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Phlegmatic Taurus. Scorpio zodiac sign character and temperament

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo character and temperament - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

What are the main character traits of a Leo?

Lion is the king of the animals. In this case, Leo is the king of the zodiac. This is evidenced by his manners, his condescending attitude towards the opinions of others and royal steadfastness.

The desire to be in charge is combined with the ability to take responsibility for those who trust him. Representatives of this sign are generous and kind, they are alien to pettiness and commercialism.

They are independent, but they love affection, they will not allow encroachment on their freedom, they are confident in their own irresistibility.

The powerful temperament of Leo provides them with optimism, a positive attitude, usually a good mood. They are charming, friendly and like to be in the center of attention, they are able to empathize, their energy is enough for everyone.

What is the true nature of Leo?

The absence of complexes, shyness and doubts about their rightness make them a leader in any company. It is unlikely that you will find them indulging in sadness alone. They are enterprising and resourceful. They will find a way out of any situation and even from a serious problem they will be able to benefit. Therefore, among the representatives of this sign there are no poor and disadvantaged.

The character of Leo can carry such traits as pride, self-centeredness, vanity, ambition. But these shortcomings are more than covered by their love of life, optimism. They are ready to help, sincere in love and give their energy to all those in need, so the representative of this sign usually has many friends.

The inexhaustible energy of this zodiac sign allows him to easily solve even the most challenging tasks. He is confident in his success and success cannot pass by. He was created to be a wise ruler and will certainly be.

Positive features Leo character

The charms of the charming Leo are difficult to resist, and it’s not worth it, he will not use them with bad intentions, his goals are noble. Those born under this sign give their strength for the benefit of society, they are hardworking and disciplined, able to control the situation, to lead global projects.

Their self-confidence and thirst for power have quite solid foundations.

The noble and domineering character of Leo is manifested not only in work, in the family they are exactly the same. They give love, its amount is quite enough for several objects. The hot temperament of Leo often knocks them down, not allowing them to focus on one partner. Their house is a full bowl, luxurious, comfortable and hospitable, created for the joys of life.

Love ignites in the heart of this zodiac sign with a bright fire, warming the beloved, tremblingly protecting, without invading his personal space, without suppressing his individuality. But it can burn out just as quickly, unlike a strong friendship.

Negative Traits of a Leo

Considering how strong Leo's character is, it's hard to find fault with him, but still possible. Having noble thoughts and high moral principles, they believe that this is also characteristic of others, therefore they can be gullible.

They take everything that happens to heart, although they cannot be upset for a long time.

The natural charm of the representatives of this sign knows no bounds, and some of them can abuse it, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Most often this is done involuntarily, the need to be the soul of the company is in their blood.

But this does not justify their excessive love of love, polygamy, interferes with a serious relationship. With age and experience, priorities are still placed in favor of a strong family.

Leo: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Leo. This information will help you succeed in relationships with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

The nature of the zodiac sign Leo

Symbol - lion, swan.

Colors - scarlet, gold, orange, purple, black (white is unsuccessful).

Stone - diamond, serpentine, amber, onyx, ruby, topaz, chrysolite.

Food - goose, chicken, duck. Pears, plums, blocks. Pomegranates, citrus fruits: oranges, grapefruit, lime, lemons, tangerines. Persimmon. Avocado. Pineapples. Vegetables: carrots. Greens: anise, parsley.

Flowers - gladioli, marigolds, peonies, chrysanthemums.

Talisman - ladybug, lion, eagle.

Auspicious days are Sunday.

Unfavorable days - Saturday.

Positive numbers are 1, 5, 9, 11.

Typical diseases are inflammation, stomach and pleura, eye diseases.

Favorable climate - hot, warm, tropical.

The fateful years of life for those born (23.07-03.08) - (19, 39, 57, 76).

The fateful years of life for those born (08/04-08/12) - (19, 36, 40, 57, 76).

The fateful years of life for those who were born (08-23-08) - (15, 19, 30, 35, 36, 57, 60, 76).

The part of the body corresponding to the sign is the back.

Particularly vulnerable organs, systems, parts of the body are the arterial system, diaphragm, blood circulation, spine, cardiovascular system, heart, and back.

Born from July 23 to 3 - influenced by Saturn, strong character, mystical, hot, can not stand loneliness and pressure.

Born from August 4 to 12 - subject to the influence of Jupiter, delicate and sensible natures, demanding, loving ceremony.

Those born from August 13 to 23 are influenced by Mars, strong natures, domineering, loving and worshiping authority and command. Common sense goes hand in hand with strength. Succeed in the army.

The sun is life, flame, fire, heat, light, idealism, consciousness, radiant greatness, discipline. Human consciousness is an alternative to the "lunar" subconscious. Deep down, Leos are aware of their social position, which can make them seek a certain status. And although, not all Lions look like the king of animals, but everyone is endowed with his ambition.

Leos, both men and women, have a fiery passion. They refuse to be on the sidelines, consider themselves a star, the center of the universe. They are leaders by nature, they want to lead, lead, inspire, shower with gifts, give good luck, patronize, indulge in fun.

Their generosity sometimes knows no bounds. They have no sense of danger. Benevolent, open, sincere, they do not know how to live in moral rejection. If a shadow of doubt has crept into their soul, they demand an explanation and a solution. They are strong in their faith and truth.

They do not tolerate darkness, they live near fire, wars, cataclysms, which sometimes they themselves give rise to.

Their enemy is conscience, especially an unjustified one. In this case, a mental decline is coming: quirks, depression, ugly unhealthy humor. It turns out a pompous, sickly, arrogant personality, punishing for his unfulfilled ambitions a despot who is a slave to his vices, a pitiful restless adventurer who does not recognize anyone but himself. The Napoleon complex sometimes drives you crazy.

Women of the zodiac sign Leo want to be noticed and strive to stand out preferring silk fabrics, ornaments, harsh perfumes, catchy colors. Ignoring the generally recognized fashion, they try to be its legislators and copy the presentable ladies of society, if possible, they spend exorbitantly on clothes, in the absence of such, they boast of quantity sacrificing quality: cheap clothes, furs, vulgar perfumes, fake jewelry.

Men of the zodiac sign Leo attach great importance to their clothes and hairstyle, they like to have a thick pocket.

The character of Leo according to the horoscope | Leo - the nature of the zodiac sign

People are born under the constellation Leo between July 23 and August 23. The character of Leo according to the horoscope is distinguished by generosity, optimism, charm, cheerful disposition and sociability. Representatives of this sign are characterized by amazing vitality and charisma.

What is the character of Leo according to the horoscope

The sign has long been considered regal and for good reason. Even those who, by birth, have nothing to do with royal families, behave as if they had just stepped down from the throne. They are distinguished by the manner of behavior and communication. They are driven by the desire to lead and command people.

Lions do not need self-affirmation, but throughout their lives they stubbornly overcome difficulties, conquering new heights. They themselves set themselves new tasks, trying to realize themselves as much as possible in various fields.

At least outwardly, it is difficult to suspect that Lions have complexes, shyness and self-doubt. They are always surrounded by people who are attracted to them like a magnet. In such an environment, Lions feel quite comfortable, because they cannot stand loneliness, despondency and melancholy.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are hardworking to the point of fanaticism, enterprising and persistent in achieving goals. Therefore, it is difficult to find a person in need among them. Usually at a young age they make a good career and occupy good high-paying positions.

Leo character traits

Vitality and energy are the main character traits of Leo. Basically, Leos are sociable, optimistic and share their positive with others. If one of your friends was born under the constellation Leo, you probably often noted for yourself that these people know how to charge positive energy everyone who is nearby.

The natural charm of these people does not leave anyone indifferent. The character of Leo according to the horoscope is often leadership and domineering, but this is easily combined with the openness and kind heart of Leo. They have their own manner of behavior and communication, and they have no need for self-affirmation.

Those born under the sign of Leo go through life regally, always maintaining self-respect. Often by the nature of Leo, according to the horoscope, they are extroverts, because they do not like loneliness, rarely immerse themselves in their thoughts and do not waste time analyzing their actions. Instead of thinking, they prefer action.

According to the horoscope, the character of Leo is such that he needs to be in the center of attention, to be a leader, to feel his significance for others and sometimes even people's dependence on them. Lions become good organizers and managers, since in leadership positions they have the most opportunities to prove themselves and feel like coordinators of someone's actions.

People are drawn to the Lions, they see them as generous and strong patrons, so Leo often becomes the soul of any company. According to the horoscope, the character of Leo is often leadership, it also gives this person such good qualities as the desire to help others, generosity and kindness. They often do charity work or just try to help with advice.

Leo in a relationship

Lions quickly get used to any company and become a leader. Generous Leos do not skimp on help, both financial and physical. Lions can be vulnerable. Lions are unbalanced by disrespectful attitude, disobedience, accusations of self-confidence, which they consider absolutely unfounded.

Leo does not like to be dependent on someone or something. For this reason, they do not borrow and refuse to help. They perceive criticism and ridicule very painfully, even if the criticism is fair and the jokes are harmless.

Usually, relatives and friends know well the character of Leo according to the horoscope and try to avoid resentment and irritation, resolving problems with affection, gently, but without a share of condescension.

Leo cannot imagine his life without love. In the case of a reciprocal feeling, he will do everything for his beloved. The Leo man is a wonderful faithful husband and a wonderful father.

The lioness was created for marriage and family, but it is difficult for her to find a worthy half for herself, since not every husband will like the desire to lead even at home. Managed weaklings, on the contrary, do not interest her.

The negative character traits of Leo according to the horoscope can sometimes be egocentrism, pride, arrogance and love of flattery. They take criticism hard and are very vulnerable. If there is a Leo among your loved ones, try to be kind to him and not humiliate his self-esteem. In return, you will receive devotion and selflessness, since Leos tend to devote their lives to those who are dear to them.

Often, Leo people refuse outside help and advice, because at the same time they feel their vulnerability, and the leader should not give up in the face of difficulties. Let Leo feel superior, but approach the matter wisely. Lions respect strong people and will not miss the opportunity to manipulate those who tacitly allow them to do so.

zodiac sign Leo character and temperament

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

What is the character and temperament of Lviv

The sign of Leo is often called regal, and this is no coincidence. Its representatives have a specific manner of behavior and communication with others. The desire to dominate and subjugate people is combined with a kind soul and an open heart. They seem to patronize you from the height of their greatness. Lions do not need to assert themselves, they already know that they are the best. Each of their steps is filled with great inner strength and greatness. Among Leos, you rarely meet a notorious, shy person, they are usually smug and self-confident, although not to the extent that they are commonly thought of. Being temperamental, quick-tempered, Lions can instantly lose their temper, but then they feel guilty, regretting what they said or did.

Lions hate loneliness, they do not know what unreasonable despondency and melancholy are. Being choleric in temperament and possessing “fast” thinking, they hate everything routine and monotonous. Often they themselves become the “engine” of ongoing events, they are always active, filled with a thirst for life. The vast majority of Leos are extroverts, and they not only have a huge need for communication, but also want to be in the spotlight, to occupy a dominant position. Even in an unfamiliar company, these bright personalities quickly become her soul, as those around her quickly respond to their friendliness and warmth emanating from them.

Leo and poverty are practically incompatible with each other. Usually these people find a way to arrange life the way they like it. At the same time, Lions not only do not live in poverty themselves, but also help others avoid this fate, they willingly give advice, help in word and deed, despite all their egocentrism. They may do it for the recognition of others, but people are grateful to them anyway. Proud Lions do not beg for reciprocal gratitude, but if the one they helped does not express it in any way, Leo's pride can be hurt. Even if representatives of this zodiac sign have major troubles, they survive them without losing their self-esteem, stamina, optimism and the desire to go forward with their heads held high.

However, even the "king" of the Zodiac has its Achilles' heel. Lions are offended if their advice is frankly ignored, they are reproached for arrogance and inflated self-esteem, they do not respect or do not recognize noble thoughts for their actions. Lions react very painfully if they are denied the opportunity to take the desired and deserved (in their opinion) position, for example, when their candidacy is rejected when they are appointed to a position. Lions cannot stand ridicule in spirit, a blow to pride for them is sometimes harder than physical pain; they are also greatly distressed by the lack of attention.

The nature of Leo is such that they cannot stand any insincerity and usually express their opinion openly, acting at the behest of the soul. People around know it, appreciate it and in some degree are afraid of it. Representatives of the sign are very emotional, but self-control allows them to hide their inner feelings from the rest. In the event of conflicts, Leos are always focused on reconciliation, in this case pride does not prevent them from easily forgiving and not harboring resentment in their hearts for a long time, but they should not ask for forgiveness.

Leos have many shortcomings, but their virtues are such that they are always surrounded by a large number of loyal friends, loved by their loved ones. These people seem to illuminate everything around them, spreading the energy of their patron, the Sun, to others. Crossing the threshold own house, Lions don't change. They need to reign not only in society, but also in family circle, at home. They try to equip comfortable housing where you can enjoy life, spend time with your loved ones, meet numerous guests. The characteristic of the Leo zodiac sign also includes the fact that its representatives cannot imagine themselves without a beautiful life and sometimes do not think what price they have to pay for it, and whether it should be done. Lions will not tolerate anything second-rate, frank consumer goods near them, they should have only the best.

Lions in age, as a rule, are youthful in body and mind, it will never be a problem for them to find a common language with younger people, they do not know what a midlife crisis is, and even in old age they are full of energy and desire to live.

Leo - secrets of the soul and potential inclinations

The unfavorable influence of the planets, poor upbringing and lack of work on oneself can turn Leo from the king of animals into just a beast. Then there will be more rudeness in him than strength, more cruelty than condescension or sincere good nature, more animal passion than love.

Leo's characterization would not be complete without mentioning the incredible vanity: he wants the world to revolve around him, people of this sign often suffer from delusions of grandeur. Not wanting to accept even the slightest criticism, the Lions, nevertheless, willingly point out the shortcomings of others. From good advisers, they can suddenly turn into obsessive despots, trying to arrange the lives of other people according to their own understanding. Cruelty is not inherent in Lions, but they often neglect the interests of others. They are arrogant, capricious, often snobs, consider the environment unworthy of themselves.

Representatives of this zodiac sign often chase after a beautiful life, caring too much about its external side. Lions do not know how to learn from their mistakes, they attribute all the merits to themselves, and the defeats are blamed on everyone else. They are quite lazy, not always obligatory, often put off doing things for later, prone to idleness and bliss, have a predisposition to gluttony, drunkenness, gambling. Their absolute inaction can suddenly give way to violent and unreasonably risky activities, unhealthy excitement.

Recall - these were the potential inclinations of the Lions.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Description of the character of those born under the sign of Leo

Representatives of the zodiac sign Leo are in many ways similar to the master of beasts: they are ambitious and domineering, proud and aggressive, generous and generous. They never forgive betrayal and betrayal, because, above all, they value reliability in people.

Leo character

Lions have irrepressible energy and decisive character. Once they have made a decision, they are ready to move mountains to implement it. They prefer to take a dominant position everywhere: in the family, and at work, and in relationships with friends. They can be both arrogant and generous, both dismissive and soft.

Despite the seeming self-confidence, Lions are very dependent on the opinions of others. For representatives of this sign, it is of great importance that others consider them strong and independent.

Leo has a bright and interesting personality. He is ready to share his optimism with everyone. It's always interesting to be around him. Leos don't know how to pretend. For example, a girl, a representative of this sign, may well directly talk about her feelings to a man she likes.

Leos are always true to their word, even when it goes against their own interests. They consider it below their own dignity to break this promise. They have an innate sense of justice. The Leo man is a potential hero who never makes a deal with his conscience and is ready to sacrifice himself for the sake of the common good.

The representative of this zodiac sign has a stormy temperament: in anger, he is truly terrible. However, the storm passes quickly enough, giving way to a peaceful mood.

Leo career

Leos do not tolerate situations when any decisions are imposed on them. They feel very uncomfortable being in submission, and do everything in their power to climb the career ladder and take a leadership position. Regardless of what business Leo is engaged in, he has a reputation for being a conscientious worker, whom you can always rely on in case of problems.

Leo will do everything in his power to be appreciated by his superiors. Most often, they manage to realize themselves in the following areas:

They are not alien to creative professions in which Leo will be able to maximize his own potential.

Leo social connections

The description of Leo would be incomplete without mentioning his relationship with others. The representative of this zodiac sign usually has unquestioned authority among colleagues and acquaintances. Feeling his own importance, he gladly teaches others, but he does it in such a way that no one considers him a bore. On the contrary, they always go to him for advice. At the same time, Leo himself is not too well versed in people, which scammers use from time to time.

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Aquarians of choleric temperament are called two-faced Januses. This is the type of egocentrist, but sweet and kind. Best Representatives, of which there are not many. - unrecognized geniuses, compensate for their initial inferiority with creativity, often remain loners. Middle-level people are terry egoists with an outcast exile complex. The lowest type of these people behind the mask of respectability, honesty, decency hides a petty thief, a swindler.

Aquarians of sanguine temperament are eccentric. They are great experimenters. They like to be in situations of constant change. They idolize friendship, challenge everyone, sometimes without thinking about the consequences. They are pompous by nature, but do not strive for this artificially. Many of them are bohemian people, they love sensations, innovations, they rush into the thick of things. In their scientific and creative developments they are often ahead of the era. Easy in contacts, have non-standard thinking. They change jobs often. Since they do not tolerate monotony, their attention does not linger on anything for a long time. The best representatives are actors, writers, journalists, politicians. The worst representatives are upstarts, idle talkers, talkers. There are malicious instigators.

Aquarians of a phlegmatic temperament are friendly, sociable people, although somewhat cold and stiff. They have excellent manners, as a rule, they do not take offense at anyone. They can be secretive, eccentric at heart. They are gloomy when they are tormented by doubts, remorse, as a result of which they fall into a state of depression. In many social processes, they try to remain on the sidelines, on their own, although they do not represent themselves outside of some narrow circle. In conversation, they avoid hackneyed phrases, the words uttered by them, marks. In life, they usually remain single, single. Striving for something specific, they avoid infantilism, looseness. Phlegmatic Aquarians are heavy on the rise, but then they can sharply pull ahead. To accomplish great things, they need strong external stimuli that can stir them up. Women of this subtype often remain single. Coldish by nature, they keep their distance from the opposite sex, are critical, picky. Both men and women are indifferent to sex: they need high emotions. Undeveloped people are inveterate anarchists, overthrowers of the old, skeptics without faith and hope. Melancholy Aquarians are gifted people, idealists, always busy with creativity. They are characterized by some vagueness, detachment. The only subtype of Aquarius that has strong attachments, capable of high love. They are very proud, with a high sense of self-worth, they do not tolerate humiliation. Among them are many musicians, writers, scientists. Undeveloped people are promiscuous in relationships, they can do dark deeds with inspiration. Quite often, they are inveterate lazy people who are able to imitate vigorous activity.

Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova, clairvoyant

Psychic, clairvoyant, finalist of the sixth "Battle of Psychics" Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages various types temperaments:

Corresponds to fire signs choleric temperament type. This group of symbols includes Aries, Leo and Sagittarius. Cholerics are usually very energetic, purposeful, they are distinguished by a quick reaction and the ability to lead people, sometimes even suppressing some of those around them.

Cholerics are very fond of commanding, they are used to playing only by their own rules and often. But on the other hand, in any difficult situation, they are ready to take responsibility for its resolution. Of the positive characteristics of choleric people, it is impossible not to note diligence, initiative, and justice. Of the negative - obstinacy, unwillingness to compromise, sometimes excessive fussiness.

Representatives of the Earth signs - Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn- usually have phlegmatic temperament. They are calm, balanced and peaceful. They do not seek to openly show their emotions and always avoid clashes with anyone. They always try to balance the situation around and reconcile the conflicting.

Phlegmatic people are quite sociable and like to be in the company of friends, but at the same time they feel comfortable being alone. They prefer quiet, measured leisure and activities that do not require increased activity and initiative from them. Of the negative qualities of phlegmatic people, it is impossible not to note sometimes excessive complaisance and comfort, as they prefer to go with the flow and are ready to give up their opinion in order to maintain comfort.

Air signs - Gemini, Libra and Aquarius endowed sanguine temperament. These are active and optimistic people, with an unusual outlook on life, guides original ideas in the world. They are distinguished by a keen interest in everything around, every event for them is food for the mind and imagination.

Sanguine people love to be the center of attention and always achieve this. Their love of life, optimism and an original look at even the most banal things attract others to them. These people in every possible way avoid routine and gray everyday life, they have a wide range of interests and many different hobbies that change often. often becomes a problem for sanguine people, as sometimes they take only the first steps in some new direction, but stop and switch to something else.

Melancholic temperament is associated with the element of Water: signs Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces. Melancholics are distinguished, they are rather silent and tend to analyze everything deeply. They are characterized by a realistic view of the world "without rose-colored glasses." They strive to reach the very essence of everything, analyze everything that happens and do their work with the highest quality. As a result, they are sometimes unable to make quick decisions and may unnecessarily criticize others.

Melancholic people are prone to order and try to avoid chaos; they prefer a systematic approach to any business. They try not to draw undue attention to themselves and do not show initiative, preferring the position of an observer. Often melancholics become very subtle psychologists, able to both help with advice and manipulate people in their own interests.

Scorpio is a sign of love and death and has a strong influence on others. The sign of Water is feminine, constant, frantic, silent, quirky, prolific. Motto: "Song of love on the battlefield." Scorpio has a bad reputation. It is associated with the eighth house - the house of death, forgetting that the whole house is wealth, inheritance, blessings. The mutable or permanent Scorpio has great resistance and how the Phoenix can resurrect.

Scorpio is dominated by two qualities of Mars: eroticism and aggressiveness. This type lives in full force with the alternation of successes with failures. Dry and sultry Mars gives Scorpio stubbornness and temper, he has martial qualities. Scorpio has dangerous energy, like Aries. Scorpio is the duality of love and death, energy, drama, passion, mystery, individualism, rebellion. Pluto symbolizes the depth of the soul, the devilish image. Scorpio is defined by hidden animal power and asserts itself confidently and unquestioningly. This manifests itself in inviolability and disorder, restraint of life aspirations, leads to internal conflicts, suffocation and neurosis (ruthless Pluto reveals the deep meaning of existence).

Imperious, violent instinctive character, indefatigable, even if the fire is hidden under the mask of infantilism. Scorpio carries strong passions, dormant, but not dying. This character does not change. Satisfied with himself, despite external changes. He knows what he wants. The essence of his nature is determination. The taste for life is tireless. Rebellious under any coercion, defiant to the point of anarchism, if contradicted. An individualist who despises public opinion and customs. Born under an inharmonious sky. His decisions are irrevocable. Armed for life, he knows how to defend himself, but is afraid to attack, thanks to his strong will and perseverance.

The influence of Scorpio on other signs is great. He penetrates the souls of others at a glance; he himself is incredulous, the secret is impenetrable and inaccessible. The fulfillment of sensual desires mysteriously liberates, calms and uplifts him. Not talkative and not expansive. Scorpio is hardworking and more or less a sadistic-masochist. Aggression and eroticism are the most destructive and prolific sign.

Scorpio women are wonderful cooks, in the physical sense they are of medium height, dense, with strong limbs, with tight face and great performance. In general, they are active, proud, restrained, demanding, curious, irritable, stormy, thoughtful. Researchers and observers are envious, ironic and contradictory. They are easily excited, capable of kindness, prone to magnetism and strong sexuality; reformists, sometimes clairvoyants, know how to moderate their chimerical plans and constructively use their will. They love the fight, never lose heart, overcoming difficulties. They have many children.
Among them you can meet the type of "fatal" woman.

Since the time of Hippocrates, four types of temperament have been distinguished: choleric (excitable), sanguine (mobile), phlegmatic (calm), melancholic (depressed). The existence of 4 types of nervous activity was also confirmed by the studies of the Russian scientist I.P. Pavlova. From the point of view of astrology, temperament is determined by the leading element in a person's horoscope. If the dominant element in natal chart not alone - we are talking about a mixed temperament.

choleric temperament corresponds to the element of Fire: signs of the zodiac Aries, a lion, Sagittarius, Planets Sun, Mars, Jupiter. These are quick-tempered, unbalanced people whose moods change very quickly. Them nervous system very excitable, and inhibition is slow. They quickly grasp information, but their perception is often superficial. They have a lot of energy, they are mobile and expressive. However, choleric people can be selfish, despotic, not feeling the mood of other people.

Sanguine temperament corresponds to the element of Air: signs of the zodiac Twins, Scales, Aquarius, planets Mercury, Venus (in Libra), Chiron, Uranus. Representatives of this temperament are lively, sociable, cheerful, enterprising. Their excitation is fast, inhibition is also fast. Their reaction of perception is light, fast, but superficial. They cannot be engaged in one type of activity for a long time, it is difficult for them to concentrate on one thing. But the frivolity, irresponsibility and optionality of sanguine people can push them, as they say, onto a “slippery slope”.

Melancholic temperament associated with the element of Water: signs of the zodiac Crayfish, Scorpion, Fish, Planets Moon, Pluto, Neptune. Their perception is deep, thorough, but always associated with emotions, therefore it is almost always one-sided. Although outwardly these people often seem calm, African passions rage in their souls. From love to hate. Melancholic people getting stuck on negative emotions can lead to mental and somatic diseases.

Phlegmatic temperament associated with the elements of the Earth: signs of the zodiac Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, planets Venus (in Taurus), Saturn, Moon, Proserpina. This type of temperament includes balanced, serious people, with deep feelings that are weakly expressed outwardly. Excitation in such people is fast, and inhibition is slow. Main feature of this temperament - focus on one's inner world, detachment from the outside, isolation from others. Closeness and lack of sociability can interfere with their self-realization.

In the horoscope, temperament is indicated by the position of the Sun, Ascendant and stelliums (clusters) of planets.

For example, a person has the Sun in Capricorn, and Asc in Gemini. This means a mixed temperament: melancholic-sanguine. Such a person in childhood can express the whole set of melancholy qualities, be timid, indecisive, shy. However, with age, he suddenly begins to acquire more and more sanguine qualities: he overcomes natural modesty and melancholy, and establishes full-fledged social ties, while realizing his creative potential. There may be another twist: for example, in a person, Asc in Gemini is supported by some other planets, for example, Jupiter and Uranus. Such a child can be active, mobile, love to lead from childhood, but by the age of 30, young enthusiasm can be replaced by emotional decline and melancholy - this state will be the result of the inclusion of Saturn (Capricorn). And by the age of 40-42, a sanguine temperament can manifest itself with renewed vigor - at this time Uranus is activated.

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