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Krivolapova extracurricular activities development program. Education workers of the Kurgan region

The course of extracurricular activities "Learning to think" is intended for the formation of meta-subject UUD, the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests, involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus subjects 5-7 grades. Classes are held in a game form and in the form of subject-oriented training.

In grades 5-7, one hour per week. In total - 102 hours.

The purpose of the program is to form competence in the field of cognitive activity, develop and consolidate the skills of logical thinking, create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special educational skills, and, thus, make children active participants in the educational process, interested in meaningful educational outcomes.

I publish and KTP extracurricular activities "Learning to think" at 5-6 (separately)



Kushchevsky district _____________________

(territorial, administrative district (city, district, town););

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school № _20 im. Milevsky N.I ____

(full name of the educational institution);


by the decision of the teachers' council protocol No. 1

Chairman of the teachers' council


signature of the head of the educational institution F.I.O.


course extracurricular activities "Learning to think"

direction intellectual _____________________________________

Level of education (class); _______basic general, grade 5-7 _________________________

(primary general, basic general, secondary (complete); general education with indication of classes);

Number of hours 102/1 per week Level _ basic ____________________________

(basic, profile);

Teacher Babkova Galina Vladimirovna __________________________________________

The program is developed on the basis of the course"AT extracurricular activity.Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades, Moscow, ed. "Enlightenment", 2012,author Krivolapova N.A.

Explanatory note

to the program of extracurricular activities "Learning to think"

for grades 5-7 (total 102 hours, 34 hours per academic year, 1 hour per week);

The work program is based on the following documents:

  • Federal state educational standard of basic general education;
  • The main educational program of the school;
  • program "In extracurricular activity.Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades",author Krivolapova N.A.;
  • letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnodar Territory dated September 27, 2012 No. 47-14800/12-14 and annexes thereto;
  • Guidelines for educational organizations Krasnodar Territory on teaching the subject "Informatics and ICT" in the 2015-2016 academic year;
  • Decree Federal Service on supervision in the light of consumer protection and human well-being, Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated 29.12. 2010 N 189 "On the approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions", with changes.

The federal state educational standard of basic general education makes new requirements for the results of students mastering the basic educational program. At the same time, a very important role is given to the orientation of education towards the formation of universal (metasubject); general educational skills, a socially significant value attitude to knowledge, the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests.

The course of extracurricular activities "Learning to think" is intended for the formation of meta-subject UUD, the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of educational subjects of grades 5-7. Classes are held in a game form and in the form of subject-oriented training.

The course of extracurricular activities "Learning to think" is studied in grades 5-7 for one hour a week. In total - 102 hours.

The purpose of this program is to form competence in the field of cognitive activity, develop and consolidate the skills of logical thinking, create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special educational skills and, thus, make children active participants in the educational process, interested in high-grade educational results.

Course objectives:

Development of cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, imagination in students on the basis of developing subject-oriented training;

Formation of educational and intellectual skills, methods of mental activity, development of rational ways of its implementation on the basis of taking into account the individual characteristics of students;

Formation of own style of thinking;

The formation of educational and informational skills and the development in practice of various methods of working with various sources of information, the ability to structure information, transform it and present it in various types;

Mastering the techniques of creativity and methods for solving creative problems.

Personal and metasubject resultsmastering the course of extracurricular activities

Personal Outcomes:

  • formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice;
  • the formation of skills to ask questions, to see positive and negative sides phenomena;
  • the ability to link educational and game content with one's own life experience, to understand the importance of a person's intellectual level in the conditions of the development of modern society;
  • formation of communicative competence in the process of creative, playful and educational activities.
  • critical thinking, the ability to recognize logically incorrect statements, to distinguish a hypothesis from a fact;
  • formation of a responsible attitude to the development of their intellectual abilities,
  • formation of the student's readiness and ability for self-development and self-education;
  • formation of the ability and willingness to communicate and cooperate with peers and adults in the process of educational, socially useful, educational, research, creative activities;
  • the ability to emotional perception of objects, tasks, decisions, reasoning.

Metasubject results:


  • the ability to set and formulate for oneself new tasks in cognitive activity, to develop the motives and interests of one's cognitive activity;
  • possession of the basics of self-control, self-assessment, decision-making and implementation conscious choice in gaming and cognitive activities;
  • possession of skills to independently plan ways to achieve goals; correlate their actions with the planned results, exercise control over their activities, determine the methods of action within the framework of the proposed conditions, adjust their actions in accordance with the changing situation; evaluate the correctness of the educational task;


  • ability to listen, master the techniques of rational memorization,
  • the ability to consciously use speech means in accordance with the task of communication; proficiency in oral and written speech;
  • ability to work in a group;


  • possession of general subject concepts, the ability to use the terms "intelligence", "concept", "classification", "sign", "relationship", "regularity", "reasoning", "inference"; understanding the differences between the use of some of these terms in everyday speech and in a scientific context;
  • the ability to define concepts, create generalizations, establish analogies, classify, independently choose the grounds and criteria for classification, establish cause-and-effect relationships, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy); and draw conclusions analyze, compare, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, identify patterns;
  • the ability to clearly, accurately, competently express one's thoughts in oral and written speech, understand the meaning of the task, build arguments, give examples and counterexamples; semantic reading;
  • possession of the basic universal skills of an informational nature: posing and formulating a problem; search and selection of necessary information, application of information retrieval methods; structuring and visualization of information; selection of the most effective ways of solving problems depending on specific conditions; independent creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature;

Development of intellectual skills Grade 5(34 h);

1. Introduction (2 hours);

What is intelligence. The concept of intelligence, creativity. Gift and talent. Work. The value of the development of intelligence. Various types of intelligence.

Diagnostics of intellectual development.

2. The concept as the basis of logical thinking (15 hours);

Concept. Relations between concepts. Generalization of concepts. More general and more particular concepts. Drawing up a logical chain: general - less general - particular (forward and backward); The choice of a more general concept to the given one. Generalization of a pair and a group of concepts. Limitation of concepts. Educational games.

Identification of essential features of concepts. Generalization of concepts and formulation of definitions. Rules for compiling definitions: concept: generalizing word (generic concept); + essential feature (species difference); Practical tasks and educational games.

Functional relationships between concepts. Part - whole, sequences, rows, causes and effects. Establishment of causal relationships. Practical tasks.

Comparison of concepts. Identification of similarities and differences. Opposite relationship. Concepts of the same order, opposite in meaning (antonyms); Synonyms. Homonyms. Identification of similarities and differences in essential features. The main and secondary signs of phenomena. Recognition of objects by the specified features. Analogy. Ability to draw analogies. Educational games.

3. Fundamentals of the classification of concepts (15 hours);

Reserve 2 hours

We learn to think creatively. Grade 6 (34 hours);

3. Fundamentals of the classification of concepts (repetition); (3 hours);

Classification of concepts. Classification rules. The ability to classify concepts on two and three grounds. Generalization of concepts. Selection of definitions for the selected concepts. Educational games.

4. Work with verbal representation of information (8 hours);

Explaining the meaning of words. Selection and explanation of the meaning of words depending on the context. Selection of concepts that are close in meaning (synonyms); Making proposals. Principles of making proposals from scattered proposals. Understanding the meaning of sentences. Set phrases that determine the meaning of sentences. Acquaintance with stable grammatical combinations. Text addition. Clarification of the content of the text. Meaningful combinations. Complementing well-known phrases by meaning. The role of semantic combinations in the text. Practical tasks and educational games.

Understanding the meaning of verbal material. Winged and metaphorical expressions and an explanation of their meaning. Making proposals. Understanding the meaning of proverbs. Justification of judgments. Practical exercises and educational games.

5. Development of creative imagination (8 hours);

Creation. What is creativity? Methods for solving creative problems. From the life of great people. Secrets and methods of creativity. Diagnostics of creative abilities. Practical tasks and educational games.

Imagination. What is imagination. Types of imagination. Recreating images. Fantastic image. Associations. Techniques for the development of imagination: puzzles on a plane, an unfinished story, a description of a picture, tasks with matches, etc. Educational games.

6. Design (5 hours);

Construction on the plane and in space. Tantra. Puzzles on the plane. Creation of figures according to the given drawings. Diagnostics of spatial imagination. Construction in space. Creation of models of spatial figures. Practical tasks and educational games.

7. We develop logical thinking (8 hours);

Reasoning. Inference. Generalizing and evaluative, deductive and inductive conclusions. Algorithms of activity in the formation of skills to draw conclusions. Proof of. The main stages of activity in teaching proof. Practical tasks and educational games. Pattern. Law. Search for patterns. Representation of patterns in various forms (analytical, verbal, graphic, etc.); Formation of the ability to analyze the situation, establish cause-and-effect relationships, find patterns, complete schemes. Educational games.

Reserve 2 hours

8. Development of problem thinking (15 hours);

Evaluation of phenomena and events from different points of view.

Formation of skills to ask questions, to see the positive and negative sides of phenomena. Practical tasks and educational games.

Statement and resolution of problems. Analysis of the problem situation. Methods for resolving problem situations: brainstorming, conflict resolution method, morphological box method. Brainstorming: from the history of occurrence, main stages, rules of work. The method of resolving contradictions: the essence of the method, application to solving problem situations.

The morphological box method: from the history of its origin, the essence of the method, the algorithm for its application. Practical tasks and educational games.

9. Methods for solving inventive problems. (16 hours);

The method of control questions: from the history of occurrence, the algorithm for applying the method. Synectics method: direct, symbolic, fantastic analogy; method application algorithm. Property transformation method: the essence of the method. The use of this method in literary works. Its application to solving inventive problems. Replacing functions: conditions for applying the method, resolving problem situations based on this method. Practical tasks and educational games.

Reserve 3 hours

Thematic planning

No. p / p

Sections, topics

Number of hours

Working programm

Development of intellectual skills. 5th grade

We learn to think creatively. 6th grade

Methods for solving creative problems. 7th grade

Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours in grade 5:

No. p / p

Sections, topics

Number of hours


Personal: idea of ​​what intelligence is. The concept of intelligence, creativity. Understanding the meaning of intelligence development. Developing a sense of personal responsibility for the quality of one's intellect. Metasubject : goal-setting, the ability to set and formulate new tasks for oneself in cognitive activity

Activities:cognitive activity;

The concept as the basis of logical thinking

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the desire for self-development, the ability to link the content of class materials with one's own life experience, the ability to emotionally perceive objects, tasks, decisions, reasoning.

Metasubject :



Cognitive: reflection, to search and highlight the necessary information; the ability to establish the type of relationship between concepts: part - whole, sequences, rows, causes and effects; generalize and limit concepts. Drawing up a logical chain: general - less general - particular (forward and backward). The choice of a more general concept to the given one. Generalization of a pair and a group of concepts. Limitation of concepts. Identification of essential features of concepts. Establishment of causal relationships.


Fundamentals of classification of concepts

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientationthe desire for self-development, the ability to link the content of class materials with their own life experience,

formation of a responsible attitude to the development of their intellectual abilities.

Metasubject :



Cognitive: define the conceptscarry out planning, analysis,synthesis, as a compilation of a whole from parts, to carry out reflection, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;search and highlight the necessary information; application of classification rules. Classification of concepts according to one, two and three signs. Generalization of concepts. Selection of definitions for the selected concepts.

Activities:cognitive activity; game activity.


Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours in grade 6:

No. p / p

Sections, topics

Number of hours

UUD and types of extracurricular activities

Fundamentals of classification of concepts (repetition);

Personal: self-determination, the formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice;

Metasubject :

Regulatory: set goals

Communicative:cooperate in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: define concepts, establish analogies, build logical reasoning, inference, draw conclusions; application of classification rules. Classification of concepts according to one, two and three signs. Generalization and restriction of concepts.

Activities:cognitive activity; game activity.

Working with verbal representation of information

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation,the desire for self-development, the formation of skills to ask questions, to see the positive and negative sides of phenomena; the ability to emotional perception of objects, tasks, decisions, reasoning.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work, manage the behavior of a partner in gaming activities.

Communicative:cooperate in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: carry out the formulation and formulation of the problem;carry out analysis,synthesis, as a compilation of a whole from parts, to build logical reasoning and draw conclusions;search and highlight the necessary information; anticipate the content of the text by heading; understand the main idea of ​​the text; set a goal for reading; form a system of arguments; predict the sequence of presentation of the ideas of the text;compare illustrative material with text information; highlight the main and redundant information;write questions and comment on the text


Development of creative imagination

Personal: development of the creative potential of the individual, the formation of a responsible attitude to the development of their intellectual abilities.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work, manage the behavior of a partner in gaming activities.

Communicative:cooperate in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: search and highlight the necessary information, draw analogies; perform creative tasks, create images, apply methods for solving creative problems

Activities:cognitive activity; artistic creativity; game activity.


Personal: formation of the student's readiness and ability for self-development and self-education; possession of primary skills of analysis and critical evaluation of the information received;

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work, manage the behavior of a partner in gaming activities.

Communicative:cooperate in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: the formation of ICT competence - the skills and abilities to use information and communication technology tools for collecting, storing, converting and transmitting various types of information, presenting the results of creative activity in electronic form

Activities:cognitive activity; artistic creativity; game activity.

We develop logical thinking

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the desire for self-development, the ability to link the content of class materials with one's own life experience, the formation of critical thinking, the formation of the ability to recognize logically incorrect statements.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work,

Communicative:cooperate in the search and collection of information, in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: to establish analogies, to carry out the formulation and formulation of the problem;carry out planning, analysis,synthesis, as a compilation of a whole from parts, representation of patterns in various forms, to carry out reflection, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;

Activities:cognitive activity; game activity.


Table of thematic distribution of the number of hours in grade 7:

No. p / p

Sections, topics

Number of hours

UUD and types of extracurricular activities

Development of problem thinking

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation;desire for self-development; assessment of phenomena and events from different points of view, the formation of skills to ask questions, to see the positive and negative sides of phenomena, the possession of primary skills for analyzing and critically evaluating the information received, the formation of critical thinking; formation of the ability to recognize logically incorrect statements, to distinguish a hypothesis from a fact; the ability to link educational content with one's own life experience, the ability to emotionally perceive information objects, tasks, decisions, reasoning.

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work,

Communicative:cooperate in the search and collection of information, in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: define concepts, establish analogies, formulate and formulate the problem;carry out planning, analysis,synthesis, as a compilation of a whole from parts, to carry out reflection, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;search and highlight the necessary information, formulate a problem, analyze a problem situation, apply methods for resolving problem situations: brainstorming, a method of resolving contradictions, a morphological box method.

Activities:cognitive activity; game activity.

Methods for solving inventive problems

Personal: self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, the desire for self-development, the ability to link the content of class materials with one's own life experience;formation of skills to ask questions, to see the positive and negative sides of phenomena; formation of a holistic worldview corresponding to the current level of development of science and social practice; possession of primary skills of analysis and critical evaluation of the information received;

Metasubject :

Regulatory: carry out goal-setting, planning, evaluate the results of their work,

Communicative:cooperate in the search and collection of information, in game situations; listen and engage in dialogue, express their thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication, the norms of the native language.

Cognitive: to establish analogies, to carry out the formulation and formulation of the problem;carry out planning, analysis,synthesis, as a compilation of a whole from parts, to carry out reflection, build logical reasoning, inference (inductive, deductive and by analogy) and draw conclusions;to search and extract the necessary information.

Activities:cognitive activity; artistic creativity; game activity.


Description of educational, methodological and logistical supportextracurricular activities

Printed aids:

  1. Krivolapova N. A. “Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. Moscow, Enlightenment, 2012
  2. Goryachev A. V. et al. “Informatics in games and tasks. 5th grade. Tutorial, test papers and tests”, Balass publishing house, 2012

Screen and audio aids:

Slideshow with materials for the lesson and with games,

clip charts for an interactive whiteboard;

Technical training aids:

multimedia projector;

interactive board;


Digital educational resources: signature of the head of the MO F.I..O


Deputy Director for UVR

real working programm for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC), based on the author's program N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The course program is aimed at the formation of universal (meta-subject) skills, habits, methods of activity that students should master, at the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of those subjects that the student is studying; classes are held in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

to form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special educational skills and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.



The work program of extracurricular activities for the development of cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8

Compiled by: Safonova L.D.

Explanatory note

This work program for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education (FGOS LLC),based on copyrightprograms N.A. Krivolapova / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapov. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The course program is aimed at the formation of universal (meta-subject) skills, habits, methods of activity that students should master, at the development of cognitive and creative abilities and interests. The program involves the development of methods of activity on the conceptual apparatus of those subjects that the student is studying; classes are held in the form of subject-oriented training.

The purpose of this program:

To form competence in the field of general intellectual activity, to create conditions for students to master the methods of activity, which include general and special educational skills and, thus, to make children active participants in the educational process, interested in full-fledged educational results.

Main goals :

  • development of mental cognitive processes: thinking, perception, attention, memory, imagination in students on the basis of developing subject-oriented training;
  • the formation of educational and intellectual skills, methods of mental activity, the development of rational ways of its implementation on the basis of taking into account the individual characteristics of students;
  • formation of own style of thinking;
  • formation of educational and informational skills and development in practice various tricks work with various sources of information, the ability to structure information, transform it and present it in various forms;
  • mastering the techniques of creativity and methods for solving creative problems;

The program is designed for students in grades 5-8, has a practice-oriented character, since 80% of the time is devoted to mastering the techniques and methods of activity, and consists of the following blocks:

  • development of intellectual skills
  • learning to work with information

The logic of the presentation and content of the author's program fully complies with the requirements of the federal component state standard basic general education, the program was amended so that the program is designed for 34 academic weeks, and we have 35, then I added one hour for repetition: “The solution logical tasks” in grades 5 and 6, “Solving creative problems” in grade 7, “Computer workshop” in grade 8.

In the process of mastering the content of the program, its effectiveness is supposed to be checked using a system of diagnostics: psychological and pedagogical tests, observation, questioning.

To implement the program, an educational and methodological complex has been prepared: course program / Extracurricular activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapov. - M .: Education, 2012 and a collection of tasks for working with students / Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. /ON THE. Krivolapov. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

The forms of conducting classes are selected taking into account the goals and objectives, cognitive interests, individual abilities of pupils:

  • educational game;
  • developing game;
  • thematic tasks for subgroups;
  • practical lesson;
  • conversation;
  • quiz;

participation in promotions.


  • diagnostic testing;
  • diagnostic training;
  • final testing.


Requirements for the level of preparation of students 2 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Identification of essential features of concepts

Students know:

Rules for compiling definitions: concept: generalization of words (generic concept) + essential feature (species difference).

Students are able to:

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Communicative UUD

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • development of ethical feelings;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Comparison understood

Students know:

Similarities and differences;

Concepts of the same order;

Antonyms, synonyms, homonyms;

The main and secondary signs of phenomena;


Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Concept classification

Students know:

Classification rules;

Rules for the generalization of concepts.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Explanation of the meaning of words

Students know:

Set phrases;

semantic combinations;

The role of semantic combinations in the text.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.



Students know:

Types of imagination:

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Methods for their solution.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Students know:

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Requirements for the level of preparation of students 3 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities



Students know:

What is creativity, imagination;

Methods for solving creative problems;

Types of imagination:

Ways to develop the imagination.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • selection of the most effective way problem solving;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Construction on the plane and space

Students know:

Concepts of tangrams, puzzles;

Methods for their solution.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Conduct observations, measurements;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Evaluation of phenomena and events from different points of view. Statement and resolution of problems.

Students know:

Positive and negative aspects of phenomena;

Methods for resolving problem situations;

Methods for resolving contradictions.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Method for solving inventive problems

Students know:

Method of control questions;

Synectics method;

Property conversion method.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea, abstract;

Formulate conclusions;

Establish causal relationships;

Reveal patterns;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

- master monologue and dialogic speech.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students 4 years of study

Program Sections

Expected results

Universal learning activities

Reading as a way to get information

Students know:

Types of reading;

Quick reading rules;

Reading a shortened string.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination;

Methods for working with text.

Disadvantages of Traditional Reading.

Students know:

Hypertext presentation of information;

Method of thick and thin questions;

Reading with notes, reading with gaps;

The method of semantic guessing;

Integral reading algorithm;

Rules for highlighting keywords;

Highlighting the main meaning of text segments.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the read text;

Transmit what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Plan the text;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Ways of processing the received information

Students know:

Concepts: plan, extract, quotations, theses, annotations, synopsis, abstract, review.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Retell the read text;

Transmit what you read in a compressed or expanded form;

Plan the text;

Compose abstracts;

Present information in various forms;

build inferences;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Ways of presenting information in various forms

Students know:

Ways of presenting information: verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, sign-symbolic;

Graphic methods;

Coding and decoding information.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading the text);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

- plan the text;

Present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical, sign-symbolic);

Reveal patterns;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.

Work with oral texts. Bibliographic search. Reference literature

Students know:

Discussion rules;

Types of directories;

Rules for working with directories;

The role and purpose of directories;

Rules for working with reference literature.

Students are able to:

Analyze, compare, classify, generalize and systematize;

Work with the source of information (reading, bibliographic search, work with the reference book);

Highlight the main idea;

Formulate conclusions;

build inferences;

Listen, master the techniques of rational memorization;

Be proficient in monologue and dialogic speech.



  • ON THE. Krivolapov. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. - M.: Enlightenment, 2012
  • Guzeev V.V. Cognitive independence of students and the development of educational technology. - M .: Research Institute of School Technologies, 2004
  • Tikhomirova L.F. The development of the intellectual abilities of the student:A popular guide for parents and educators.- Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1996

Technical training aids

  • multimedia computer
  • multimedia projector
  • Telecommunication facilities
  • Hinged screen

Planned results

Expected results

Universal learning activities

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish cause-and-effect relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), convert from one type to another ;
  • conduct observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and generalize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • own monologue and dialogic speech, draw up a plan of the text, convey what has been read and compressed or expanded, draw up notes, theses, analyze the text in terms of the main features and styles, describe drawings, models, diagrams, compose a story according to carriages, diagrams, models, set direct questions and answer them;
  • work with text information on a computer, perform operations with files and directories.

Cognitive general educational activities

  • the ability to consciously build a speech statement in oral form;
  • highlighting the cognitive goal;
  • choosing the most effective way to solve the problem;
  • the ability to search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks using educational literature;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • establish analogies, compare and classify according to specified criteria.

Communicative UUD

  • the ability to communicate with other people - children and adults;
  • the ability to express one's thoughts completely and accurately;
  • partner's actions management (assessment, correction);
  • use speech to regulate their actions.

Regulatory UUD

  • goal setting;
  • volitional self-regulation;
  • forecasting the level of assimilation;
  • grade;
  • correction.

Personal UUD

  • knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation to their implementation;
  • orientation to understanding the reasons for success in activities;
  • awareness of responsibility for the general well-being;
  • development of ethical feelings;
  • installation on a healthy lifestyle;
  • self-esteem;
  • self-determination.


As a result of studying the course, students should:


  • rules for constructing definitions, formulating conclusions;
  • rules for classification and comparison;
  • methods for solving creative problems: resolving contradictions, method by contradiction, control questions, transformation of properties;
  • ways of reading, structuring, processing and presenting educational information;
  • rules for searching for information in the library, working with catalogs;
  • ways of planning and conducting observations and research;
  • rules for storing information, memorization techniques;

be able to:

  • analyze, compare, classify, generalize, systematize, highlight the main idea, abstract, formulate conclusions, establish causal relationships, identify patterns, draw conclusions;
  • listen, master the techniques of rational memorization, work with sources of information (reading, note-taking, writing abstracts, bibliographic search, working with a reference book), present information in various forms (verbal, tabular, graphic, schematic, analytical), convert from one type to another ;
  • conduct observations, measurements, plan and conduct experiments, experiments, research, analyze and generalize the results of observations, present the results of observations in various forms;
  • own monologue and dialogic speech, retell the read text, draw up a text plan, transmit what has been read in a compressed or expanded form, describe drawings, models, diagrams, ask direct questions and answer them.

search results:

  1. Work program on the topic: Work program extracurricular...

    main tabs. The work program of extracurricular activities for the development of cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8
  2. Nina Krivolapova: extracurricular activity. Collection...
  3. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...
  4. 5 -8 classes. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. Krivolapova N.A. | 2013.

    The manual presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8, focused on ...
  5. book lover - Download free book nina Krivolapova...
  6. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.

    222 p. - (We work according to new standards). The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students ...
  7. extracurricular activity. 5 -8 classes. Collection assignments for...
  8. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.

    222 p. - (We work according to new standards). The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students ...
  9. Krivolapova. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012.

    Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. - M .: Education, 2012 and collection

    v N.A. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students.
  10. extracurricular activity. Program development...

    Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes. Methodological guide for the teacher.
  11. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.

    222 p. - (We work according to new standards). The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students ...
  12. Working programm extracurricular activities « Development...

    In the "Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades. / N.A. Krivolapova .-M

    activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students, focused on the formation of universal educational ...
  13. Krivolapova ON THE. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.

    The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students, aimed at the formation of universal ...
  14. Working programm extracurricular activities development...

    ON THE. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students.
  15. Explanatory note

    This work program for extracurricular activities for grades 5-8 is drawn up in accordance with the requirements

    Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students.

    Collection of tasks for the cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes. /
  16. Program development cognitive abilities students.

    formation of own style of thinking; the formation of educational and information skills and the development in practice of various

    Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.
  17. Krivolapova, Nina Anatolyevna - extracurricular activity.

    Extracurricular activities. Grades 5-8 [Text]: a collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students / N. A. Krivolapova. - Moscow: Education, 2012.
  18. Working program of the course extracurricular activities « Development...»

    The working program of extracurricular activities "Development of cognitive abilities of students" is compiled on the basis of the author's Development Program

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students in grades 5-8 / N.A. Krivolapova.
  19. extracurricular activity, Collection assignments for development...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students, grades 5-8, Krivolapova N.A., 2013. The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students, aimed at ...
  20. Working programm ( 5 , 6, 7 Class) on the topic: Work program ...
  21. Program extracurricular activities

    PROGRAM OF EXTRA COURSE ACTIVITIES "Development of cognitive abilities of students". for 4 years Age of students: 11–14 years. 5-8 grades. Teacher: Klimenko Natalya Ivanovna. Novy Oskol, 2013 Program: "Development of cognitive abilities ...
  22. Working programm extracurricular activities development...

    Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 grades / N.A. Krivolapova. - M .: Education, 2012 and a collection of tasks

    ON THE. Krivolapova. Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students.
  23. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes.

    The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students, focused on the formation ...
  24. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 5-8 cells. GEF Krivolapova Nina Anatolyevna The collection presents a system of classes for the course of extracurricular activities to develop the cognitive abilities of students ... Buy
  25. Book: " extracurricular activity. Program development..." Buy

  26. krivolapova program. - Program development...

    K. A. Krivolapova. Extracurricular. activities Development Program . cognitive. abilities . students in grades 5-8.
  27. Working programm extracurricular activities "Development..."
  1. extracurricular activity. Collection assignments for development...

    293 rub. AT collection extracurricular activities on development cognitive abilities students oriented to formation Buy
  2. Book: " extracurricular activity. Program development..." Buy

  3. "extracurricular activity Collection assignments for development..."

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  4. Illustration 1 of 2 for extracurricular activity. Collection...

    The first illustration for the book Extracurricular Activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 5-8 cells. GEF - Nina Krivolapova. Buy
  5. Nina Anatolyevna | novelties 2020

    Extracurricular activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities.

    Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes. GEF. Buy
  6. Illustration 1 of 1 for extracurricular activity. Program...

    The first illustration for the book Extracurricular Activities. Program for the development of cognitive abilities of students. 5-8 classes. GEF - Nina Krivolapova. Buy
  7. Illustration 2 of 2 for extracurricular activity. Collection...

    The second illustration for the book Extracurricular Activities. Collection of tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 5-8 cells. GEF - Nina Krivolapova. Buy
  8. extracurricular activity| labyrinth

    The Uchitel Publishing House was founded in 1989. The publishing house produces products for teachers, leaders educational institutions, educators of preschool and educational institutions, students, applicants and students. Buy
  9. extracurricular activity. Formation culture of health.

    Extracurricular activities. Formation of a culture of health. 7-8 classes. GEF Education The manual offers options for classes, project topics that match the interests and age characteristics of students, useful information, which... Buy
  10. Book: " art. 5 -8 classes." | Labyrinth

    167 rub. Activation problem cognitive activities students at all stages development education was one of the most relevant, since activity is necessary condition formation mental qualities of the individual. Buy
  11. in the world of logic. four Class. Program extracurricular activities.

    4th grade . Program of extracurricular activities. Methodical manual Eferina Svetlana Sergeevna Given Toolkit designed to solve the problems of intellectual development of junior Buy
  12. Book: "Programs extracurricular activities. Cognitive..."

    97 rub. Collection contains programs extracurricular activities: cognitive activity, problem-value communication. The authors describe the goals and tasks extracurricular activities, content and thematic planning, as well as the results of the implementation ... Buy
  13. Book: Literature. 5 -8 classes. Intelligent..." | Labyrinth

    377 rub. The manual presents scenarios of literary games for students 5 -8 classes. Each script is timed to a specific topic, dedicated to a particular work of verbal art and represents a "cascade" of intellectual assignments... Buy
  14. Book: " extracurricular activity students." | Labyrinth

    158 rub. The manual provides guidance on planning and organizing extracurricular and independent volleyball lessons, to prevent injuries. The manual will help teachers in organizing work with students after noon. Buy
  15. Creative physics. 5 -9 classes. cognitive games...

    Through the game, the intellectual abilities of a creative person are formed.

    Series: Extracurricular activities. Genre: Physics. Astronomy (grades 7-9).

    5-9 grades. Interesting Facts, entertaining questions, intellectual tasks. Buy
  16. extracurricular activity students. Gymnastics. Help for...

    Extracurricular activities of students. Gymnastics. Handbook for teachers and methodologists. Federal State Educational Standard Kuznetsov Vasily Stepanovich, Kolodnitsky Georgy Aleksandrovich The manual complies with the requirements of the Federal

    Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 4th grade . Buy
  17. Books from the series " extracurricular activity» publishing house Uchitel

    The book of interesting and informative facts, intellectual questions and assignments in biology will help students realize their interest in the subject, satisfy the need for the novelty of the material being studied and the variety of exercises performed. Buy
  18. 5 Class. Tasks on...

    Grade 5 Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. GEF Mishchenkova Lyudmila Vladimirovna This manual presents materials for thematic correctional and developmental classes with fifth-graders of the course "RPS" ("Development of cognitive methods. Buy
  19. Creative biology. 5 -9 classes. Interesting facts... | labyrinth

    5-9 grades. Interesting facts, entertaining questions, intellectual tasks Teacher Extracurricular activities in accordance with

    The book of interesting and informative facts, intellectual questions and assignments in biology will help students realize... Buy
  20. Basics of information literacy of a student: a program ...

    Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 6th grade GEF.

    the book "Basics of information literacy of a schoolchild: program, classes with students of grades 5-6. GEF" (authors Gorshkova Irina Borisovna, Zakharova Lyubov Nikolaevna, Ezhkova Galina Vasilievna). Buy
  21. Book: " extracurricular activity students." | Labyrinth

    273 rub. The manual provides guidance on planning, organizing and conducting extracurricular and independent basketball lessons to prevent injuries. The manual will help teachers in organizing work with students in the second... Buy
  22. Young wise men and smart girls. Tasks on development... | labyrinth

    Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities (7-8 years). 2 cells

    The systematic course creates conditions for the development of cognitive interests in children, forms the child's desire for reflection and search, makes him feel ... Buy
  23. Books from the series " extracurricular activity» publishing...

    Textbook from the series "Extracurricular Activities" is intended for the work of students in grades 10-11

    This manual is intended for organizing extracurricular activities in the direction of the general intellectual development of children of primary school age. Buy
  24. Book: Biology. 5 Class. I know life." | Labyrinth

    375 rub. The workshop materials are intended for extracurricular activities in the subject "Biology". The planned time for mastering the workshop is 35 lessons (2 hours each). The workshop will help students organize leisure, develop enthusiasm and curiosity ... Buy
  25. 36 classes for future excellent students. Tasks on development...

    Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. Grade 6 GEF Mishchenkova Lyudmila Vladimirovna This manual presents materials for thematic correctional and developmental classes with sixth-graders of the course "RPS" ("Development of cognitive aids. Buy
  26. Programs extracurricular activities. 1-4 classes. GEF

    The manual contains programs of extracurricular activities developed on the basis of the provisions of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO by prize-winners and laureates All-Russian competition"Pedagogical

    36 classes for future excellent students. Tasks for the development of cognitive abilities. 6th grade GEF. Buy
  27. Book: " Development cognitive abilities." | Labyrinth

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