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Development of speed qualities in athletics lessons. The development of speed on the material of athletics






Ryzhonkova Nadezhda Vasilievna

Krasnodar, 2015.


1. Characteristic running on the short distances

2. Methodology development you were fast

3. Exercises for development you were fast

4. Main tasks high-speed training

5. Control per development you were fast



1. Characteristic running on the short distances.

Sprint is visiting card light athletics and, despite on the my transience, most spectacular view, especially when run highly qualified sprinters. Per visible swiftness and power running viewed the beauty and elegance movements athlete, what comparable unless what's up with good ballet. highly qualified sprinters this is succeed thanks to careful elaboration and training motor qualities and construction logical biomechanics, what allows effectively and with big speed implement these quality on the running track .

By opinion R. Lidor, Y. Meckel(2004), running on the 100 meters can conditionally divide on the phase acceleration, phase maximum speed running and phase slowdown .

Phase acceleration - from moment leaving starting pads before achievements maximum speed running. Initial speed at elite sprinters is 4-5 m/s, reaching subsequently more less than 10 m/sec to 30 meters distances. Dynamics acceleration such is, what in early growth speed reaches significant quantities, gradually declining on measure approximation to maximum values speed. Best sprinters reach speed 10.5 and 12m in give me a sec respectively for women and men and may achieve such values on the segment 50-60 meters. Less qualified runners on the short distances faster reach maximum values speed running, usually process acceleration ends they have on the 20-25 meters distances.

Running with maximum speed. Usually sprinters support maximum speed running on the segment 20-30 and 15-20 meters for men and women respectively. In it time sprinter reaches optimal ratios frequencies and length cross-country step. Ability save this is ratios distinguishes elite sprinters from less qualified. upscale sprinters at run With maximum speed develop more powerful an effort in process repulsion, than rest (226kg/0.1 sec on comparison With 181kg/0.1sec ). Necessary also Mark, what resistance air is important factor, influencing on the ability support maximum speed running.

slowdown speed running. Maximum speed not maybe supported before end distances, usually decline speed starts With marks 80 meters for qualified sprinters.

Rapid development high speed running topical in many sports situations. AT sprint run With low start efforts athlete directed on the traffic forward at conservation significant inclination body. At this gradually increases amplitude movements and length steps from 4-4,5 feet before 7,5 feet very energetic (10-14) cross-country steps, what allows reach 95% maximum speed. Then important smoothly go to running on distances, what promotes repetition given exercises. After 40-50 m speed increases before maximum and supported per check pace and length steps, but at smaller efforts and more control per freedom movements. Small incline body preserved on the all distances. Leg put on the anterior part feet actively and elastically under body. Shin at this vertical, a knee flywheel legs With such same activity moving towards and reaches knee supporting legs. By activity intelligence hips in moment touch tracks can judge about speed running. Sprinter must feel contact With path, but without slightest inhibitory stops feet. ending repulsion fast extension feet. AT flight counter traffic legs vigorously, but free .

Principle choice exercises comes out from features creation acceleration for raking movements foot. Necessary train accelerated and powerful mixing knees. Necessary in exercises have instant residence feet in support, and so same continuously alternating shift positions knees, one relatively another .

2. Methodology development you were fast.

Basic method education you were fast - method repeated fulfillment high-speed exercises at availability aspirations athlete in everyone lesson exceed my maximum speed. If a under influence fatigue speed starts decline, Work above development you were fast stops, because further repetition work at reduced speeds educates endurance, a not speed. However, described method workout It has significant flaw - multiple performance one and Togo same exercises leads to education motor dynamic stereotype. Are stabilizing not only spatial, but and temporary characteristics movements - speed and frequency movements athlete. AT result formed his kind “speedy barrier". More effective through, allowing to avoid occurrence “speedy barrier”, is relatively late specialization in favorite form. At this necessary before start specializations improve individual factors, determining maximum speed movements, before Total dynamic force, under which understood manifestation big muscular strength in conditions fast fulfillment movements. The study sports experience showed, what per check highly specialized workout in run on the short distances can improve original result only on the 1-1,5 seconds.

efficient method education you were fast, raise speed dealing with, is method fulfillment exercises in difficult conditions, stimulating active manifestation muscular activities athlete(running in mountain, running with burdening, running on sandy ground). The method of facilitating external conditions when performing high-speed exercises helps the trainee to master the ability to perform extremely fast movements. This is facilitated by a decrease in the length of the distance, running along an inclined track, which allows you to perform a movement with a speed exceeding a certain limit for a given athlete.

Much attention must be paid to the education of the ability to perform movements without undue stress. This is achieved by repeated exercises with efforts close to the limit, but without distorting the technique of movements. To this end, the training program should include: running with lowered and extremely relaxed hands, running with half-closed eyes, with maximum relaxation of the shoulder girdle and arms, running with acceleration with a smooth increase in speed, mincing running with lowered, extremely relaxed shoulders and other exercises .

According to V.G. Alabina (1996) the main methods of performing exercises for the development of speed are:

1. Repeat method. Performing exercises at near limit or maximum speed in response to a visual signal. The rest interval between exercises is 30 s -3 min (depending on the nature of the exercise, condition and readiness involved);

2. Associated method. Performing exercises with weights (running uphill, jumping with weights);

3. Circuit training method;

4. Game method. Here game exercises , mobile and sports games , relay races are used ;

5. competitive method . Its essence is the comparison of forces in the process of rivalry in order to show a higher sports result. The athlete performs his chosen form with the utmost speed in a competitive environment.

For the successful development of speed, the method of variable change in training conditions and training load is used. The essence of the method is to re-alternate work with conventional, weighted and lightweight resistance(for example, running a segment uphill, downhill and in a straight line).

The less difficult and more automated is movement, the less stress the nervous system experiences and the shorter the reaction and the faster the movement.

The maximum speed of movements that a person can show depends not only on the speed of his motor reaction, but also on other abilities: dynamic strength, flexibility, coordination, level of technique. Therefore, speed abilities are considered a complex motor quality.

For the development of speed abilities, exercises are used that should correspond at least three main criteria:

1) the ability to perform at maximum speed;

2) the mastery of the exercise should be so good that attention can be concentrate only at the speed of its execution;

3) during training there should not be a decrease in the speed of exercise. Reduced movement speed testifies about the need to stop training this quality and that in this case, work begins on the development of endurance.

Training work, aimed at developing speed, should end immediately, as soon as the athlete's subjective sensations (or stopwatch readings) indicate fatigue.

Special speed training for a long time can be done daily and even twice a day. With a low load in one lesson, you can train three times a day. The main thing is that it should be such that by the next training session of maximum intensity, the athlete's functional capabilities are fully restored. In the education of speed, this is of fundamental importance. The main training session, aimed at developing speed, is best done in the evening, when performance organism is usually the largest.

3. Exercises for the development of speed.

At the first stages of preparation, attention should be paid to the frequency and pace of movements. At the same time, the young athlete must be quite technical, coordinated and be able to relax the main muscle groups after the end of the movement. Of great importance for the effective education of the speed of movements are outdoor and sports games. Also, the most effective means of developing speed are fast running at controlled speeds, relay races, jumps and hopping exercises, throwing stones and lungs items .

Rapidity Great develops in games, where fit together such main indicators you were fast, how reciprocal reaction on the signal and rapidity muscular cuts, amount movements, performed in unit time, and speed movement body or his parts in space. Because the high-speed irritants most effective at optimal level excitability nervous systems, then games, contributing development high-speed qualities, recommended conduct in early training lessons, introductory and in first phase basic parts workout, before start offensive fatigue .

Already in early age necessary teach athlete run only per check some leg also be able to free work alone hands, standing on the place. Running without work hands (for example, connected per back) helps first feel, a then master correct traffic torso and shoulders around vertical axes, master isolated work hands

For education you were fast movements very great role group fulfillment exercises in conditions emotional rise, when each sportsman seeks not fall behind, go out forward.

Main means education you were fast in certain movement are high-speed exercises performed With maximum speed. Speed running sprinter in significant measure conditioned level development strength extensors feet and flexors hips, a also total magnitude strength extensor muscles legs.

Main means education you were fast are:

1. Running with high lifting hips (pace average or high) - 2-3 series on 10-25 times;

2. Running from various starting provisions;

3. Running after getting suspended ball;

4. Running attached steps, advancing sideways;

5. Running cross steps;

6. Running with marginal or near-limit speed on the segments from 20 before 150m With low start and with move;

7. Running on the place in emphasis 10-15 seconds; mincing run on the 30-60m With acceleration;

8. Running with move on marks (10-12), located on the distance 100-120cm;

9. Running on the 60-100m With acceleration;

10. jumping and hopping exercises With places and with small takeoff run;

11. Movable and sports games;

12. Relay run;

13. Running on the place With maximum frequency movements, special exercises sprinter, performed in rapid tempe;

14. jumping and hopping exercises without weights and with burdening(in including and with extremely fast repulsion), exercises With stuffed balls, throwing lungs shells, running in mountain, running with burdening. .

In time running training necessary constantly to control and improve main Components speed running: length, frequency and freedom fulfillment steps. Length steps can increase in accelerations and in run With move on the 40-60 m per lesser number steps. Pace running can develop in run With move, on the 20-40 m per more number steps or before 60-80 m under small bias before 5-10° and on wind.

Apply varied combination segments: 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 miles 30, 50, 100, 50.30 m; or 6x20 m, 4x30 m; or 2x40 m, 2x60 m, 2x40 m; or 2x20 m, 2x80 m, 2x40 m and etc. Highly useful relay races: 4-8x50-25 m.

Speed runs these segments should raise gradually, in dependencies from stages training. At this time runs segments necessary fix and inform sportsman for estimates and development at him the senses speed running. Control per speed, efforts and freedom in run important for everyone performer-athlete, for what before running appropriate give to each concrete tasks on the time, speed or pace running. Practice running through distances in given different number cross-country steps .

Special exercises cyclical type bear big load. That's why duration similar exercises at implementation on the place and in movement usually not great - Total 10-15s, but but they performed re.

To overcome “speedy barrier" in any exercises, necessary use such funds, methods and terms, which helped would sportsman not only exceed ultimate speed, but and in multiple repetitions to fix her on the new level. Most effectively performance exercises in lightweight conditions. it allows achieve such you were fast movements and speed movement, what kind in conventional conditions impossible. Several repetitions in excess of fast exercises cause at athlete new Feel, mental mood and confidence in capabilities exceeding marginal speed. That's why sportsman, going over in this same lesson to implementation exercises in conventional conditions, maybe exceed ultimate level you were fast.

work above improvement you were fast and speed movements it is forbidden conduct in able physical, emotional or sensory fatigue.

4. Main tasks high-speed training.

Main tasks stage preliminary training are: comprehensive physical development children, education them various exercises, inoculation interest to sports, light athletics. Whole row research showed, what workout in junior school age - important stage in long-term preparing sprinters. Ability children to successful development motor skills and skills, high level development you were fast, flexibility, coordinating abilities create excellent background for development physical abilities. At more late early sports training these favorable capabilities missed. it especially important in relation development the most important for sprinter physical quality - you were fast .

Main goals stage primary specializations: provide versatile physical training, raise general level functional opportunities, create rich fund varied skills and skills, form initial basics sports skill. On the stages basic training used wide a circle training funds, but at them application taken into account specifics sprint running .

5. Control per development you were fast.

V.B. Popov (2000) recommends regularly use complex special exercises for estimates level development you were fast: run on the 30m co stratum and with move, throwing tennis ball.

Analysis these results will help trace dynamics technical and special physical readiness and topics most verify efficiency workout .

V.P. Owl (1974) notes, what beside research proven, what certain holistic motor acts may to be chosen in quality control exercises for estimates level development physical qualities at children school age. Such holistic motor act like running on the 60m maybe to be elected in quality test for estimates level development you were fast at children school age. These research was installed positive correlation addiction between time motor reactions, time runs first segment distances 30m co start and second segment distances 30m With move, a also time runs all distances 60m .

V.G. Alabin(1986) for control per development you were fast recommends turn on testing next forms manifestations you were fast:

1. For definitions speed motor reactions measured latent (hidden) time re-actions(in milliseconds);

2. Maximum frequency movements in time sprint running determined through counting quantity steps in unit time on the certain segment distances;

3. Speed individual movements in general cycle running determined through analysis cinemagram, records efforts, time support and flight phases ( method podometry) With help strain gauge and dynamometric equipment.

Performance young athletes control standards on completion stage preliminary sports training will allow coach estimate predisposition to running on the short distances .


1. Review literary sources gave possibility generalize funds and methods education you were fast. Again confirmed our opinion about multiplicity and diversity methods workout. However, main directions training lessons - on the development you were fast movements remains priority.

2. When use funds workout unconventional character (relay races, games, exercises With using own weight and etc..) teenagers evenly grow up results in control exercises.

3. Installed relationship result in run on the 60m With such control exercises, how shuttle run 3X10m, run on the 30m With move, bounce up on Abalakov.

4. In training young sprinters recommended use exercises, directed on the development you were fast and must contain exercises, conducive development explosive strength.

List literature:

1. Azarova I.V. pace growth speed-strength qualities at children
junior and middle school age in connections With critical periods development motor functions: Kand. dis. Omsk, 1983. - 159s.

2. Alabin V. G., Korzh V.P. 2000 exercises for athletes: Educational allowance. - Kharkiv: The foundation. Release 4. - 1996. - 72s.

3. Apokin V.V. Scientific and technological justification standard training programs stimulated development you were fast at children junior school age // Theory and practice physical culture. - 2003. - No. 4. - S. 49 - 51.

4. Balsevich VC. Perennial preparation sprinters // Light athletics. - 1971. - No. 5. - S. 6.

5. Vodyanitskaya O.I. Methodology improvement rhythm running in
process long-term training young sprinters: abstract. cand. dis. M., 1993. - 24s.

6. Vorobyov G. Peculiarities formation musculoskeletal apparatus sprinter // materials seminar on sprint and barrier running. M., 2001.

7. Zelichenok V. B., Nikitushkin V. G., Lip V.P. Light athletics: Criteria selection. - M.: Terra-Sport, 2000. - 240s.

8. Kachaev S. V. Peculiarities methods development components speed-strength qualities young athletes // Theory and practice physical culture. - 1982. - No. 12. - S. 25 - 28.

9. Ozolin N. G. young colleague. - M.: Physical training and sport, 1988. - 288s.

10. Ozolin N. G. desktop book trainer: The science win. - M.: “OOO publishing house Astrel", 2002. - 864s.

11. Orlova ON THE. Time reactions how index coordination difficulties physical exercises // Theory and practice physical culture. - 2005. - No. 3. - S. 54 - 58.

12. Popov V. B. How develop speed movements // Light athletics. - 2000. - No. 4. - S. 29.

13. Popov W. B. What important in training? // Light athletics. - 2000. - No. 2 - 3. - S. 19.

14. Ter-Hovhannisyan I. A. Training athlete: modern sight. - M.: Terra-Sport, 2000. -128s.

15. Owl V.P. Age changes you were fast, muscular strength and speed-strength qualities // Speed-strength preparation young athletes. - M. - Physical training and sport, 1968. - S. 11 - 26.

16. Owl V.P. Upbringing physical qualities at young athletes. - M.: Physical training and sport, 1974. - 232s.

17. Filippovich IN AND. Development motor functions children in process physical education // Soviet pedagogy. - 1967. - No. 5 - S. 23 - 30.

18. Lidor R., Meckel Y. IAAF New Studies in Athletics” No. 1 - 2004.

19. http:// 39.htm

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23. tenn1/66.htm

24. http:// part5.htm

25. http:// chapter3.htm

26. chapter4.htm

27. http:// chapter8.htm

Introduction……………………………………………………………3 p.

Chapter 1. General provisions about speed

Characteristic of speed………………………………………...……. 5 pages

Methodology for determining the level of speed………………………..…... 8 p.

Methodology for the development of speed………………………………………….. .13 p.

Exercises educating speed…………………………..….18 p.

Chapter 2. Development of speed in athletics lessons at school.

Regulations on the education of speed……………………………….. ..19 p.

Age criteria for exercises that develop speed……… 22 p.

Exercises for the development of speed in schoolchildren….…………. 23 p.

Conclusion……………………………………………………………….... 26 p.

Bibliography…………………………………………..……………. 28 pages


Relevance. One of the priority issues of theory and practice physical culture is the improvement of the methodology of physical education of children of primary school age. This is due to the fact that it is at this age that important basic skills and abilities are formed, the foundation of motor activity is created, the elements of which subsequently form the motor activity of an adult. Interest in finding effective means of pedagogical influence on the child's body is mainly due to two groups of factors: on the one hand, the child's body is most susceptible to various external influences, on the other hand, it is at this stage that the foundation is laid for almost all the characteristics of an adult. It is known that in sensitive age periods, specifically targeted effects cause persistent functional changes in the body, which creates favorable conditions for a targeted increase in the level of development of physical qualities. Favorable prerequisites for the purposeful development of the speed of movements are available at primary school age, but the age of 9-10 years is considered the most sensitive.

Object of study- the process of physical education of children of primary school age.

Subject of study- modernization of the content of physical education in sensitive periods of development of speed in children aged 9-10 years.

Purpose of the study. Studying the issue of the development of physical qualities of schoolchildren in a general education school.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

1. Consider the goals and objectives that are solved in physical education classes during the implementation of the section of the program "Athletics".

2. Show the methods and techniques of teaching track and field exercises that meet the requirements of the program.

Research hypothesis. The hypothesis is based on well-known scientific and theoretical developments, taking into account the peculiarities of the reactions of trainees to teaching and training influences in sensitive periods at different stages of ontogenesis and the possibility of enhancing their effect when using training modes.

It is assumed that the modular training technology with the concentrated use of exercises aimed at developing speed, in the main part of the lesson, will be more consistent with the biological laws of adaptation to stressful effects caused by training loads in the main part of the lesson than the traditional method of physical education of younger students, and will significantly increase the level of speed in younger schoolchildren during the sensitive period of development of this quality.

Practical significance This work consists in the possibility of using the material of the work in the practical activities of the teacher.

Provisions for defense:

The most expedient form of organizing training influences on students, in order to develop their speed in a favorable period for this, is the implementation of an educational and training program.

Work structure. Course work consists of an introduction; the main part, consisting of 2 chapters; conclusions; literature list.

Chapter 1

Speed ​​characteristic

Speed ​​as a motor quality is a person's ability to perform a motor action in a minimum period of time for given conditions with a certain frequency and impulsivity. On the question of the nature of this quality among specialists there is no unity of views. Some people suggest that the physiological basis of speed is the lability of the neuromuscular apparatus. Others believe that the mobility of nervous processes plays an important role in the manifestation of speed. Numerous studies have shown that speed is a complex motor quality of a person.

The main forms of manifestation of human speed are the time of a motor reaction, the time of the fastest possible execution of a single movement, the time of performing a movement with a maximum frequency, the time of performing a holistic motor act. There is also another form of manifestation of speed (“speed qualities”) - a quick start of movement (what is called “sharpness” in sports practice). In practice, the speed of integral motor acts (running, swimming, etc.) is of the greatest importance, and not the elementary forms of manifestation of speed, although the speed of integral movement only indirectly characterizes the speed of a person.

Speed ​​is a quality that manifests itself in a very diverse and specific way in various physical actions of a person. Let's take this example. A person is driving a car, and an obstacle suddenly appears in front of him, requiring an immediate stop. In this situation, the speed of the driver manifests itself in two forms. The first is the speed of the motor reaction, expressed by the time elapsed from the moment when a person saw an obstacle to the start of foot movement to the brake pedal. The second is the speed of movement, that is, the speed with which the right foot will move from the accelerator pedal to the brake pedal and press it. There is no close relationship between these forms: a person can have a very fast reaction and at the same time a relatively slow speed of movement and vice versa.

The ability to quickly perform acyclic and cyclic movements, explosive accelerations in them is one of the most important qualities of an athlete, such as, for example, an athlete.

The speed of movement is primarily determined by the corresponding nervous activity, which causes tension and relaxation of the muscles, directing and coordinating movements. It largely depends on the perfection of sports technique, strength and elasticity of muscles, mobility in the joints, and in long-term work on the endurance of the athlete.

There are statements that speed is an innate quality, that it is impossible, for example, to become a runner on short distances, if there are no corresponding natural data. However, practice confirms that in the process of systematic long-term training, an athlete can develop the quality of speed to a very large extent.

Speed ​​has different manifestations. Speed ​​is distinguished as the ability for quick motor reactions to a visual, sound or tactile stimulus. For example, the speed of the fencer's reaction in response to the opponent's action, the speed of movement from the start of the runner over short distances. Speed ​​is also expressed in the ability to change movements in direction and character, to stop movements. This is the side of the quality of speed, which is most evident in sports games, downhill skiing, slalom.

One of the characteristics of speed is the frequency of movements, which plays a large role in such actions as, for example, sprinting, working on the key of a radio transmitter, playing a trill on a musical instrument, etc. Speed ​​is manifested in the ability to frequency of repeated movements; for example, the movements of a basketball player dribbling the ball, the movements of a sprinter. The smaller the mass of the moving part of the body, the greater the frequency it can develop. The highest frequency of movements - fingers and hands as a whole. The movements of the torso are the slowest compared to the movements in the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints. The speed of the frequency of movements develops very slightly.

To develop the frequency of movements, you can use running in place with a maximum, of course, frequency, but with a minimum lifting of the feet from the floor. This exercise can also be used as a corresponding test, counting the number of steps in 10 seconds. (It is more convenient to count the touches of the floor with one foot). In order to exceed the maximum speed and frequency of movements, you can use a sound rhythm or appropriate music. Under musical accompaniment with a distinct accelerating rhythm, designed for 15-30 seconds. movement, it is much easier to show the utmost speed and try to exceed it. So, in the experiment, running in place to an accelerated dance rhythm allowed athletes to increase the frequency of movements by 5-8%.

Speed ​​is also manifested in the ability to overcome a certain distance in the shortest period of time, as well as in impulsiveness, sharpness of single or repeated movements. There is a connection between the indicated forms of manifestation of speed, but there is no direct relationship.

The level of speed development ultimately determines success in the vast majority of sports. Even a marathon runner should probably run his distance faster while maintaining a high “cruising” speed*. And the success of a weightlifter depends on the speed with which he will be able to perform the necessary movement.

Method for determining the level of speed

Speed ​​can be defined:

a) by measuring the speed of movement in response to a certain signal with reactionometers various designs;

b) by the number of movements for a set time with an unloaded limb or body within a certain amplitude;

c) according to the time of overcoming the established short distance

* "Cruising" speed refers to the average speed of the course. Distances (for example, running for 20, 30 m);

d) according to the speed of performing a single movement in a complex action, for example, repulsion in jumps, movement of the shoulder girdle and arm in throwing, kick in boxing, initial movement of a sprinter, movements of a gymnast, etc.

All manifestations of speed are effectively developed when playing basketball. You can also recommend a handball, table tennis, outdoor games with a rapidly changing game situation and fast movement.

The development of the speed of movements, the increase in the speed of the implementation of integral motor acts are closely related to the increase in the functional capabilities of the athlete's body, which determine the speed characteristics in various forms of motor activity. There are two directions in the methodology of educating speed: holistic education of speed in a certain movement and analytical improvement of individual factors that determine the maximum speed of movement.

To develop the ability to perform movements more quickly, to increase the achieved level of speed, different ways can be recommended. The first of these is the repeated execution of a movement or action with a conscious and very strong desire to do it with record speed. Such a path requires an extreme concentration of the athlete's mental capabilities and a huge volitional outburst. The use of acceleration helps to effectively perform such exercises. For example, in running with acceleration (usually 60-80 m), the athlete gradually increases the speed and brings it to the maximum. In accelerations, the runner tries to pass the established limit from acceleration and, at least for a short distance, achieve even greater speed. New, faster, movements that he will be able to make will cause the corresponding restructuring in the body. Such accelerations will be effective only if they are repeated many times. However, such classes can be carried out no more than 1-2 times a week due to the danger of overtraining.

The other way is similar to the first, only the desire to perform the action more quickly has a specific, objective goal (for example, a long jump over a rail placed close to the record result mark).

The third way is also effective, when in order to develop the ability to show strong-willed efforts aimed at "instantaneous" movement, speed exercises are used from time to time in difficult conditions and immediately under normal conditions.

The development of such a quality as speed depends on the lability of the neuromuscular apparatus, muscle elasticity, mobility in the joints, the coordination of the activity of antagonist muscles with the most frequent alternation of excitation and inhibition processes, and the degree of mastery of technical techniques.

Speed ​​develops most successfully at the age of 10-12. Since the speed of movements depends on the strength of the muscles, therefore, these qualities are developed in parallel. As you know, the less external resistance to movements, the faster they are. It is impossible to reduce the weight of the projectile, established by the rules of the competition. It is also impossible to reduce body weight without harm to health. But you can increase the strength. Increased strength will allow the athlete to overcome external resistance more easily, and therefore perform movements faster.

It is possible to increase the level of speed of movements due to muscle strength, first of all, by improving the ability to show very large muscle efforts. Only this ability and perfect neuromuscular coordination allow the athlete to perform powerful movements, to show explosive efforts. Without this, achievements are impossible, for example, in athletics (hurdling, jumping, throwing, etc.). To perform movements that increase the strength of the corresponding muscle groups, mainly exercises should be used that are similar in structure to the technique of the chosen sport. For example, for the development of speed in runners - running up an inclined track, lifting a load placed on the thigh, etc. A feature of strength training, which aims to develop speed, is also that dynamic exercises are used, i. exercises with low and medium weight, performed with high speed and amplitude, ballistic exercises (throws, jumping with weights). These exercises should be combined with those that provide the development of overall and maximum strength. When using exercises with weights, which are mainly aimed at developing strength, one should not forget about the speed of their implementation, otherwise the speed of movement may decrease.

Of great importance is also the mobility in the joints and the ability of the antagonist muscles to stretch. If you productively use the elastic properties of muscles, then the speed of movements increases. A pre-optimally stretched muscle contracts faster and with greater force. Therefore, it is necessary to pay special attention to improving muscle elasticity. To do this, you should perform special exercises to stretch relaxed and tense muscles. The frequency of acyclic and cyclic movements is largely determined by technique. This applies not only to the kinematic structure of movements, but also to the dynamic one.

When mastering the technique of fast movements, you need to learn how to relax the antagonist muscles that are not currently involved in active work, learn how to run, jump with the maximum return of all your strength, but at the same time freely, without undue stress. In achieving this, the strengthening of motor skills plays a particularly important role, for which it is necessary to repeat the exercises many times for a long time. But repetitions should be performed with an intensity of 0.8 - 0.9 of the maximum, so as not to cause excessive muscle tension.

The correct determination of the dosage of speed exercises is important for educating speed and increasing the speed of movements. Those that are performed with maximum intensity are strongly operating means causing rapid fatigue. The same applies to exercises aimed at increasing the speed of movement. Therefore, exercises performed at maximum speed should be used frequently, but in a relatively small amount. The duration of the rest intervals is determined by the degree of excitability of the central nervous system and restoration of indicators of vegetative functions associated with the elimination of oxygen debt. Training work for the development of speed should be completed as soon as the subjective sensations of the athlete or the indications of the stopwatch indicate a decrease in the set or maximum speed.

Rest between repetitions of training exercises should ensure the readiness to repeat the same work without reducing speed. With long rest intervals, the speed of movement decreases. Apparently, this is due to a change in the state of the central nervous system, a decrease in the excitability of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex, as well as a decrease in body temperature, which rises during the warm-up and previous work.

The duration of rest depends on the type of exercise, the condition of the athlete, his preparedness, training conditions. Usually, the rest interval is determined subjectively by the moment of readiness for the exercise. Exercises that require significant speed at an intensity that does not reach the limit should be performed more often. The load in any lesson should be such that the athlete is completely rested by the next lesson.

Thus, to improve this physical quality, it is necessary to select exercises:

Developing the speed of response;

Contributing to the faster execution of movements;

Facilitating the mastery of the most rational technique of movement. Perform them at the fastest possible pace. For this, they are used

repeated accelerations with a gradual increase in speed and an increase in the amplitude of movement to the maximum. Exercises in light conditions are very useful, for example, running downhill, running after the leader, etc.

Methodology for the development of speed

There are five ways to develop speed:

1. The repeated method, which has already been mentioned above. Its essence boils down to performing exercises with an almost limiting or maximum speed. Tasks should be performed in response to a signal (mainly visual) and to the speed of individual movements. The duration of the task is such that maximum speed is maintained (usually 5-10 seconds). The rest interval between exercises should provide the greatest readiness for work (30 seconds - 5 minutes, depending on the nature of the exercises and the condition of the athlete).

2. Associated method. For example, performing a shock movement during an attacking blow with weights on the hands, moving with weights, etc.

3. Circuit training method. Select exercises that involve the main muscle groups and joints.

4. Game method. Performing exercises for speed in outdoor games and special relay races.

5. Competitive method. Performing exercises with extreme speed in a competitive environment.

The main task in the development of speed is that the athlete does not prematurely specialize in any one exercise of a high-speed nature, so as not to include a large amount of the same type of repetition of this exercise. Therefore, it is so important that athletes use speed exercises as often as possible in the form of a competition or game. The training program should include a significant amount of such high-speed exercises as sprinting from the start and from the move, running with acceleration, long and high jumps with extremely fast repulsion, throwing lightweight projectiles, outdoor and sports games that are extremely quickly performed. acrobatic exercises and a variety of special preparatory exercises.

A particularly important role in training aimed at developing the speed of single movements is played by urgent information about the results achieved. Comparison of objective indicators of speed, frequency of movements, execution time allows athletes to improve these parameters and draw the right conclusions about the effectiveness of training.

To train the speed of reaction that we need in a wide variety of life situations, many exercises can be offered. For example, you stretch your hand forward with a palm straightened in a vertical plane, and the other person holds a 30-40 cm ruler by the upper end so that its lower end is flush with the edge of your palm (at a distance of 1-2 cm from it). Then, unexpectedly for you, he releases the ruler, and you must grab it as quickly as possible (the forearm must remain motionless). At the same time, the distance that the ruler managed to fly will characterize your reaction speed.

We have considered an example with the so-called simple reaction. In life, however, we have to show the speed of a complex reaction, when we do not know in advance how we will have to react to this or that unexpected change in the situation. Accordingly, such speed is trained by exercises in which, depending on the signal, a person has to choose a response action from at least two options. The model of such a situation is a well-known game: one person puts his palms open up, and the partner covers them with his own. The task of the first is to quickly hit with any of his hands on the back of any opponent's palm. That one has a more difficult task - to catch which of the four possible options the partner began to fulfill, and depending on this, have time to withdraw one or the other hand. This game perfectly trains the speed of reaction and the speed of hand movements to the extent that it manifests itself in game actions.

The last circumstance is very important to keep in mind. As we have already said, the speed of certain movements is developed with the help of movements similar in structure. And since human motor activity is extremely diverse and situations that may require speed from us are practically unpredictable, it is not advisable to train the speed of individual movements with the help of simple exercises - too many of them will be needed for this. Perhaps, it makes sense to train the speed of the extensors of the legs and arms separately, because the most important thing for a person is that they possess this quality. Normal jumping on toes is suitable here, as well as jumping up from a squat and half-squat position. These exercises can be performed both in the morning exercises and in a separate workout, but only for “fresh” strength, that is, at the beginning of the lesson. You should not perform exercises that promote the development of speed, in a state of fatigue, as this sharply disrupts the coordination of movements and the ability to quickly perform them is lost. Therefore, I recommend including them in the first half of each training session, and in small volumes. The number of repetitions in one training session is small. For the muscles of the hands, all kinds of throwing to the range of a tennis ball, pebbles are performed, preferably with one and the other hand. At home, you can use this technique: do the first few push-ups while lying down at maximum speed. If more or less fast push-ups are not obtained, it is better to perform them from a “lightweight” starting position - with increased support with your hands.

The implementation of most techniques in many sports is unthinkable without the development of such a quality as speed. For its development, exercises are recommended in which it is necessary to perform a conditioned movement to a specific signal. The visual signal is more commonly used. At the same time, the conditions for performing movements are gradually becoming more difficult. For example, in order to develop the speed of response to a starter signal in sprinting for short distances, you should first perform movements only with your hands located on an increased support, then gradually reduce the support, exercise in quick response with leg movements from a more straightened position, gradually increasing the angle of bending of the legs, and thus way to come to the usual position at the start.

The trainees' attention should be focused on the movements to be performed, and not on the expected signal. To improve the speed of response, it is advisable to preliminarily slightly strain the muscles of those parts of the body with which the movement is to be made. It is useful to change the pause between the expected signal and its delivery, as well as change the strength of the signal.

The speed of reaction to a moving object (in sports such as martial arts, sports games) should first be developed in simplified conditions, and then gradually complicate the situation. One of the means to develop responsiveness in sports games may be to play with small balls instead of regular size balls.

Special exercises for the development of speed consist of various possible fast movements. It is important to know that acquired speed in movements that are dissimilar in motor structure is not transferred to another exercise. In movements that are coordinatively similar, the situation is different. So, for example, the speed acquired in sprinting is transferred to repulsion movements in jumps and to straightening the legs in throws. That is why the most effective are special exercises for developing the quality of speed, as close as possible to the elements of the chosen sport. It is necessary to perform exercises in a holistic way repeatedly, with such a speed or speed of movement that is close to the established limit at a given time, and even faster in light conditions, and also as quickly as possible in difficult conditions.

To develop the speed of movements, physical exercises are also used in which this quality is manifested to the greatest extent, for example, sprinting, a number of outdoor and sports games, throwing lightweight projectiles, individual details of sports exercises performed at a high pace or impulsively, abruptly.

Speed ​​training exercises

A number of exemplary exercises for the development of speed:

Jerks and accelerations from various starting positions (sitting, lying, kneeling, etc.) according to a visual signal.

Jumping rope (maximum rotational speed).

Jerks with a sharp change of direction and instantaneous stops.

Jerks for short stretches with a sharp change in direction of movement and sudden stops contribute to the development of speed of movement.

Imitation exercises with accentuated-quick execution of a particular movement.

Fast movements typical for volleyball, basketball, etc., followed by imitation or execution of a technique.

Various combinations of simulation exercises performed in different sequences contribute to the development of such a type of speed as the speed of switching from one action to another.

When performing simulation exercises in combination with exercises aimed at developing the speed of movement, one should take into account the specifics of a particular sport. Simulated techniques should take into account the patterns of movement on the field (platform, ring, etc.). For example, in volleyball, after moving to the net, an attacking blow should follow, etc.

Chapter 2

Provisions for the cultivation of speed

1. If the main task of the lesson is the development of speed, then it should be solved immediately after the warm-up.

2. Simultaneously with the development of speed, it is necessary to practice in improving the technique of the chosen sport.

3. Develop the ability to voluntary (conscious) muscle relaxation.

4. The development of speed should begin with the performance of exercises in a uniform method, with an average intensity: as soon as the ability to control movements develops, apply the method of variable and repeated-variable exercises; the highest speed (intensity) of movements at this stage is 80-85% of the maximum possibilities.

5. In the process of exercises in cyclic sports, the load on the body should be adjusted according to the indicators of respiratory rate and pulse, as well as being guided by the ability of the student to maintain the speed of the first attempts and maintain the correct coordination of movements; rest breaks between individual repetitions should be of such duration that the respiratory rate approaches the norm and at the same time the excitation from the previous exercise does not pass. The duration of the rest break from one repetition to another during one session should gradually increase.

Over the course of a series of classes, the level of speed of movements should increase. However, there are numerous cases of stabilization of this quality at the achieved level, which, presumably, is due to the fact that in the process of training new, higher requirements are not presented to the body, to its physical and volitional qualities. In addition, due to the many repetitions of the same action with maximum speed, automation of movements is created, based on the formation and consolidation of a certain system of nervous processes. This stabilizes the speed of repulsion, jerk, frequency of movements, preventing the growth of speed even when the level of development of physical and volitional qualities increases. This creates a "speed barrier" that stops progress in athletic performance. To avoid this, specialization of adolescents and young men should begin in sports in which speed is predominantly manifested (in particular, in sprinting), after sufficient high level general physical fitness through activities in which movements are performed in varying conditions (for example, basketball, rugby).

In order to overcome the speed barrier, it is necessary to apply such means, methods and conditions that would help the student not only increase the maximum speed, but also fix it at a new level in multiple repetitions. In principle, all exercises and methods used to develop the speed and frequency of movements with the manifestation of maximum effort can be applied to overcome the speed barrier. However, this should be preceded by special physical training aimed at strengthening the muscles, joint mobility, and increasing endurance.

It is known that the potential capabilities of the neuromuscular system in the speed of movements are much higher than is commonly believed. Evidence of this is the performance in light conditions of movements with great speed in conditions conducive to an increase in pace and impulsivity (for example, running along an inclined track, swimming after the leader, throwing lightweight projectiles, reducing the size of the playground in sports games, etc.). But when it comes to the maximum speed of movements under normal conditions, it is extremely difficult for a student to move to a new, higher level. For this, new, stronger stimuli are needed, which would also cause a more energetic manifestation of the corresponding physical and mental capabilities. In order to “develop” the speed barrier, it is also helpful to take a long break from classes, using this time for other physical exercises.

Age criteria for exercises that develop speed

Taking into account the age characteristics of students in athletics should underlie the formation of their physical qualities. It has been established, for example, that in 10-year-old schoolchildren the frequency of running steps is the same as in adults. At primary school age, outdoor games, jumping, throwing, and acrobatic exercises can serve as a means of educating speed.

At the age of 12 - 13, sports develop speed, games with simplified rules. It is important to include in the training program the repeated performance of various jumps and jumping exercises.

At the age of 14-15 years, it is necessary to improve the speed of movements with the development of mobility in the joints, dexterity, general endurance, develop muscle strength and speed for strength qualities. At this stage, you can include exercises with a barbell weighing no more than 40 kg.

At 16-17 years old, runners should continue to improve their general and special physical. preparedness, paying special attention to the development of speed and speed-strength qualities.

To develop speed, exercises with a high frequency of movements are used: running for short stretches, running downhill, sports, games, throwing projectiles in light conditions. Exercises of a speed-strength nature are performed in larger quantities and with greater intensity.

Exercises for the development of speed in schoolchildren

1. Performing individual punches or kicks at maximum speed: a) into the air; b) on projectiles. You can use the following technique to check: hang a newspaper sheet and strike at it - if the speed in the final part of the blow is high enough, then the sheet is easily "pierced" by the striking part of the arm or leg. The exercise is performed for 5-10 single repetitions in a series. With a decrease in the speed of strokes, the exercise should be stopped. The same exercise can be performed at first with weights, but then - without any weights and with a setting to achieve maximum speed and with control over the execution technique. Rest between sets 1-2 minutes.

2. Applying a series of strikes in the air or on special projectiles (pears, bags, pillows, makiwaras) with a maximum frequency. In total, 5-6 series of 2-5 strokes are performed for 10 seconds, which are repeated 3-4 times after 1-2 minutes of rest, during which it is necessary to try to completely relax the muscles that perform the main load in the exercises. 3. Sequential application of a series of 10 punches or kicks, followed by a 20-second rest. In total, the exercise is performed in different variations for 3 minutes.

4. Performing a series of hand strikes on a tennis ball attached to a holder on the head with a long elastic band

5. Alternately performing with a maximum frequency for 10 seconds, first punching, and then running in place, followed by a rest for 20 seconds. The total exercise is performed for 3 minutes.

6. Performing the maximum number of punches in a jump up in place

7. Performing fixed series of strikes in jumps up in place with the concentration of effort in one of them. You need to start with two strokes, then gradually increase their number.

8. "Shadowboxing", during which single strikes or series of 3-4 strikes are performed at maximum speed in combination with movements, deceptive feints and various defenses, presenting a specific opponent in front of him: technical or "silovik", high or low, etc. Perform for 2-3 rounds lasting 2-3 minutes each. Rest between rounds 2-4 minutes.

9. Running from the start from various positions, including from a sitting position, lying face down or up, lying in support, lying with your head in the opposite direction. Perform: x 3-4 series after 2-3 minutes of rest. This exercise can also be performed on a signal (the knock of an object thrown up).

10. Fast running in the park or in the forest with slopes, blocks and avoidance of oncoming branches of bushes and trees. Alternate series: fast run up to 10 seconds, followed by walking 1-2 minutes. In total, perform 3-4 times. Pay attention to security measures.

11. Rhythmic movements of two palms of hands folded together with maximum frequency. Movements can be performed right-left, up-down or circular, in several series of 5-10 seconds

12. Movement in various stances back and forth or left and right for two, three or four steps. The exercise is performed rhythmically, alternating with jumps in place 10-20 times in a row.

13. Shaking with the maximum frequency of the hands or feet to the right or left or up and down. Perform 2-3 series after 1-2 minutes of rest, which is filled with slow, relaxed and smooth execution of various connections and formal complexes.

It is desirable that the rest intervals are active. To do this, use slow, relaxed and smooth execution of various connections and formal complexes.


In conclusion, it must be said that, being integral part physical education, upbringing and development of motor abilities contributes to the solution of socially determined tasks: the comprehensive and harmonious development of the personality, the achievement of a high resistance of the organism to socio-ecological conditions, and the increase in the adaptive properties of the organism. Being included in the complex of pedagogical influences aimed at improving the physical nature of the younger generation, the education of physical qualities contributes to the development of physical and mental performance, a more complete realization of the creative powers of a person in the interests of society. The direction and content of the education of physical qualities is regulated by the social principles of physical education. In the course of the historical development of society, principles have been developed that reveal the foundations of practical activities for the comprehensive and harmonious physical development of children (the choice of the composition of means, methods and forms of organizing pedagogical influences).

The traditional "sedentary" rhythm of life of today's schoolchildren is characterized by reduced physical activity, so the formation of an attitude towards physical education is an important aspect of the education of students. The most effective time for the formation of physical activity is the school period. The emotional appeal of physical activity is very important, therefore, in sports physiology, it is usually recommended to use gaming activities. It is in the game that team and subject interaction contributes to the optimal development of the physical and psychological qualities of a person.

After analyzing all of the above, we can draw several very important conclusions:

1. The development of speed in the lessons of physical culture should be one of the main tasks of the teacher in the process of the entire period of the student's education.

2. Speed, as a physical quality, is vital and must be developed, maintained and preserved throughout a person's life.

3. To develop speed, use the whole variety of forms, methods and means of physical culture.

4. Pay attention to the development of speed qualities during the passage of all sections of the physical culture program, as well as during other events (competitions of various levels, sports sections, health days).

5. A student who constantly works on the development of this quality, applying it in a variety of life situations, is the result of a successful and fruitful work of a teacher and a student.

In the final, we outline the perspective: it is necessary to conduct comprehensive studies to study the problem of the formation of a healthy lifestyle in children. There is a good correlation between a positive attitude towards physical culture and the orientation of the personality of schoolchildren. It has been established that for children who go in for physical culture outside of school hours, their free time is more saturated with music, technical creativity, reading literature, cinema, and exhibitions.


1) Airyants A.G. Athletics. M., Physical culture and sport, 1976.

2) Alipov D.A. Influence of the Tien Shan middle mountains on the development of the qualities of strength and speed in athletes. "TiP FK", 1965.

3) Arakelyan E.E., V.P.Filin, A.V.Korobov, A.V.Levchenko - Short distance running (sprint). – M.: Infra-M.: 2002.

4) Borzov V. - 10 seconds - a lifetime. - M., Physical culture and sport. - 1982.

5) Butenko B.I. On the ways of development of speed. "Theory and practice of physical culture", 1968.

6) Roller B.V. Development of speed-strength qualities. In the book: Athletics for young men. M., "Physical culture and sport", 1969.

7) Grinenko M.F., Reshetnikov G.S. With the help of movements. M., "Physical culture and health", 1984.

8) John S. Gilbody. - Gordon Peary. Run fast and without injury. – M.: 1992.

9) Donskoy D.D. Athlete movements. FiS, 1965.

10) Eremin Yu. Jump ... quickly! // Athletics, 1965.

11) Zatsiorsky V.M. Physical qualities of an athlete (basics of the theory and methods of education). M., Physical culture and sport, 1966.

Abstract >> Culture and art

And other sports light athletics, gymnastics, games and... , which is based on the education conscious, active, ... explore not only speed but indirectly... on the lessons physical culture in the suburbs schools...64 3.1.4. Parental opinion analysis on ...

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    ... you were fast applied 3-4 times a week. Flexibility exercises are best done daily. upbringing ... lesson. Outdoor games on the lesson on light athletics... LITERATURES School light athletics, ... V.V. Ukhov. 1999.2 Easy athletics, ed. D.P....

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    ... on the existing innovative projects on physical education in general education school. Increasing the volume of classes on physical education... development you were fast, strength... Test results on light athletics Test results... assumed on the lessons ...

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    Passage section light athletics - ... education moral and strong-willed qualities and diligence. By as far as possible lessons on light athletics it is necessary to carry out on the ... Lessons on light athletics in school.- Mn., "Polymya", 1989. - 284 p. trainer's manual on light athletics ...

  • Sections: Sports at school and children's health

    It is difficult to teach schoolchildren to run correctly, rationally using their strengths and capabilities. But learning to run fast is twice the task. To teach how to run fast, it is important first of all to instill in children a love for running, so that the child feels the need for it. You need to start with elementary school, because children 7-10 years old, due to their special cheerfulness, are most responsive to the formation of a personality in love with physical culture. This age can be considered the peak of health and the rapid development of movements in running. It is in this age period that it is necessary to form in schoolchildren a sense of joy and satisfaction from running, as the basis of athletics.

    Running training, development of speed qualities should take place in stages.

    The first stage - I - IV classes - the time of the formation of passion for running, learning beautiful, and therefore correct running.

    The second stage - V - VII classes - the result of the previous work is consolidated and the training process begins with an assessment of the progressing result.

    The third stage - VIII - IX grades, improvement and further development speed qualities.

    In my many years of practice in the development of speed qualities, I use a system of leading and special exercises, which is based on the didactic principle “from simple to complex”. Some exercises are aimed at developing the muscles of the legs, stretching and relaxing them. Others are of a speed-strength nature, for the development of speed of reaction and speed of movement. In this case, I often use the game method.

    In the first quarter, at the lessons of athletics, I purposefully work on the development of speed-strength qualities and speed. I give special exercises at the beginning of the main part of the lesson. I am working on the development of these qualities in the II and III quarters, when the educational topics of the sections “Sport Games” and “Gymnastics” are studied. At the lessons of track and field athletics of the fourth quarter, preparations are underway for passing the standards in running. The main task at the same time: the development of speed-strength qualities and speed. Load dosing, the number of repetitions of each exercise used is determined taking into account the level of physical fitness of students. Outdoor games and game exercises are used, including fast running. The basis for the development of speed qualities is the developed sets of exercises for a certain age.

    V – VII classes

    I quarter

    1. Running with the lower leg overwhelmed back, with the maximum frequency of movements. 2-3 series of 12 meters.
    2. Running with high lift hips, with the maximum frequency of movements. 2-3 series of 12 meters.
    3. Jumping in a wide step.
    4. Jumps with moving forward from foot to foot, starting with a push with two. 2-3 series of 12 m
    5. Multiple jumping up from a deep squat, crouching.
    6. Jumps on one, alternately on the right and left legs, the other on the support ( gymnastic bench) 4 series of 15 times.
    7. Accelerations from a high start (starting acceleration) 3-4 series of 9 m.
    8. Accelerations from a high start (starting acceleration) up to 30 m. 2-3 series.
    9. Minced running in place with hands on the wall and without support.
    10. Shuttle run.
    11. Uniform running for 1000 m.
    12. Uniform running with a change in direction of movement.
    13. Mobile games and relay races.

    II quarter

    1. Throwing the ball up, then turning 360 degrees and catching the ball.
    2. Throwing the ball up. After the throw, sit down, straighten up and catch the ball.
    3. In pairs, standing facing each other at a distance of 3 m. Throwing the ball forward-up. After the throw, switch places and catch the ball.
    4. Standing legs apart. At the expense of 1-7, sit down slowly; 8- stand up sharply.
    5. Dribbling the basketball quickly all over the court.
    6. Jumping rope at maximum pace for 1 minute. Boys 80-100 times, girls 100-120 times.

    3rd quarter

    1. Imitation of a fast run in a hanging position on a high bar.
    2. Imitation of a fast run in an emphasis on the uneven bars.
    3. Quick vertical jumps with a change of legs, facing the gymnastic wall and holding the rail at shoulder level with both hands, the supporting leg is located on the second rail.
    4. Jumping through elastic bands stretched across the hall (height 30 cm): standing on the side of the elastic band from two legs to two moving forward - elastic band between the legs; above the elastic - connecting the knees and feet, landing legs apart.
    5. High jumps through an elastic band stretched at a height of 40 - 60 cm, using the “stepping over” method from the right and left sides of it, moving forward, alternately pushing off, then with the left, then with the right foot.

    IV quarter

    1. Standing still, movements with arms bent at the elbows - as when running (slowly at the beginning, then quickly).
    2. Running in place combined with hand work.
    3. Variable run in a column one at a time. At the signal of the teacher, students change direction, make turns, make accelerations.
    4. Shuttle run 4 x 100 m.
    5. Accelerations from a low start up to 30 m (starting acceleration).

    In each class, game exercises and outdoor games with running are used. Outdoor games are held at the beginning and in the middle of the main part of the lesson. The games and exercises listed below are arranged in order of difficulty.

    “Salki in pairs”

    The whole class plays. On a signal, the driver tries to overpower the fleeing. Having knocked down the first player, he forms a catching pair with him, and the game continues. During the game, the players who have been tagged form new pairs. The game ends when all players have been tagged and a new leader is chosen.

    "Falling stick"

    The class is divided into 4 groups, each is calculated in order and becomes in its own circle (diameter 8 m) facing the center

    where the drivers are located with gymnastic sticks in their hands. Holding the stick vertically to the ground, the driver loudly calls the number and releases the stick. The called players must have time to run up and grab the stick before it falls. The player who catches the stick becomes the leader. As you master the game, the diameter of the circle increases. Option: Students move in a circle.

    "Third wheel"

    The class is divided into 2 teams, each becomes in a circle in pairs in the back of the head to each other. One student does not have a partner. The driver tries to catch up and overpower him when he runs away from him in a circle. If the driver succeeds, the players switch roles. The evader can join in front of any pair, then the third player standing behind becomes the evader.

    “Relay with hoops”

    Four teams line up in columns one at a time at the start line. Ahead, 10 m from each team, 4 gymnastic hoops. On a signal, the first players run to their hoops, crawl into them one by one and, returning back, with a touch of an outstretched hand, pass the baton to the second players, and they themselves stand at the end of their teams. The team that finishes the relay first wins.

    “Calling numbers”

    Two teams are playing. Each, having calculated in order, becomes in a circle. The teacher calls one of the numbers. Students under these numbers start and, having run around the circle once, take their places. The player who finishes first earns the team one point. The team with the most points wins.

    “Counter relay”

    Two teams are playing. Each group is divided into two groups, which in columns one by one are located in front of each other at a distance of 20 m. The start line is in front of the columns. The first numbers of one of the groups have a flag. On a signal, the players with a flag in their hand run to the opposite first numbers, pass the flags to them, and themselves stand behind the column. Those who receive flags do the same. The first team to finish the relay wins.

    VIII – IX grades

    I quarter

    1. Running exercises with subsequent accelerations.
    2. Quick change of legs in a wide lunge position, arms bent.
    3. Right side run. 1 - step right to the side, 2 - step left behind the right, 3 - step right, 4 - step left in front of the right, etc. The same to the left.
    4. Running with a high hip lift, with the maximum frequency of movements. 2-3 series of 15 m.
    5. Running with the lower leg overwhelmed back, with the maximum frequency of movements. 2-3 series of 15 m.
    6. Running in place with hands on the wall with the maximum frequency of movements. 4 series of 20 sec.
    7. Alternate jumps on one leg up to 20 m.
    8. Standing long jump.
    9. Start, with the pursuit of a friend who starts 3 m ahead.
    10. Accelerations from high and low start 3-4 series.
    11. Outdoor games and game exercises with fast running.

    II quarter

    1. Throws the ball up, followed by a lying emphasis and a crouching emphasis. Rising, catch the ball.
    2. Throwing the ball up followed by two squats. Get up and catch the ball.
    3. Running from various starting positions: sitting, sitting cross-legged, sitting with your back to the direction of running, from an emphasis lying, kneeling.
    4. Running backwards from the starting position.
    5. While running, throwing the ball forward at a distance of 3-4 m, followed by acceleration, allowing you to catch the ball before the second bounce off the floor.
    6. Jumping rope at maximum pace for 1 minute.
    7. Jumping forward from foot to foot, starting with a push of both.

    3rd quarter

    1. Jumping out of a squat with moving forward.
    2. Quick jumps out of a semi-squat on one, then on the other leg, holding hands on the support.
    3. In the position of the rack on the shoulder blades (hands serve as a support for stability), quick movements of the legs up and down.
    4. Imitation of fast running in the supine position, arms along the body, head touches the mat, heels slide on the gymnastic mat.
    5. Running relay.
    6. Multiple jumps on two legs. 3-4 series of 9 meters.
    7. Multiple jumps up from the squat, then from the stop crouching. 4 series of 15-20 times.
    8. Jumping in place with weights. 4 series of 20-30 jumps.

    IV quarter

    1. Jumping forward on the right (left) leg, pulling the knee of the jog to the chest.
    2. Running forward, overcoming the resistance of a partner. As resistance, you can use a rubber bandage thrown over your shoulder.
    3. Running on heels.
    4. Jumping over barriers with acceleration up to 30 m.
    5. Acceleration from a low start.
    6. Outdoor games and game exercises with fast running.
    7. Relay run.

    "Jump Relay"

    3-4 teams play, located in columns one at a time on the start line. On a signal, the first numbers of each team rush forward with jumps on their left foot to the turning line, which is 10 m from the start line. Having completed the turn, they return back by jumping on their right foot, touch the outstretched hand of the second numbers and stand behind their columns. The second ones, etc., perform the same actions. The first team to finish the relay wins.

    “Quick place change”

    The class is divided into 2 teams, located in pairs at a distance of 3-4 m from each other on parallel lines. In the hands of the players there is a gymnastic stick, which they place vertically on the ground and hold it with their hands. On a signal, each pair of players changes places, while trying to keep the partner's stick from falling. The pair that dropped the stick is eliminated from the game. After that, for the rest of the players, the distance is increased, at the signal they change places again. The pair that completes the exercise at the greatest distance of the players from each other wins.

    “Shuttle run”

    2 teams play, each in two groups (paired and unpaired numbers). Both groups of one team stand in columns one at a time on the starting lines, located at a distance of 20 m from one another. At the signal, the first numbers run. Running up to the players of their team, standing on the opposite starting line, they touch the shoulder of this player and stand behind the column. The touch of the shoulder is the signal for the second players to run. They, having finished running, pass the baton to the third players. Etc. The team whose last runner crosses the line first is the winner.

    "Counter Run"

    4 teams play, standing in columns one at a time on the starting lines facing each other: two on one side of the site, two on the other. On a signal, the first numbers of each team run 20 meters to the finish line, which is located in the middle of the site. The participant who came running first gets 4 points, the second - 3, the third - 2, the fourth - 1. Then the second players start, etc. The leader stands at the finish line, fixing the finish of all participants. At the end of the game, the points are summed up and the place occupied by each team is determined.

    “Relay race “train””

    2-3 teams of 3-4 people each participate. At the signal, the first numbers start running. Having run around the racks in front and behind their teams, they again cross the starting line, and the second team numbers start running behind them. Etc. When all the players run around the racks, the first numbers stop running and remain on the starting line. After the next lap, the second numbers remain at the start, then the third. The team whose last member crosses the starting line at the finish line wins.

    Option: the composition of the teams is increased to 6 people; girls act as the first numbers; physically weak students can be used to replace a tired player.




    ELABUGA 2012

    Printed by decision of the editorial and publishing council of the branch of K (P) FU in the city of Yelabuga (minutes No. ___ of __________)


    Associate Professor, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of Physical Culture of the branch of K (P) FU in Yelabuga;

    Excellent student of FC and C of the Republic of Tatarstan, trainer-teacher of the Children's and Youth Sports School-1 in Bugulma.

    The development of speed among students of non-sporting faculties in athletics classes. Educational - Toolkit. - Elabuga: Publishing house of the branch of K (P) FU in Elabuga, 2012. - 26 p.

    The educational and methodical manual is devoted to the development of the physical quality of speed among students at the university. The manual presents a wide list of lead-in and special exercises that allow you to more accurately solve the problems associated with the development of speed in students.

    The publication is intended for teachers of physical culture of schools, coaches of the Youth Sports School, teachers and students of universities and colleges.

    Branch of K(P)FU in Yelabuga, 2012


    1. Speed ​​characteristic

    2. Methodology for the development of speed

    2.1. Factors that determine the quality of speed

    2.2. Methods for determining speed

    2.3. Basic rules observed in the development of all forms of speed

    2.4. Means of developing speed in athletics

    3. The main connection and differences between speed and speed abilities

    3.1. Means of developing speed abilities

    3.2. Fundamentals of developing speed abilities

    4. Sample tasks




    The idea of ​​complex physical training people are coming from ancient times. So the basic physical qualities of a person develop better, the harmony in the activity of all systems and organs of a person is not disturbed. So, for example, the development of speed should occur in unity with the development of strength, endurance, and dexterity. It is this coherence that leads to the mastery of vital skills. Physical qualities and motor skills obtained as a result of physical activities can be easily transferred by a person to other areas of his activity, and contribute to the rapid adaptation of a person to changing working conditions, life, which is very important in modern living conditions. There is a close relationship between the development of physical qualities and the formation of motor skills. Motor qualities are formed unevenly and not simultaneously. The highest achievements in strength, speed, endurance are achieved at different ages.

    As a result of regular training, the strength of joints, ligaments increases, and under the influence of special exercises, their elasticity and flexibility increase. As a result of training in the muscles, the number of muscle fibers increases, and each fiber becomes thicker. This provides an increase in muscle strength. Under the influence exercise in the muscles, the content of myoglobin increases, which can easily combine with blood oxygen and give it to muscle tissues during work.

    As a result of training in the muscles, the number of capillaries increases and their supply with nutrients and oxygen improves. The body of untrained people and their muscles are inactive. As a result, the whole body, all organs and systems work sluggishly, metabolism is disturbed.


    In accordance with modern concepts, speed is understood as a specific motor ability of a person for high speed movements performed in the absence of significant external resistance, complex coordination of muscle work and not requiring large energy consumption.

    The physiological mechanism of the manifestation of speed, associated primarily with the speed characteristics of nervous processes, is presented as a multifunctional property of the central nervous system (CNS).

    FROM physiological point of view, the speed of the reaction depends on the speed of the following five phases:

    1) the occurrence of excitation in the receptor (visual, auditory, tactile, etc.) involved in the perception of the signal;

    2) transmission of excitation to the central nervous system;

    3) the transition of signal information along the nerve pathways, its analysis and the formation of an efferent signal;

    4) conduction of an efferent signal from the central nervous system to the muscle;

    5) excitation of the muscle and the appearance of an activity mechanism in it.

    The maximum frequency of movements depends on the rate of transition of the motor nerve centers from the state of excitation to the state of inhibition and vice versa, i.e., it depends on the lability of the nervous processes.

    The speed manifested in holistic motor actions is affected by: the frequency of neuromuscular impulses, the speed of muscle transition from the phase of tension to the phase of relaxation, the rate of alternation of these phases, the degree of inclusion in the process of movement of fast-twitch muscle fibers and their synchronous work.

    From a biochemical point of view, the speed of movements depends on the content of adenosine triphosphoric acid in the muscles, the rate of its breakdown and resynthesis. In high-speed exercises, ATP resynthesis occurs due to phosphorocreatine and glycolytic mechanisms (anaerobically - without the participation of oxygen). The share of aerobic (oxygen) source in the energy supply of various high-speed activities is 0-10%.

    The most favorable periods for the development of speed in both boys and girls are considered to be from 7 to 11 years of age. At a slightly slower pace, the growth of various indicators of speed continues from 11 to 14-15 years. By this age, the results actually stabilize in terms of the speed of a simple reaction and the maximum frequency of movements. Purposeful influences or activities different types sports have a positive impact on the development of speed abilities: specially trained people have an advantage of 5-20% or more, and the growth of results can continue up to 25 years.

    Gender differences in the level of speed development are small until the age of 12-13. Later, boys begin to outperform girls, especially in terms of the speed of integral motor actions.

    There are several elementary forms of manifestation of speed:

    1) the speed of a simple and complex motor reaction;

    2) the speed of a single movement;

    3) the speed of a complex (multi-joint) movement associated with a change in body position or switching from one action to another in the absence of significant external resistance;

    4) frequency of movements (distinguished forms of manifestation of speed are relatively independent of each other and are weakly related to the level of general physical fitness).

    A simple reaction has two components:

    1. Latent (retarded), due to delays accumulating at all levels of organization of action in the central nervous system. The latent time of a simple motor reaction is not amenable to training, is not associated with sportsmanship and cannot be taken as a characteristic of a person's speed.

    2. Motor, due to improvement, which basically reduces the reaction time.

    Simple reactions are characterized by a significant transfer of speed: training in various speed exercises improves the speed of a simple reaction, and people who react quickly in some situations will react quickly in others.

    With intense muscular work in well-trained people, a decrease in the time of a simple motor reaction and an increase in the excitability of the neuromuscular apparatus (NMA) are observed; in less trained - the reaction time worsens, there is a decrease in the excitability of the central nervous system and the functional state of the intima. After intense short-term muscular work, a decrease in reaction time may also occur due to the weakening of inhibitory processes due to overexcitation of the central nervous system.


    The main factors for the development of speed are: the development of muscle strength, explosive strength, mastery of the correct rational technique of movements and improvement in the required direction of the activity of the central nervous system.

    In a simplified form, the psychological and physiological mechanism of speed can be represented as follows: excitation of the receptor - transmission of excitation to the central nervous system - signal transmission to the muscle - formation of a motor action in it. At the same time, the significance of the level of a person's possession of a motor act and its stability, achieved in the process of technical training, is manifested.

    Consequently, speed is a complex neuromuscular process that ensures the transience of a motor action; it is rather difficult to develop and is subject to age-related changes, especially in a passive motor mode, i.e. without playing sports.

    2.1. Factors that determine the quality of speed

    The quality of speed is closely related to a number of factors:

    The state of the central nervous system and the neuromuscular apparatus of a person;

    Muscle strength, i.e., the speed of movement depends on the development of strength. Thus, for example, a hand movement can be done very quickly, but the same movement with a disc in hand, with a spear, or with a heavier projectile, is much more difficult to do quickly. How more weight object, the slower this movement will be. The same applies to high jumpers, long jumpers, as they have to overcome the weight of their own body when pushing off. But it is impossible to reduce the weight of the projectile established by the rules of the competition, it is impossible to significantly reduce the body weight of the jumpers, so one thing remains - to increase the strength of the athlete in order to make it easier to overcome external resistance (core, disk, forest of one's own body in jumps, etc.);

    the ability of muscles to quickly move from a tense state to a relaxed one; in running at speed, where frequent changes of movements are required, it is very important to be able to quickly relax the muscles after their active work. Therefore, relaxation exercises performed at a fast pace will also contribute to the development of speed;

    energy reserves in the muscle (adenosine triphosphoric acid - ATP and creatine phosphate - KTF);

    amplitude of movements, i.e., on the degree of mobility in the joints; movement speed can be increased by best use muscle elasticity, as pre-optimally stretched muscle contracting with greater force and faster. This calls attention to the improvement of muscle elasticity through special stretching exercises;

    ability to coordinate movements during high-speed work; i.e., improving the technique of running for short distances;

    The biological rhythm of the life of the organism (age and gender);

    high-speed natural abilities of a person.

    To develop the speed of a simple reaction, repeated, as fast as possible execution of trained movements or exercises on a signal is used. In independent studies, the signal may be the sound of a thrown object, a tape recording, etc. Exercises in light conditions will be of great benefit. Exercises of this kind include performing starts under a command (signal) at a slope of up to 15 degrees or with the help of a rubber shock absorber. For example: running from the start for 10-15 meters 4-6 reps 2-3 series. It must be remembered that the duration of the exercises to solve this problem should not exceed 4-5 seconds.

    To develop speed, it is useful to perform exercises in light conditions (running downhill, running after the leader, etc.). This creates the prerequisites for overcoming the so-called speed barrier.

    Another way is also effective, when in order to develop the ability to show strong-willed efforts aimed at instantaneous movements, speed exercises are used from time to time in difficult conditions and immediately under normal conditions. For example: running on the sand and on the track of the stadium.

    In winter, you can use musical accompaniment, this allows you to increase the frequency of movements.

    To develop speed, to increase the achieved level of speed, different ways can be recommended. The first of these is the repeated execution of a movement or action with a conscious and very strong desire to do it with record speed. Such a path requires an extreme concentration of the athlete's mental capabilities and a huge volitional outburst.

    The use of acceleration helps to effectively perform such exercises. For example, in running with acceleration (usually 30-60 m), the athlete gradually increases the speed and brings it to the maximum. In accelerations, the runner tries to pass the established limit from acceleration and, at least for a short distance, achieve even greater speed. New, faster, movements that he will be able to make will cause the corresponding restructuring in the body. Such accelerations will be effective only if they are repeated many times. However, such classes can be carried out no more than 1-2 times a week due to the danger of overtraining.

    The other way is similar to the first, only the desire to perform the action more quickly has a specific, objective goal (for example, a long jump over a rail placed close to the record result mark).

    The third way is also effective, when in order to develop the ability to show strong-willed efforts aimed at "instantaneous" movement, speed exercises are used from time to time in difficult conditions and immediately under normal conditions.

    The less difficult and more automated the movement, the less stress the nervous system experiences and the shorter the reaction and the faster the movement. Practicing the technique of running at short distances in various "standard" conditions. You just also solve problems of acceleration of decision-making.

    When performing a series of movements with a maximum frequency, kinetic energy is first imparted to any segment of the body, which is then extinguished with the help of antagonist muscles, and the same segment is given reverse acceleration, etc. In this regard, with an increase in the frequency of movements, muscle activity can become so short-term that the muscles do not have time to fully contract and relax in such short periods of time. The work of the muscles at the same time approaches the isometric mode. Therefore, during training, it is necessary to work not only on the speed of contraction of the working muscles, but also on the speed of their relaxation. Highly qualified athletes are just distinguished by the ability to reduce the time of voluntary relaxation of working muscles in running with the maximum frequency. This can be achieved by constantly monitoring the rapid relaxation of the working muscles in a speed run, as well as training the very ability of muscle relaxation, including auto-training.

    When solving the problems of studying and improving the technique of high-speed movements, it is necessary to take into account the difficulties of sensory correction that arise in this case when they are performed. To solve this problem, it is recommended to follow two rules:

    1. Technique improvement must be carried out at a speed close to the maximum (as they say, 9/10 strength), so that the biodynamic structure of movements does not differ as much as possible when they are performed at maximum speed and so that control over the technique of movements is possible, such speeds are called controlled).

    2. It is necessary to vary the speed of the exercise from the limit to submaximal.

    2.2. Methods for determining and developing speed

    Methods for determining speed:

    a) by measuring the speed of movement in response to a certain signal with reactiometers of various designs; b) by the number of movements for a set time with an unloaded limb or body within a certain amplitude;

    c) according to the time of overcoming the established short distance

    d) by the speed of performing a single movement in a complex action, for example, repulsion in jumps, the initial movement of a runner over short distances.

    There are five main methods for developing speed:

    ü repeated method - performing exercises at near-limit or maximum speed. Tasks should be performed in response to a signal (mainly visual) and to the speed of individual movements. The duration of the task is such that maximum speed is maintained (usually 5-10 seconds). The rest interval between exercises should provide the greatest readiness for work (from 30 seconds to 5 minutes, depending on the nature of the exercises and the condition of the athlete);

    ü conjugated method - for example, means with weights: exercises in motion, with a barbell, etc .;

    ü circuit training method - exercises are selected that involve the main muscle groups and joints;

    ü game method - performing exercises for speed in outdoor games and special relay races;

    ü competitive method - performing exercises with extreme speed in a competitive environment.

    2.3. Basic rules for development

    all forms of speed

    1. If the main task of the lesson is the development of speed, then it should be solved immediately after the warm-up.

    2. Simultaneously with the development of speed, it is necessary to practice in improving the technique of the chosen sport. 3. Develop the ability to voluntary (conscious) muscle relaxation.

    4. The development of speed should begin with the performance of exercises in a uniform method, with an average intensity: as soon as the ability to control movements develops, apply the method of variable and repeated-variable exercises; the highest speed (intensity) of movements at this stage is 80–85% of the maximum possibilities.

    5. In the process of exercises in cyclic sports, the load on the body should be adjusted according to the indicators of respiratory rate and pulse, as well as being guided by the ability of the student to maintain the speed of the first attempts and maintain the correct coordination of movements; rest breaks between individual repetitions should be of such duration that the respiratory rate approaches the norm and at the same time the excitation from the previous exercise does not pass. The duration of the rest break from one repetition to another during one session should gradually increase.

    In independent training aimed at developing speed, it is recommended to use an analytical method based on the relatively selective improvement of its individual forms. Below are the simplest and most effective exercises for solving the tasks on your own. It should only be remembered that work on improving the speed and speed of movements cannot be carried out in a state of physical, emotional or sensory fatigue. Typically, such training is combined with work of a technical or speed-strength orientation, and in some cases with the development of individual components of speed endurance.

    2.4. Means of developing speed in athletics

    1. Running from the start from various positions, including from a sitting position, lying face down or up, lying in support, lying with your head in the opposite direction. Perform: 5-6 times 10-15 meters after 1.0-1.5 minutes of rest, 3-4 series after 2-3 minutes of rest. This exercise can also be performed on a signal (the knock of an object thrown up).

    2. Running at maximum speed for 30-60 meters. Dosage: 3-5 times 1-3 series. Rest until full recovery.

    3. Running at top speed on the move: 10-30 meters from a 30-meter run. Perform the same as the previous exercise.

    4. Fast run downhill (up to 15 degrees) with the setting to achieve maximum speed and frequency of movements at a distance of 10-30 meters from a 30-meter run. Dosage: 3-5 times 1-2 series.

    5. Running up the stairs with maximum frequency and speed. This exercise is usually performed on the steps of the stairs in the stadium. Dosage: 10-20 m 5-6 times.

    6. Single long jumps from a place, from an approach or from a run. Dosage: 5-6 jumps 2-4 series.

    7. Multiple jumps (triple, fivefold, tenfold) with one or two legs. Dosage: 3-4 jumps 2-3 series.

    8. Jumping through evenly spaced athletics hurdles: 5-6 hurdles 76-100 cm high 5-10 times. Perform with the setting for "instantaneous" repulsion.

    10. Jumping from a stand 30-60 cm high, followed by an "instant" repulsion in a jump up or forward. This exercise requires fairly good speed-strength fitness. Therefore, it must be performed after preliminary training in jumping and sprint exercises. Dosage: 5-8 jumps 1-3 series.

    11. Running exercise with a change in pace and effort. From 6 to 10 running steps of fast active movements, from 6 to 10 steps of running by inertia at a distance of 80-120 m. The exercise is repeated 4-6 times. Running on the go for a distance of 20-40 m for a certain number of running steps or for exact time. One workout should include 3 to 4 special exercises.

    12. Exercises with a partner. The partner offers the most resistance when changing movement. At the beginning of lowering or taking out the legs. For each leg - 8-12 times. From 3 to 4 series, alternating with small accelerations at a distance of 40-60 m.

    13. Exercises with weights (10% - 30% of the maximum). Squats with a barbell for a while 5-10 times.

    14. Exit from low and high start with medicine ball.

    15. Jumping from low and high start on a signal. Determine the distance of the jump and the first one to start moving after the signal.



    Speaking of a fast person, it cannot be argued that he has a high running speed. High rates in the speed of reaction, in the speed of a single movement and in the frequency of motor actions are not key in running 100 and even more so 200 meters. At these distances, those who have special speed and strength endurance will have an advantage. Of course, having a well-developed quality of speed, this will be much easier to achieve.

    The speed is manifested in the initial short segment up to 30 meters. This is a quick start and starting acceleration. High performance, which is the key to success in running 100, 200 and even 400 meters. And distance running requires the development of special endurance. Moreover, at different athletics distances, from a hundred meters to stayer races, special endurance will be different.

    The correct determination of the dosage of speed exercises is important for the development of speed and increase in speed. Those that are performed with maximum intensity are a powerful remedy that causes rapid fatigue. The same applies to exercises aimed at increasing the speed of movement. Therefore, exercises performed at maximum speed should be used frequently, but in a relatively small amount. The duration of the rest intervals is determined by the degree of excitability of the central nervous system and the restoration of autonomic functions associated with the elimination of oxygen debt. training work for the development of speed, it should be completed as soon as the subjective sensations of the athlete or the stopwatch indicate a decrease in the set or maximum speed.

    Rest between repetitions of training exercises should ensure the readiness to repeat the same work without reducing speed. With long rest intervals, the speed of movement decreases. Apparently, this is due to a change in the state of the central nervous system, a decrease in the excitability of the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex, as well as a decrease in body temperature, which rises during the warm-up and previous work. The duration of the rest depends on the length of the run segment, the condition of the athlete, his preparedness, training conditions. Usually, the rest interval is determined subjectively by the moment of readiness for the exercise.

    Speed ​​should not be confused with running speed. In addition to the speed of the reaction of the motor action, the speed of movement is determined by the strength preparedness, the rationality (technique) of the motor exercise, as well as the speed endurance inherent in different distances in athletics.

    3.1. Means of developing speed abilities

    The means of developing speed are exercises performed at maximum or near-limit speed (i.e., high-speed exercises).

    The following exercises affect individual components of speed abilities:

    a) the speed of performing individual movements;

    b) improvement in the frequency of movements;

    c) improving the starting speed;

    d) speed endurance;

    e) the speed of successive motor actions in general (short-distance running).

    To develop speed capabilities in their complex expression, three groups of exercises are used: exercises that are used to develop speed of reaction; exercises that are used to develop the speed of individual movements, including for movement in various short stretches (from 10 to 100 m); explosive exercises.

    3.2. Fundamentals of developing speed abilities

    The maximum speed of movements that a person can show depends not only on the speed characteristics of his nervous processes and the speed of the motor reaction, but also on other abilities: dynamic (speed) strength, flexibility, coordination, and the level of mastery of the technique of the movements performed. Therefore, speed abilities are considered a complex complex motor quality.

    Speed ​​exercises refer to the work of maximum power, the continuous maximum duration of which, even for highly skilled athletes, does not exceed 20-25 seconds. Whereas the speed manifests itself within 3-4 seconds.

    The speed abilities of a person are very specific, and as a rule, a direct transfer of speed in coordinated dissimilar movements is not observed in trained athletes. A small transfer occurs only in physically poorly prepared people. All this suggests that if you want to increase the speed of performing some specific actions, then you should train mainly in the speed of performing these particular actions.

    Professional applied and sports activities are characterized by four main types of high-speed work:

    1. Acyclic - a single manifestation of a concentrated "explosive" effort.

    2. Starting acceleration - a quick increase in speed from zero with the goal of achieving maximum in minimum time.

    3. Remote - maintaining the optimal speed of movement.

    4. Mixed - includes all three of these types of high-speed work.

    For the development of speed abilities, exercises are used that must meet at least three basic conditions:

    1. Ability to perform at maximum speed.

    2. The mastery of the exercise should be so good that attention can be focused only on the speed of its implementation.

    3. During training, there should be no decrease in the speed of exercise. A decrease in the speed of movements indicates that in this case, work on the development of speed endurance is already beginning.

    Leading in the development of speed abilities, as well as in the development of speed, are repeated and competitive methods.

    In the methodology aimed at increasing the speed of voluntary movements, two main methodological techniques are used: the development of speed in a holistic movement; analytical improvement of the factors that determine the maximum speed of movements during exercise.

    The general trend is the desire to exceed the maximum speed when performing exercises. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the speed exercises in series in the form of a constant competition between the trainees. Competitions, as a rule, cause an emotional upsurge, force them to show extreme efforts, which leads to better results. The same should be done with the development of speed.

    It is very difficult to significantly increase the maximum speed of movements, therefore, in practice, to increase speed, the second way is more often used - increasing strength. Speed-strength exercises must be used in combination with the actual strength exercises, that is, with the development of the speed of movements, it is necessary, as it were, to “lean” on the level of maximum strength.

    Usually, speed training in athletics is combined with work of a technical or speed-strength orientation, and in some cases with the development of individual components of speed endurance.

    The development of special, speed endurance in sprinting is more of a training process than an educational one. Since in this case it is necessary to perform accelerations for longer segments, which by itself requires longer rest intervals, which is unacceptable in physical education classes, because it leads to a decrease in the motor density of the lesson. It is also important to have a good athletics stadium or arena for running long stretches, which is not always available. Whereas speed can be successfully developed in an ordinary game room. The third factor in the development of running speed is a repetitive, monotonous method that does not arouse interest among students. And for the development of speed, you can use many interesting game tasks. All these are the main points that give the advantage of developing speed over the development of running speed in students in physical education classes.


    When conducting classes under standard conditions, it is often not possible to interest the entire group of students. During the lesson, there is not enough attention, which leads to an incomplete perception of the material being studied, and the lack of interest among students leads to insufficient development of physical qualities in physical education classes. We have to make constant comments to students, which leads to the disorganization of the lesson, as a result of which it is not possible to solve the tasks.

    The main task that should be solved in the classroom is exercises in a quick start of movement, the ability to respond with an action to a signal (sound or verbal).

    The teacher should be able to interest students in solving problems. An important factor in increasing the interest of students is that the lesson should not be standard and "template". This fact has long been known to everyone. And on this occasion, many proposals have been made in order to diversify physical education classes.

    Developing physical qualities, we are used to relying on old and standard means: push-ups, pull-ups, jumps and accelerations. Undoubtedly, under the influence of time, these are the prevailing and most effective means development of motor qualities. But the bored exercises have not aroused interest among the student mass for a long time. Specific means and methods are more related to sports training. Physical education classes must be “decorated” with emotions due to non-standard tasks.

    Using the game method during the lesson, we often see how students' interest in a motor task grows, provided that the tasks are new and non-standard. And he will be wrong who says that games contribute to noise and pampering in the classroom. Each game task should be competitive in nature, which is strictly monitored by the teacher. It is very important not to be afraid to reward students for winning the task with various pluses and points that have a positive effect on the final grade. An active student is a teacher's victory!!!

    Developing speed, the game method can be used already in the preparatory part of the lesson. Here you can use the following tasks:

    - a group of students is divided into two teams, having settled in the ranks for the first - second. During the run, the teacher gives a signal, according to which each of the teams runs to their own limited zones, indicated in advance by the limiters or behind the front volleyball or basketball lines. The student who last runs into his restricted area loses with his team. The winning team earns a point;

    - during the run, the teacher gives a signal by which the teams run to their front lines of the basketball court. The first numbers to their front line, and the second to their front line. After that, holding hands, they line up in various geometric shapes (circle, square, rectangle, etc.), which are negotiated in advance by the teacher. Which of the teams will build their figure first, earns a point. With the simultaneous construction of figures, its beauty is evaluated.

    Also, instead of "boring" running, it is necessary to use various outdoor games, which also contribute to positive emotions.

    More high concentration attention in the classroom is required in the development of speed of reaction, the most important component of speed.

    Tasks for the development of speed of reaction in the preparatory part of the lesson:

    - during the run, the group, divided into two teams, also performs tasks at the signal of the teacher. Only now, at the whistle, the first numbers perform the crouching emphasis, and the second numbers the lying emphasis. And for cotton, on the contrary, the first numbers perform the emphasis lying down, and the second emphasis is crouching. Team actions are also evaluated here. The last one to complete the task at the signal of the teacher brings his team a loss. In this task, you can use different starting positions. It well increases the attention of students in the classroom;

    – the same attention task can be used during the outdoor switchgear. The group, divided into teams, during general developmental exercises, at the signal of the teacher, takes and. n. - gray, arms to the sides. The last one to complete the task brings loss to his team.

    Various tasks are given in the main part of the lesson. In this case, competitions are conducted throughout the lesson. The teacher counts the points and sums up the results in the final part of the lesson. Encourages the winners and particularly distinguished themselves in the lesson.

    This technique will diversify the content of the lesson and increase the interest of those involved, and at the same time the attention of students in physical education classes.

    Thus, standard exercises with a non-standard form of conduct allow you to “decorate” your own lesson with positive emotions of students.


    The methods, exercises, tasks considered in the manual, which can be used in athletics classes, contribute to the development of speed among students.

    The ability for speed must be developed through fast running exercises, outdoor games and weight exercises in order for students to further master various types of athletics.

    The main task in the development of speed is that the athlete does not prematurely specialize in any one exercise of a speed nature, so as not to include a large amount of the same type of repetition of this exercise, which is necessary for the development of speed abilities. Therefore, it is so important that speed exercises be used, perhaps more often in the form of a competition or a game.

    The training program should include a significant amount of exercises such as sprinting from the start and from the move, running with acceleration, long and high jumps with extremely fast repulsion, throwing lightweight projectiles, outdoor games, extremely quickly performed acrobatic exercises and a variety of special preparatory exercises.

    A particularly important role in the lesson aimed at developing the speed of single movements is played by urgent information about the results achieved.

    Comparison of objective indicators of speed, frequency of movements, execution time allows you to improve these parameters and draw the right conclusions about the effectiveness of the lesson.


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    Development of speed among students of non-sporting faculties

    0 Public lesson in physical education "Development of speed on the material of athletics"

    Modeling a Lesson for 5th Grade Students

    Theme of the lesson: The development of speed on the material of athletics.

    The purpose of the lesson: measuring the heart rate to determine the level of physical activity when performing track and field exercises.

    Lesson objectives:

    1. Development of speed-strength abilities by means of sprinting.

    1. Improve high start technique for short distances;
    2. To promote health, increase the functionality of the body (respiratory, cardiovascular).

    Type of lesson: Athletics

    Lesson type: educational and training

    Problem situation:

    1. Compare the efficiency of measuring heart rate for different periods of time.

    2. Determine the level of physical activity.

    Lesson structure.

    1. Introductory part:

    ü Organization of preparation of students for the lesson;

    ü Setting the goal of the lesson and ensuring its perception by students;

    ü Psychophysiological preparation of students for mastering the content of the lesson and active cognitive-recreational-motor activity of students;

    1. Main part:

    ü Development of motor qualities;

    ü Education of spiritual, moral and volitional qualities of a person;

    ü Monitoring, evaluation and analysis of results learning activities involved;

    ü Correction of educational influences;

    1. Final part:

    ü Reduced physical activity of students;

    ü Summing up the lesson;

    ü Homework;

    ü Organized completion.

    Planned results


    • Mastering the skills of running short distances;
    • Ability to demonstrate physical abilities (qualities)


    · To show conscious discipline and readiness to defend one's own position;

    · Possession of a culture of speech, conducting a dialogue in a friendly and open form, the ability to logically correctly state, argue one's own point of view.


    · Overcome difficulties in the performance of educational tasks;

    · Be able to ensure the safety of places of employment, sportswear.

    Lesson outline.

    1. Introductory part.
    1. Organizational part

    üCheck your homework.

    ü Statement of the problem situation. "Today in the lesson we will learn to determine the level of physical activity by indicators of heart rate"

    üAnswers to the teacher's questions (participation in the dialogue).

    üAnnouncement of the grading system. You will receive a mark for the lesson today for the number of points scored. 6-7 points - "5"; 4-5 points - "4"; 1-3 points - "3".

    Objective: to motivate students to complete the tasks.

    Means: partial search method.

    Forms of organization: awareness of the problem.

    1. Psychophysiological preparation:

    1 minute. Pay attention to sportswear, well-being, mood of students.
    Safety precautions in the athletics lesson.

    1. General developmental exercises in motion:
    1) turns and tilts of the head to the left - to the right, forward - back;
    2) changing the positions of the hands;
    3) torso forward, left - right;
    4) leg lunges forward, left - right. Execution of the teacher's commands.

    2.Special running exercises:
    1) with high hip elevation - 1 point;
    2) with shin overwhelm - 1 point;
    3) mincing - 1 point;
    4) jumping "from foot to foot" - 1 point;
    5) jumps - 1 point.

    Having completed the task, they return back in steps, restoring their breath. Development of speed, agility, coordination of movements with the help of general developmental exercises.

    The activity of the teacher: the organizing role in the choice of the conductive exercise, the adjustment of the exercises.

    Student activity: doing exercises.

    Training universal actions:

    • Ability to engage in dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems; (communicative)
    1. Main part.

    1. Repetition of high start technique with starting acceleration - 1 point.

    Particular task of the stage: to consolidate the high start technique.

    Methods: demonstration, instruction.

    2. Shuttle run along the marking lines in the gym - 1 point.

    Teacher's activity: fixes the results, checks the execution technique.

    Student activities: shuttle run along marking lines from a high start.

    Between runs, perform exercises to restore breathing. After doing the exercises, measure the heart rate.

    Particular task of the stage: to perform motor actions, develop speed, speed of reaction.

    Methods: method of interval-repeated exercise.

    UUD: the ability to properly run (personal).

    3. An outdoor game of children's choice.

    Teacher's activity: Organization of the game.

    Student activities: Participation in the game.

    Particular task of the stage: to improve speed-strength qualities, reactions, speed; development of moral and volitional qualities.

    At the end of the game, measure the heart rate.

    Methods: game, competitive.

    UUD: the ability to integrate into a group, build interactions, predict the result (communicative).

    1. Final part.

    1. Exercises to restore breathing

    ü Walking with breathing exercises;

    ü Attention game "Forbidden movements".

    Teacher's activity: organization of exercises, games.

    Student activities: doing exercises, participating in the game for attention.

    Particular task of the stage: restoration of the main functional systems of the body.

    Methods: holistic exercise method.

    UUD: the ability to influence the body in order to restore the main functional systems (personal).

    1. Reflection.

    ü Name the most interesting part of the lesson.

    ü Name the most difficult part of the lesson.

    Teacher activity: Asking questions.

    Student activities: Answering questions.

    Partial task of the stage: elimination common mistakes which students allow when mastering the technique of motor actions.

    Methods: Verbal (dialogue)

    UUD: the ability to evaluate one's own performance, emotional condition, identify errors, correct further activities (personal).

    1. Summarizing.

    Questions: analyze the level of physical activity in today's lesson in terms of heart rate.

    Homework: creative task. The answer to the question: why is a low start used in big sports? Why is it considered more effective?

    Evaluation: put marks according to the number of points scored.

    Teacher activity: Identify the achievement of the goal of the lesson.

    Student activity: showing knowledge to achieve the goal of the lesson.

    Particular task of the stage: to sum up the learning activities in the lesson, to identify the degree of achievement of the goal of the lesson.

    Methods: frontal.

    UUD: the ability to listen, assimilate information, independently search for information and select physical exercises (communicative).

    Self-analysis of the lesson on the topic

    "Development of speed on the material of track and field athletics".

    The lesson is built in accordance with the goals and objectives. The structure of the lesson helps to solve the goals and objectives of the lesson. All stages of the lesson are built in logic and ensure their construction in accordance with various kinds students' activities.

    In the introductory part of the lesson, a problem situation was posed and means were chosen to solve it. The psychophysiological preparation of the organism of those involved in the upcoming load was carried out.

    In the main part of the lesson, exercises were carried out to consolidate the technique of a high start, measuring heart rate to determine physical activity. To develop speed, communication qualities and increase the training effect, outdoor games were held. The students showed high-quality performance of special exercises. In the course of a survey comparing heart rate indicators for different periods of time, students showed the ability to analyze the information received. By participating in the games, the students were able to show the rational use of means, forms and methods for the development of motor qualities.

    In the final part, to restore the functional systems of the body and bring them back to normal, breathing and relaxation exercises were carried out. The analysis of pulsometry was carried out, which showed compliance with physical standards. During the reflection, the emotional background of the lesson and difficult moments for students were revealed: the good mood of students. Evaluation: The grade for today's lesson was based on the number of points scored. 6-7 points - "5"; 4-5 points - "4"; 1-3 points - "3".

    In order to ensure a high pace of movement from the very beginning, sprinters use the so-called low start.

    Load table

    151 -170 bpm

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