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Fast carbs and slow carbs, what's the difference. Proper nutrition

Carbohydrates are the main, largest by weight diet.

The structure of carbohydrates determined their name: each carbon atom contains two hydrogen atoms - 2H and one oxygen - O, like y.

Carbohydrates are divided into simple (mono- and disaccharides) and complex (polysaccharides).


Among the simplest representatives, one can name fructose, galactose and glucose, the differences between which lie in the arrangement of atoms in the molecule. When combined, they form sugar. Simple carbohydrates have a sweet taste and dissolve easily in water. Sweetness is one of the main characteristics of carbohydrates. Sugar is one of the main suppliers of energy and it is unlikely that it should be considered a harmful product, sugar abuse can be called harmful. The average daily intake of sugar is 50-100 g.

Glucose is very quickly absorbed (it requires the production of insulin for its absorption), enters the bloodstream, and the level of sugar quickly increases. Fructose is absorbed more slowly, but is more easily tolerated by diabetics, since it does not require insulin synthesis.


The most important disaccharides for nutrition are lactose, maltose and sucrose.

  1. Sucrose (cane or beet sugar) includes glucose and fructose.
  2. Maltose (licorice sugar) is the main structural unit of starch and glycogen, it consists of two fragments of glucose.
  3. Lactose (milk sugar) contains galactose and glucose, found in the milk of all mammals.

Disaccharides take longer to digest than monosaccharides.


  1. Two tables of products containing normal and high amounts of carbohydrates.
  2. A table of carbohydrate products indicating the mass that corresponds to fifty grams of carbohydrates (the norm of carbohydrates per day according to the LSP).
  3. Food table, which shows the total amount of carbohydrates and fiber content.
  4. Table of products carbohydrates, fats and proteins, which included in its composition products that are in without fail contain the three listed nutritional components.

Carbohydrates in the human body

Digestible carbohydrates are the main source of energy for human body, are burned 100% without the formation of slag.

In the process of digestion, being oxidized, carbohydrates are broken down to glucose, which enters the liver, where a significant part of them is stored in reserve, forming glycogen, and part is sent to the general bloodstream.

Subsequent transformations are due to the amount of human fat reserves.

In healthy, lean adults, glucose is used as a fuel, the main source of energy. When reserves run out, the body restructures for consumption. As a rule, glucose reserves run out at night, since most people eat often. After the next meal, the amount of glucose increases, insulin is released, and a switch to glucose occurs. Its excess is converted into fat by the action of insulin.

That is, two types of energy are obvious: daytime - on carbohydrates, nighttime - on fat reserves.

In case of excess weight, extra five to six kilograms, the process proceeds differently. In the blood of overweight people there is always an excess fatty acids, any time of the day. Therefore, fats are used as fuel. Glucose cannot be burned normally due to its high fat content. Excess fat slows down carbohydrate metabolism. Sugar is converted to fat before being used up. When there is a need for energy, fat is converted into glucose.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Average daily rate carbohydrates is considered 350 - 500 g, with significant physical and mental stress - up to 700 g, i.e. will be determined depending on the type of activity and energy consumption.

lack of glucose

Lack of glucose causes weakness, headache, dizziness, drowsiness, hunger, trembling in the hands, sweating. The minimum daily amount of carbohydrates is 50-60 g, the reduction or absence of their intake will lead to metabolic disturbances.

Carbohydrates in the diet: excess glucose

Use a large number carbohydrates that are not converted into glucose or glycogen leads to conversion into fats - obesity, insulin has a strong stimulating effect on this process. Excess disrupts metabolic processes, leads to diseases.

Provided 30% are converted to fats. When easily digestible carbohydrates predominate in excess, much more passes into fats. With a lack of dietary fiber, there is an overload and subsequent depletion of the cells of the pancreas, which produces insulin for the absorption of glucose, i.e. increases the risk of developing diabetes.

Excess can also provoke disorders of fat metabolism, which are characteristic of atherosclerosis. An increased amount of glucose in the blood negatively affects the cells of the blood vessels, sticking platelets together, creating the possibility of thrombosis.

Glycemic index

The nutritional value of carbohydrates is determined by reflecting their ability to increase blood glucose levels. The highest glycemic index is in maltose and pure glucose, as well as in honey, corn flakes, wheat bread, potatoes, carrots.

Carbohydrates in a healthy diet

Thinking about , it is necessary to choose a balanced ratio various types carbohydrates: those that are quickly absorbed (sugar) and slowly (glycogen, starch). The latter are broken down slowly in the intestines, the sugar level increases gradually. Therefore, it is advisable to a greater extent - 80-90% of the total amount of carbohydrates to use them. Complex carbohydrates: Vegetables, grains, and legumes should make up 25-45% of your total daily diet. Simple carbohydrates: fruits, berries, fruit juices, sweets (sugar, honey), milk, fermented baked milk - less than 10% of the daily diet.

The best option is to consume carbohydrates in the diet in the form of natural, not processed fresh vegetables, fruits, berries.

Added or fatty foods in vegetable salads reduce fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Everyone knows about the importance of proteins and vitamins in the human body, which cannot be said about carbohydrates. Frequently asked questions What is the role of carbohydrates in the body? people find it difficult to answer, because they believe that these organic substances, contained mainly in bread products, are only deposited in the body in the form of fat. This, of course, is a delusion. The role of carbohydrates in human nutrition is so great that it is difficult to overestimate it.

Meanwhile, carbohydrates are the most important component proper nutrition: 1g of carbohydrates provides 4 kcal of energy.

Carbohydrates are divided into 2 large groups:

  • Monosaccharides, or simple carbohydrates,- in their composition they have only 1 molecule (glucose, fructose or galactose).
  • Disaccharides, or complex sugars, their structure includes 2 molecules (for example, glucose + galactose).

The main role of carbohydrates in human nutrition is to provide the body with energy. All cells and tissues of our body are fed by carbohydrate molecules, including vital organs - the brain, heart.

Although protein is the basic structural unit of our cells, carbohydrates are essential for building these same cells.

Carbohydrates are involved in the regulation of fat metabolism.

The main food sources of carbohydrates in the diet and the daily requirement for carbohydrates

Speaking of foods that are gods of carbohydrates, the first thing that comes to mind is all sweets. This is true, all sweets contain simple carbohydrates, and sugar is a pure simple carbohydrate.

The main sources of carbohydrates are cereal products - bread,. Also food sources of carbohydrates are vegetables and fruits. Nuts are a source of complex carbohydrates in the diet. Knowing which foods are rich in carbohydrates, it is easy to make an optimal diet.

The daily requirement for carbohydrates for a person reaches 50% of the total daily caloric intake and is approximately 300-500 g for a healthy man and 250-450 g for a woman. Of course, you need to remember that this indicator is very individual for everyone. If you are trying to lose weight, then you may well limit the amount of carbohydrates to 125 g per day, this figure is recognized as safe.


The share of simple carbohydrates should account for no more than 10% of the total daily diet.

What causes a lack and excess of carbohydrates in the body

The lack of carbohydrates in the body leads to a decrease in physical and mental performance, sometimes depression develops. A sharp restriction of carbohydrates leads to ketosis, while toxic compounds can damage the brain and be life-threatening.

With an excess of carbohydrates, some of them go to liver glycogen, which serves as a "storage" of energy. If necessary, these reserves are consumed. But "storage" is not dimensionless. If carbohydrates are supplied in excess of the norm from day to day, the excess is deposited in the form of fat on the body, this is especially true for those who abuse simple carbohydrates.

Dietary fiber is carbohydrates. Their role in nutrition

Dietary fiber is also carbohydrates, more precisely, their special form. By structure, they belong to complex carbohydrates, but they are practically not able to be digested in our body and do not provide energy. However, they are very important for our health.

Speaking about dietary fibers and their role in nutrition, first of all, it is worth noting their importance for normal functioning gastrointestinal tract. Fiber increases intestinal motility, promotes faster and more regular evacuation of stool.

Dietary fiber helps to remove toxins from the body, remove cholesterol, toxins and carcinogens (substances that promote the development of tumors), thereby preventing diseases of the cardiovascular system, some forms of cancer, diabetes 2nd type.

Dietary fiber increases the feeling of satiety. That is, by eating a smaller amount of food, you will feel fuller faster. This property is especially important for those who want to lose weight.

They also contribute to the synthesis in the intestines (being food for the beneficial intestinal microflora, which synthesizes them).

As you understand, classical vegetarians have no problems with carbohydrate intake. The main source of complex carbohydrates is cereals, products are allowed and used regularly in the diet. All bread and pastries are also not prohibited and can be in the diet. Vegetables and fruits are also an important part of the vegetarian diet and should be included in the daily diet.

Things are more complicated with raw foodists, from whose diet bread and all flour products are excluded, they practically do not consume cereals. The source of carbohydrates are vegetables, fruits, dried fruits and nuts.

Of course, vegetables and fruits provide the body not only with carbohydrates, but also with dietary fiber. But in order to get enough carbohydrates, the volumes of vegetables and fruits must be significant.

For example:

A bowl of vegetable salad contains about 10 grams of carbohydrates. Knowing the need, you can easily imagine how many of these plates you need to eat. 100-150 g of fruit can contain from 20 to 40-45 g of carbohydrates. It is also not enough to meet the needs of our body.

Nuts are another source of carbohydrates. But remember that along with nuts, you will also get fats. So, 100 g of almonds will contain 13 g of carbohydrates and 53 g of fat, and cashews - 22 g of carbohydrates and 48 g of fat.

Of course, it is possible to exclude or drastically reduce the amount of carbohydrates, but on the condition that you are absolutely healthy and only for a short time. With prolonged restriction of carbohydrates, you, unfortunately, will inevitably notice negative consequences for the body.

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Losing weight isn't easy. Especially in the realities of modern society, when everything and everything comes down to and every seller considers it his duty to sell you something. And food is often that something. However, if you manage to include a little thinking in your diet, then everything will be fine. And here's how to do it.

Many begin their journey to losing weight,. And I will not open America if I say that by doing so you only harm yourself. Another way is to count kilocalories, which is already more correct, but you can consume 2,000 kilocalories in different ways, and below I will tell you how to do it more or less correctly.

The kilocalories we consume come from three sources:

  • proteins (4 kcal per 1 gram);
  • fats (9 kcal per 1 gram);
  • carbohydrates (4 kcal per 1 gram).

Already on the basis of this simple cheat sheet, you can see that a daily diet of 2,000 kilocalories can both help and harm your health. In what way to help? If you observe the ratio of BJU:

  • 45-65% calories from carbohydrates;
  • 20-35% calories from fat;
  • 10-35% calories from proteins.

In this case, the body will receive all the micro and macro elements in the right doses and will not be overly saturated with any one type. useful substances. Of course, such a diet may vary depending on gender, age, or other characteristics of the body, but in its standard form it looks exactly like this.

But even here everything is not so simple. Carbohydrates are found in all foods, but not all foods will be healthy. And to understand this in more detail, first let's talk about carbohydrates.


It is rather pointless to consider carbohydrates in terms of chemistry and biology, since complex definitions and long formulas will not give any understanding to the average person. Carbohydrates is the general name for substances called saccharides. And it is carbohydrates that are the main source of energy (calories) for our body. The main quality by which carbohydrates can be divided is the rate of their breakdown in our body, according to this parameter they are divided into:

  • simple (monosaccharides, carbohydrates with a high glycemic index);
  • complex (polysaccharides, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index).

Simple carbohydrates break down quickly in the body and thus give a strong insulin surge, which converts them into fat, while complex carbohydrates, due to their structure, take longer to be broken down by the body, thereby not causing an insulin surge, and provide a uniform amount of energy over a long period (3 -5 o'clock). It is desirable that fast carbohydrates do not exceed 20-40% of the daily requirement. When eating according to such a system, the body simply will not have the opportunity to store fat and thereby interfere with your goal.

Where to get simple and complex carbohydrates?

Simple carbohydrates are found in foods such as fruits, dairy products, (net carbohydrate), honey. Complex carbohydrates are found in grain products (cereals, durum pasta, bread, flour), potatoes, corn, legumes. Despite the fact that flour is a complex carbohydrate, processed (refined) products from it, such as pastries, muffins, etc., are simple carbohydrates. In addition to simple and complex carbohydrates, there are also dietary fibers (fiber), which have such a complex structure that they are not digested by our body. Dietary fiber should be an essential part of your diet as it keeps your digestive system working.

Following these rules, you can draw up and, based on it, achieve your goal, if any. Even if your goal is just a healthy diet, these rules will help you stay fit and lead a healthy lifestyle.

Not only experts, but also ordinary people who know the value of their health and smile at the world from early morning are sure that fast carbohydrates are enemies of a fit figure and an active and active human body as a whole.

The words "quick" and "harmful" in the context of not ideal, but healthy eating and carbohydrate products are synonymous. Their splitting is very fast - as a result, glucose makes a jump up, and then "comfortably" is located in our body as subcutaneous fat!

What foods are fast carbohydrates?

Here are the main products that are fast or simple carbohydrates, so detrimental to the figure, mood and general condition in particular (see the full table below):

  1. Flour "white" products (bread, pizza, buns);
  2. Sugar and honey;
  3. Confectionery delights;
  4. Carbonated drinks and juices;
  5. Watermelon, banana, persimmon and grapes;
  6. mayonnaise and ketchup;
  7. Alcohol (beer in particular).

Any nutritionist classifies all of the above products as taboo! Simple carbohydrates cannot be called a deadly poison that tirelessly kills a person, but their daily savoring creates an unbearable burden for the pancreas that produces insulin - the endocrine system is under threat. In the blood, sugar begins to “jump” up and down like a rubber ball, provoking mood swings and body tone. If such food takes the niche of the "holiday" menu, you will feel a radical change in your body and morale ...

Healthy eating, weight loss and fast carbohydrates

In an optimal, healthy diet is much preferable. Especially on weekdays, when concentration and an active attitude are necessary at work.

For weight loss, giving up fast carbohydrates will be very useful and even necessary, but if you are used to sweets, it will be difficult to do it right away. Therefore, eat them, as well as high-carbohydrate foods, during breakfast and midday lunch in small quantities. try to replace harmful products to more useful ones. For example, white sugar - for honey, dried fruits, fruits or brown sugar, white flour for whole grains, milk chocolate - for black, etc.

And for dinner, prepare a protein "table".

If you are losing weight, avoid taking carbohydrates and fats at the same time!

However, fast carbohydrates after a workout, when blood glucose levels are very low, on the contrary, will be very helpful! They will help replenish energy and thus prevent muscle breakdown.

What you need to know about the glycemic index (GI)?

The concept of "glycemic index" (GI) is directly related to the value of blood sugar. The GI value shows how quickly the carbohydrates eaten are digested and enter the bloodstream. The higher the GI, the “faster” carbohydrates and the more actively a person gets fat! The calculation is carried out from the standard of 100 units - glucose. But amazing indicators above this "ideal of harmfulness" have dates (146 units).

GI happens:

  • high: >70
  • medium: 55-70
  • short:<55

As you may have guessed, low GI carbs are called slow carbs and high GI carbs are called fast carbs.

A list of fast carbohydrates or a high GI is not the guardian of health!

Remember, the lower the GI, the better for our figure and health!

Fast carbohydrates with an average glycemic index (55-70 units) - a list of products:

  • Bread and pastries made from rye flour (coarse grinding);
  • Apricot, pineapple, kiwi, banana and melon;
  • Cooked carrots, beets, peas;
  • Cereals: rice, semolina;
  • Corn (popcorn);
  • Potatoes in uniform.

Fast carbohydrates with a high GI (above 70 units) - a list of foods that interfere with the good functioning of the body:

  • Any pastry based on wheat flour, puff and yeast dough (for example, morning toast has a GI of 100 units);
  • Sweet juices and cola (75);
  • Boiled or fried potatoes (95) and mashed potatoes (90);
  • Pumpkin (75) and watermelon (103);
  • Dried fruits and grapes (75);
  • Sugar and milk chocolate (70);
  • Bars (snickers, kit-kat, mars) and chocolates (70);
  • Rice, sugared muesli and corn flakes (80-90);
  • Chips (85).


To keep health, positive ideas and actions your companions, reduce the consumption of foods with fast carbohydrates, so you prevent the release of insulin into the blood. Let cakes and jams on top of a slice of white bread, sweets and fried potatoes become your "weekend" diet. Especially beware of fast carbohydrates in the afternoon, when they pose the greatest threat to your figure.

The low glycemic index will promote weight loss and lightness throughout the day. Lose weight with a menu in which the list of products consists of useful things with a GI not exceeding 55 units! Excellent mood and a taut figure - for this it is worth giving up excesses ...

Fast carbohydrates: food list - table

I want to warn you right away that the GI of the same product may differ. That is why the data in the tables from different sources sometimes do not match. This happens due to the fact that the GI of a product depends on the technology of its production, the manufacturer, the country of cultivation, and the variety. It is physically impossible to create an exact table!

Well, until you have a glucometer, this table with a list of products will be very useful to you!

Click on the table to enlarge it. And then right-click and select "Save Image As..." to save the spreadsheet to your computer.

Carbohydrates (or sugars) are organic substances necessary for all living organisms. And although the role of carbohydrates in human nutrition is very significant, it is not recommended to abuse them. This is especially true for those who do not set themselves the goal of gaining a couple of extra pounds. Here you will learn why people who eat carbohydrates gain weight and how to replace carbohydrates in the diet.

Why do people who eat carbohydrates gain weight?

Recently, starchy foods like pasta, bread, and rice have become almost synonymous with carbohydrates. And while spaghetti and bagels are indeed carbohydrates, and the body needs carbohydrates for fuel, they are not the only source of energy for muscles, especially when you are trying to lose weight.

Carbohydrates in foods are easy to overeat, especially when found in potato chips, and any excess is stored as fat. The value of carbohydrates in human nutrition is high, because the brain feeds on sugar.

When you eat bagels and potatoes, the body turns them into sugar and delivers it to the cells very quickly, which allows the brain to experience pleasure and makes it want to continue the feast. That's why it's so hard to stop and not finish a loaf of yeast bread or a bowl of pasta.

Not all carbs are bad for weight loss, but starch is addictive, making you crave more and more of it, even if you don't feel hungry.

And although carbohydrates are needed in the diet to replenish glycogen stores, you should not think that all the carbohydrates you consume are converted to glycogen. Remember that your body can only store enough glycogen in your muscles and liver to produce energy for 90 minutes. When stocks are replenished, any surplus is shipped for long-term storage as body fat.

What can replace carbohydrates in the diet for weight loss

Athletes who monitor weight know how to replace carbohydrates. They replace starchy foods with fruits and vegetables, especially when their workout is not intense. Plant foods are rich in carbohydrates; they are usually low in calories and slowly digestible.

If you focus on them, then weight loss will be almost no problem for you, since you will not be able to eat so many pears, bananas, tomatoes, asparagus and spinach to get an excess amount of calories, which is not the case with chocolate bars, sweets, white bread and white rice.

What's more, plant-based foods are extraordinarily rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that fight free radicals and boost immunity. All these substances promote health, allowing you to bike more and burn more calories.

However, this does not mean that you should say goodbye to your favorite bread and noodles forever. When you need fast-digesting carbohydrates that instantly enter the bloodstream, after which you become ready for action, you can use starchy foods. What's more, if you reserve starchy carbs for use before, during, and after a long ride or race, they act like rocket fuel because your muscles get those carbs exactly when they need them.

How many carbohydrates do you need? A little more than half of all calories, or about 55 percent.

Table "Carbohydrate content in food"

From the table below "Carbohydrate content in food" you will learn about the main sources of these organic substances:

Vegetables and mushrooms

Carbohydrates, g

Boiled artichoke (1 piece)

Boiled eggplant (1 cup)

Green peas boiled (1 cup)

Mushrooms, raw (1 cup)

Boiled winter zucchini (1 cup)

Boiled zucchini squash (1 cup)

Boiled white cabbage (54 cups)

Brussels sprouts boiled ("BUT cups)

Boiled cabbage (1 cup)

Boiled cabbage (1 cup)

Raw cabbage (1 cup)

boiled cauliflower ("BUT cups)

Sweet potatoes in uniforms (1 piece)

Corn and beans boiled (1 cup)

Boiled sweet corn (30 g)

Leek, boiled (54 cups)

Raw onion (1 cup)

Boiled chard (1 cup)

Boiled carrots (54 cups)

Boiled parsnips (54 cups)

Green pepper (1 cup)

Raw tomatoes (1 cup)

Radishes (1 cup)

Turnip boiled, mashed (1 cup)

Boiled beets (BUT cups)

Raw celery (1 cup)

Boiled pumpkin, puree (1 cup)

Spinach, boiled (1 cup)

Fruits and berries

Carbohydrates, g

Pineapple (1 cup)

Orange (1 piece)

Watermelon (1 cup)

Grapes (1 cup)

Pomegranate (1 piece)

Pear (1 piece)

Cantaloupe melon (1 cup)

Honey melon (1 cup)

Strawberries (1 cup)

Seedless raisins (% cup)

Kiwi (1 piece)

Raspberries (1 cup)

Mango (1 piece)

Mandarin (1 piece)

Nectarine (1 piece)

Peach (1 piece)

Plum (1 piece)

Pasta and bread

Carbohydrates, g


Italian (1 slice)

Pita white (diameter 15 cm)

Whole wheat pita (15 cm diameter)

Wheat (1 slice)

Rye (1 slice)

French (1 slice)

Wholemeal rye bread (1 slice)


Whole wheat pasta, boiled (1 cup)

Boiled pasta (1 cup)

Whole wheat spaghetti boiled (1 cup)

Spaghetti boiled (1 cup)

Boiled tagliatelle (1 cup)

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