The Expert Community for Bathroom Remodeling

Alexander Parfentiev Torpi. Preparing for a detailed presentation Interesting facts: what these animals eat

In the spring, the snow melted quickly, the water rose and flooded the beaver hut.
The beavers dragged the beaver cubs onto dry leaves, but the water crept up even higher, and the beaver cubs had to spread out in different directions.
The smallest beaver was exhausted and began to sink.
I noticed him and pulled him out of the water. I thought it was a water rat, and then I see - a tail with a spatula, and guessed that it was a beaver.
At home, he cleaned and dried for a long time, then he found a broom behind the stove, sat on his hind legs, took a twig from the broom with his front paws and began to gnaw it.
After eating, the beaver collected all the sticks and leaves, raked it under him and fell asleep.
I listened to how a beaver sniffles in a dream. “Here, - I think, - what a calm animal - you can leave him alone, nothing will happen!”
He locked the beaver in the hut and went into the forest.
All night I wandered through the forest with a gun, and in the morning I returned home, opened the door, and...
What is it? It's like I'm in a carpentry shop!
White shavings are scattered all over the floor, and a thin, thin leg near the table: the beaver gnawed it from all sides. And he hid behind the stove.
The water subsided overnight. I put the beaver in a bag and quickly carried it to the river.
Since I met a tree felled by beavers in the forest, I immediately remember about the beaver that gnawed my table.


In the spring, the snow melted quickly, the water rose and flooded the beaver hut.

The beavers dragged the beaver cubs onto dry leaves, but the water crept up even higher, and the beaver cubs had to spread out in different directions.

The smallest beaver was exhausted and began to sink.

I noticed him and pulled him out of the water. I thought it was a water rat, and then I see a tail with a spatula, and I guessed that it was a beaver.

At home, he cleaned and dried for a long time, then he found a broom behind the stove, sat on his hind legs, took a twig from the broom with his front paws and began to gnaw it.

After eating, the beaver collected all the sticks and leaves, raked them under him and fell asleep.
I listened to how a beaver sniffles in a dream. “Here,” I think, “what a calm animal – you can leave him alone, nothing will happen!”

He locked the beaver in the hut and went into the forest.

All night I wandered through the forest with a gun, and in the morning I returned home, opened the door and ...

What is it? It's like I'm in a carpentry shop!

White shavings are scattered all over the floor, and a thin, thin leg near the table: the beaver gnawed it from all sides. And he hid behind the stove.

The water subsided overnight. I put the beaver in a bag and quickly carried it to the river.

Since I met a tree felled by beavers in the forest, I immediately think about the beaver that gnawed my table. (203 words.)

When completing tasks 1–9, mark √ the number of the correct answer.

1. In the text mostly says that

1. A beaver gnawed a table leg in the hero's house.

2. In the spring, water flooded the beaver hut.

3. Beaver in captivity behaves like in nature.

4. Beaver is a very calm animal.

2. It is clear from the text that in the situation with the table leg, the beaver

1. stupid animal

2. ungrateful animal

3. wild animal

4. voracious animal

1. you can’t leave a beaver alone at home

2. the beaver always obeys instincts

3. a beaver can gnaw on a table leg

4. don't take a rescued beaver home

4. The hero carried the beaver cub to the river because

1. offended by a stupid beaver

2. beaver must live in the wild

3. felt sorry for the little beaver

4. he is tired of the stupid beaver

5. Why did the beaver need the help of a hero?

1. beaver was abandoned by parents

2. the beaver was the smallest

3. the beaver was naughty

4. water flooded the beaver hut

6. In what expression does the narrator show his attitude towards the beaver?

1. what a calm animal - you can leave one

2. the smallest beaver was exhausted and began to sink

3. after eating, the beaver collected all the sticks and leaves

4. I put the beaver in a bag and quickly took it to the river

7. Determine the correct sequence of events.

BUT. beaver “naughty”

B. the hero saved the beaver

AT. beaver ate and fell asleep

G. the hero released the beaver

D. beaver is in trouble.





8. In what expression does the author describe the habits of the animal?

1. The little beaver was exhausted and began to sink.

2. The little beaver slept peacefully and sniffed in his sleep.

3. The little beaver sat on its hind legs and began to gnaw on a twig.

4. The little beaver gnawed the leg of the table and hid behind the stove.

9. What book do you think the text is taken from?

1. Stories about animals.

2. Poems about nature.

3. fairy tales about animals.

4. Encyclopedia of animals.

10. Insert the missing word.

I thought it was a water rat, and then I see - the tail ________________, and guessed that it was a beaver.

Add an offer.

11. The little beaver sat on its hind legs, took a twig from a broom with its front paws and ___________________________________________________________________.

Doing task 12, write a detailed answer to the question.

12. Why G.Ya. Snegiryov called the story that way?






Part III: evaluation table with evaluation criteria (for the teacher).The letter “P” marks tasks of an increased level of complexity.

Job number.

Correct answer or grading criteria.

1 point – the correct answer is chosen (the subject of the text) 3) the beaver in captivity behaves as in nature.

0 points

1 point – the correct answer is chosen 3) a wild animal.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - the correct answer is chosen 2) the beaver always obeys instincts.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - the correct answer is chosen 2) the beaver must live in the wild.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - Selected correct answer. 2) the beaver was the smallest.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - Selected correct answer. 1) what a calm animal - you can leave one.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

7 - P

1 point - Selected correct answer. 4) DBVAG.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - Selected correct answer. 3) the beaver sat on its hind legs and began to gnaw on a twig.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

9 - P

1 point - Selected correct answer. 3) dietary supplement.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - Selected correct answer. 1) stories about animals.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - the word is included in the sentence with a spatula.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

1 point - the sentence continued with the words: started chewing on it.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1 point.

13 - P

2 points - a coherent monologue statement containing the answer to the question posed is given.

1 point - the rationale is correct, but the statement contains speech errors.

0 points – all other cases that do not meet the criteria by 1–2 points.

14–11 points - high level.

10–7 points - a basic level of.

6 points or less- low level.

© 2003–2015 Publishing House "First of September"

Address: st. Kyiv, 24, Moscow, Russia, 121165, publishing house "First of September", Organizing Committee of the festival "Open Lesson"

Lesson objectives:

  • Educational: improve students' knowledge on the topic under study, develop students' speech.
  • Educational: continue to develop in students a respectful attitude to nature and to “our smaller brothers”.

Corrective: to improve the methods of writing a detailed presentation by students.

Lesson equipment:

  • Blackboard
  • Handout for students
  • Different types of linguistic dictionaries
  • Pictures depicting elements of the story (hunter, beaver, dam on the river)

During the classes

1. Organizing moment. Explanation of the goals and objectives of the lesson. Student motivation.

Checking homework for students is carried out throughout the lesson.

2. Opening speech with students (in the form of a conversation)

Key points of the conversation:

  • about spring floods of rivers;
  • about the disasters that animals suffer at this time;
  • about how people come to help them.

3. Primary acquaintance of students with the text for presentation(first reading of the text by the teacher)

Presentation text:


The beavers dragged the beaver cubs onto dry leaves, but the water crept up even higher, and the beaver cubs had to spread out in different directions.

The smallest beaver was exhausted and began to sink. I noticed him and pulled him out of the water. I see - a tail with a spatula, and guessed that it was a beaver.

At home, he cleaned and dried for a long time. Then he found a broom behind the stove, sat down on his hind legs, took a twig from the broom with his front paws and began to gnaw.

All night I wandered through the forest with a gun, and in the morning I returned home. White shavings are scattered all over the floor, and the table has a thin, thin leg. The beaver gnawed it from all sides, and hid behind the stove.

The water subsided overnight. I put the beaver in a bag and quickly carried it to the river. (124 w.) (According to G. Snegirev)

4. Checking students' primary perception of textual material(oral work in the lesson with the text of the presentation):

Answer the questions:

  1. What happened to the beaver hut in the spring?
  2. Why did the hunter think it was a beaver?
  3. What else can you say about the appearance of the beaver?
  4. Where do beavers live?
  5. What do they eat?
  6. Why are dams built?
  7. What picture did the hunter see upon returning home?
  8. Which sentence in the text indicates that the hunter wanted to part with the beaver? (He put the beaver in a bag and quickly carried it to the river.)

5. Second reading of the text for presentation.

6. Drawing up a presentation plan.

What parts can be distinguished in the text? How to title them?

Presentation plan:

(Compiled together with students and written by the teacher on the blackboard).

  1. High water.
  2. Little beaver.
  3. In the hunter's hut.
  4. Beaver's night work.
  5. Get to the river.

7. Vocabulary work.

Vocabulary words are written on the board and their spelling is explained: Bobrenok, crept up, blur, with a spatula, thin-thin, hurry up.

8. Oral and written task for the development of students' speech and the prevention of spelling and punctuation errors in the text of the presentation.

1. What words and expressions close in meaning can be selected for these words and phrases:

  • water rose - arrived
  • beaver hut - beaver house
  • the water climbed even higher - approached
  • spatulate tail - wedge-shaped
  • wandered through the forest with a gun - walked
  • lying down - lying down
  • gnawed - sawed

Which of these words should be preferred and why?

2. Pick up synonyms for the words:

  • build - create
  • melted - swam
  • small - small
  • cleaned - brushed off

3. Explain the spelling of consonants in the root of words:

  • gnaw
  • shavings.

4. Explain (orally) spelling in words:

  • rose
  • flooded
  • blur
  • wandered
  • lying around
  • planted

5. Analyze the sentences by members, explain the punctuation marks.

In the spring, the snow melted quickly, the water rose and flooded the beaver hut.

The smallest beaver was exhausted and began to sink.

The beaver gnawed it from all sides, and hid behind the stove.

9. Final reading of the text for presentation(just before posting)

10. Explaining the new homework(students need to repeat the material on the topic being studied).

The result of the lesson is summed up after checking the work of students.

The beaver is a semi-aquatic mammal that belongs to the order of rodents and the beaver family. Beavers first appeared in Asia. Habitat - Europe, Asia, North America. In the past, these poor animals almost completely disappeared from the face of the earth. Naturally, through the fault of man, because many fur coats and hats were sewn from the beautiful skins of beavers.

The body length of a beaver reaches up to 1.2 m. They can weigh about 30 kg. In nature, the beaver lives up to 17 years. The beaver has strong and flattened claws. Wide, short ears, small eyes, short legs, funny round tail. Fur color can vary from light chestnut to black.

Beavers settle near lakes, ponds, streams, reservoirs, rivers, sometimes they dig a mink for themselves. Beavers are herbivores, feeding on tree shoots, bark, and various herbaceous plants. Beavers have very good teeth, so they sometimes fell trees by sawing them at the base. Their teeth and jaw can be compared to a saw.

Beavers build burrows out of mud and branches. The house turns out to be half submerged under water, in the mink there is a main chamber located at the top. The entrance and "pantry" are used to store food supplies, they are underground. Beavers gnaw trees at the base to sharpen them, cut them into different pieces and get the material they need. Mud, stones and trees are needed by beavers to build dams, so they isolate their holes, around they form something like a small pond, the water level always remains the same. When it's cold in winter, beavers are forced to swim underwater to get to their food stores, because the surface is covered with ice.

The main enemies are foxes, wolves, brown bears and humans.
The mating season for beavers begins in January and ends at the end of February. Mating takes place in the water. Females carry their cubs for 105 days. Little beavers are born around April, May. They are born pubescent, half-eyed, weigh 500 g. After about 2 days, beavers can begin to swim. Mom helps the beavers. Leaves begin to feed after 3-4 months, but the mother still feeds them with milk. After 2 years, the beavers are resettled.

The beaver is a hardworking and persistent animal that has taught people a lot. Even people have borrowed something from these smart animals. For example, some engineering solutions and techniques in the construction of dams.

A selection of photos of beavers

Beaver- a fairly large rodent living along the banks of rivers. He is known as a good swimmer and dam builder. Distributed in North America and Eurasia. It is valued for its luxurious fur and beaver stream, which is used in perfumery, so people have been hunting for it for a long time. At one time, rodents were even on the verge of extinction.


The animal is large, weighs up to 30 kilograms, body length is about a meter. He has valuable fur, however, there is no fur on the tail, instead of it there are scales. When a rodent swims, its fur does not get wet, and the animal does not freeze in the water. The tail is interestingly arranged, it helps the beaver to “steer” (by the way, the animal can spend up to fifteen minutes under water). On its paws, it has swimming membranes, thanks to which the animal develops speeds of up to ten kilometers per hour. On the front paws there are also sharp claws. The teeth, especially the four front incisors, are sharp, they are real tools and act like a saw.


These rodents live near the reservoir and rarely move far from it. The beaver family consists of several individuals, about five in total, but they can also live alone. Beavers work hard in autumn, and much less in summer. In winter, they do not leave their homes at all, especially when it is cold. Rodents can live longer than twenty years in captivity, but in nature - about fifteen years.


Beavers are herbivorous, they feed on plants growing along the banks or in the water. They also love the bark of different trees. In summer, rodents are not hungry, because there are many plants around. But for the winter you have to make preparations: animals hide the bark of trees under water.


In order to build a dam, a beaver first needs to cut down a tree that it gnaws through with its teeth. Pieces of trees are sent to the construction site, where they are stuck into the bottom of the river. And on the surface of the water, brushwood is laid on top of a fallen tree. The floating house of a beaver is called a hut, the animal breaks through the approaches to it under water. A hut is built when it is not possible to dig a hole. The dam also protects the hut during the flood, so that the dwelling is not flooded.

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