renewed, gets rid of wrinkles, flabbiness and age spots.

Fresh berry juice helps a lot with acne and dermatitis - they need to lubricate problem areas several times a day. To enhance and consolidate the positive effect, add morning washing with a fragrant infusion of bird cherry flowers into your daily face care practice or make cosmetic ice out of it. It will invigorate you and your skin.


Since bird cherry contains toxic components, the use of its preparations should be taken with special responsibility. There are a number of contraindications for this folk remedy, including:

Take responsibility for the use of these berries

The wonderful aroma of bird cherry can also cause health troubles, for example, if you decorate an unventilated bedroom with flowers.

A bouquet of bird cherry, if you stay close to it for a long time, can ruin your well-being and mood

As in this, and in any other case associated with the use of bird cherry, any manifestations of discomfort should become a danger signal for you and a reason for an immediate visit to a doctor.

Photo of flowers of a medicinal plant Bird cherry

Bird cherry - useful properties and contraindications

bird cherry has astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiemetic action, has a detrimental effect on protozoa.

Latin name: Prunus padus.

English title: bird cherry.

Family: Rosaceae - Rosaceae.

Parts of bird cherry used: fruits, leaves, bark and flowers.

Botanical description: bird cherry is a tree or shrub 0.6-10 m high. The leaves are petiolate, alternate, with a serrated blade along the edge. The flowers are white, collected in drooping brushes. Blooms in May - June. Seeds ripen in August - September.

Habitat: bird cherry natural range - North Africa (Morocco), South, Central, West, North and Eastern Europe, Minor, Central and East Asia (including many provinces of China). Bird cherry grows in Ukraine and the European part of Russia, Western Siberia and Central Asia. Bird cherry grows along river banks, forest edges, in floodplain meadows, in mixed forests, among shrubs and along ravines.

Collection, preparation and storage: fruits are harvested as they ripen from July to September; flowers in May; bark in early spring.

Bird cherry brushes with fruits are cut in dry, clear weather, scattered in a thin layer, dried in air or in ovens, dryers, ovens at a temperature of 40-50 ° C. Then separated from the stems, stalks, burnt fruits, impurities. Dried berries are black or dull, round-elongated, wrinkled, odorless, sour-sweet taste.

The bark is dried outdoors, in ovens, dryers, ovens at 40 °C. The flowers are air dried in the shade.

Store medicinal raw materials of bird cherry in boxes or bags, in a dry, ventilated area. The shelf life of fruits is 3-5 years, flowers - 1 year, bark - 5 years.

Active ingredients: tannins were found in the fruits, bark and leaves of bird cherry (2-3% in the bark, up to 15% in the pulp). Free hydrocyanic acid was also found - in the bark 0.09%, in the leaves - 0.05%. The fruits also contain organic acids (malic and citric), vitamins - ascorbic acid, rutin, anthocyanins, flavonoids (up to 20%,), up to 5% sugars, essential oil. Fatty oil and glycosides - amygdalin, prulaurazine, prunazine - were found in the kernels of bird cherry seeds. The leaves accumulate up to 0.28% ascorbic acid, essential oil. Fruits, flowers, bark, buds and especially leaves contain benzoic aldehyde, which determines their phytoncidal properties.

Amygdalin during enzymatic cleavage gives benzoic aldehyde, hydrocyanic acid and glucose. The bark and leaves contain free hydrocyanic acid. The highest content of amygdalin was found in the bark (2%) and seeds (1.5%).

Common bird cherry - useful properties and uses

Bird cherry preparations have astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antiemetic effects, and have a detrimental effect on protozoa.

Ripe fruits have a fixing, astringent, bactericidal, vitamin, tonic, anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the function of the intestines and stomach. Anthocyanins with P-vitamin activity have a capillary-strengthening effect.

Bird cherry in folk medicine

An infusion of flowers regulates metabolism, is useful for pulmonary tuberculosis and gangrene of the extremities. Fruit infusion is used to treat inflammatory diseases of the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Bird cherry bark is used as a tonic and sedative for headaches, diseases of the heart and stomach. There is evidence of the benefits of preparations of bird cherry bark in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, as well as for leucorrhoea, fever, stomach cramps and colds.

An infusion of the bark is used to rinse the mouth and relieve toothache. Fresh bark and young branches are infused for dermatoses, furunculosis, articular and muscular rheumatism. Infusions of the bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of bird cherry are used for coughing and bronchial spasm and for douching with trichomonas inflammation of the vagina. The juice of fruits and leaves is used to treat purulent and infected wounds.

  • The recipe for a decoction of bird cherry bark: prepared at the rate of 10 g of raw materials per 1 glass hot water. Boil in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, filter hot, wring out and bring the volume to the original. Take 1/3 cup 3 times a day.
  • Recipe for infusion of bird cherry fruits: 1 tablespoon of raw materials is poured into 1 cup of hot water, boiled in a closed enameled bowl in a water bath for 15 minutes, cooled at room temperature for 45 minutes, filtered through two or three layers of gauze, squeezed and brought to the initial volume with boiled water. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

Photo of the berries of a medicinal plant Bird cherry


Self-treatment is dangerous! Before treatment at home, consult with your doctor.

Bird cherry treatment
  1. Angina. 3-4 inflorescences of bird cherry (you can leave leaves and twigs), pour a glass of boiling water (you can in a thermos), leave for 15 minutes, gargle with infusion.
  2. Vaginitis. In the spring, when the bird cherry picks up color, but has not yet bloomed, cut off thin young, but not green branches. Finely break them, dry, store in paper bags. Pour a third of the volume of dry raw materials into an enameled dish, pour cold water to the top, close the lid, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes over low heat, then reduce the fire to a minimum and simmer for another 10 minutes. Remove, wrap, insist 3 hours. Douche.
  3. Fixing agents. Brew bird cherry berries and drink like tea.
  4. Itchy skin. If the skin is itchy, take a warm bath, in which add a decoction of bird cherry: pour 5-6 handfuls of chopped branches of bird cherry ordinary with boiling water in a 3-5-liter saucepan. Steam for 4-5 hours over low heat, and pour into the bathroom. Reception time is 30-40 minutes. After the bath, do not rinse or dry yourself.
  5. myocardial infarction. Mix in equal parts bird cherry flowers and pure alcohol. Insist 14 days, strain. Take 14 drops of tincture on a piece of sugar.
  6. Malaria, fever. 1 tablespoon of bird cherry bark in a glass of water, boil for 10 minutes, then leave for 20 minutes, strain and drink the infusion a day in 3-4 doses between attacks.
  7. Thrush in men and women. Pour 3 tablespoons of bird cherry berries with 2 glasses of water (preferably kvass), boil, leave for 10-15 minutes, strain. Sweeten with honey and drink throughout the day.
  8. Treatment of wounds. Break branches of bird cherry, rinse, peel off the bark, pour twigs with water (0.5 l) and boil for a long time over low heat until 1-1.5 tablespoons of broth remain in the pan. Cool and pour warm on the wound, covering with gauze in 3-4 layers. After a while, the composition will harden like jelly. The next day, on the film that has formed on the wound, pour new composition. And do so until a scab forms. Moisten it with triple cologne or alcohol. The crust will fall off, and under it - a thin new skin.
  9. Cracks in the skin of the hands and fingers. Sprigs of bird cherry pour boiling water, insist and soar in this hand infusion. At night, wrap your hands with a cloth soaked in the infusion. In 3 days, the cracks will heal, and in a week new skin will grow.
  10. Barley on the eye. Pour 1 tablespoon of bird cherry flowers with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, strain. Use for lotions.

During the Second World War, many hospitals successfully used the juice of its fruits to treat purulent wounds.

Bird cherry has phytoncidal properties, thanks to which it contributes to the improvement of the atmosphere. Volatile phytoncides of bird cherry in the first minutes kill flies, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges.

Contraindications. The internal use of bird cherry as a poisonous plant requires caution. Also, preparations from bird cherry are contraindicated during pregnancy.

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