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How much time is given for the presentation of the oge. How to write an essay

Before final exams, many students experience stress. One of the reasons is the need to write a summary. The reason is the inability to formulate one's thoughts. Can this be learned? Yes, and in this article we will look at what is summary GIA, how to write it and still avoid common mistakes.

What is a presentation?

A presentation is a creative type of work in which students are read the text and, depending on the task, they must retell it in writing.

The main purpose of the presentation is to develop spelling and stylistics skills.

determine the style of writing - artistic, journalistic, colloquial, scientific.

think over the genre of the future presentation - description, reasoning, narration.

think over the sequence of retelling and write it from one person.

When writing a concise summary, the following steps should be followed:

    split the text into several parts;

    select from them sentences with a semantic load;

    exclude material that does not affect the overall meaning of the narrative.

When writing selective presentations, you need to retell the text according to the assignment.

In all variants, it is possible to use the techniques of replacement, exclusion and merging, but most of all they are used when writing a concise presentation. How is a summary written?

Substitution involves replacing individual words with common words. For example, "men and women" - to "people", "pupils and pupils" - to "children" or "schoolchildren".

The exception involves the compression of the text by getting rid of lexical repetitions, homogeneous members and sentences that carry less semantic load. For example, the sentence "Every devoted and loving resident of the city came out to defend his native walls" can be shortened to this sentence: "Every resident came out to defend the city."

Merging involves combining two complex sentences into one complex one. For example, these two complex sentences can be combined into one: “A person who works long and hard on his goal will sooner or later achieve it, despite the opinions of others. To do this, he must believe in himself and go towards his dream, despite the obstacles.” The result of the association: “Only faith in oneself and hard work will lead a person to the goal, despite the opinions of others and obstacles.”


Writing a summary is required for the final exam in grade 9. It differs from the usual presentation in that the students listen to an audio recording. This innovation came in 2014. This fact affected the quality of work, which deteriorated markedly. The deterioration in the quality of the work was explained by the fact that the teacher, while reading the text, focused on the average student and emphasized important points, while in the recording the speaker reads the text very quickly, depersonalizing it. So how do you write the 2014 GIA summary? You can refer to the following tips:

    when listening to the text for the first time, try to understand its main idea, while making notes for the abstract and the future plan.

    try to mentally retell the text according to the plan;

    during the second listening, add the missing information to the records;

    start writing a draft version of the presentation;

    break the written text into paragraphs and count the number of words in each;

    count the number of words received and, if there are less than 70, then increase the text by adding adjectives, gerunds, participles, replacing pronouns with nouns;

    check the text for errors and, if there are none, carefully rewrite the text on the control sheet.

How to write a GIA presentation? The main requirements for it are at least 70 words, it should consist of 3 paragraphs.

How to avoid common mistakes?

When writing a presentation, a student may encounter typical errors:

    in speech, grammar and syntax;

    in the transfer of material;

    logical nature.

How to write to avoid these mistakes?

Speech errors are divided into mechanical (typos) and normative. With the first, you just need to be careful and check the text before passing. A technique used in typography will help here: reading the text from the bottom up - this way the thoughts will focus on the errors, and not on the content. With the second type of errors, it is more difficult, since here you need to know the norms of the language.

Spelling errors occur when a student does not know the correct spelling of a word. For example, "sorry" instead of "sorry". To avoid them, you need to build a rich vocabulary by reading as much as possible. fiction and periodicals, and write dictionary dictations. To do this, you can record a series of words with pauses on the recorder and write them, and write out the words with errors in a row.

The cause of syntactic errors is the use of words in an unusual meaning and in case of disagreement. For example, the sentence “We often saw Svetlana and talked to Svetlana every time” can be replaced with “We often saw Svetlana and talked to her.”

Under the stylistic errors understand the distortion of the meaning of the text. To avoid this, you need to observe the word order in the sentence and coordinate the secondary members of the sentence with the words that depend on them.

Under the incorrect transmission of material and logical errors understand the distortion of the meaning of the text and incorrect argumentation. The reason is the student's misunderstanding of the text. To avoid this mistake, you need to ask questions: what is the text about, what the author wanted to say, what arguments in the text confirm this guess, whether the student agrees with the author’s thought.

The skill of writing a presentation is not formed on the eve of the exam. Preparation for it must begin in advance - a month, six months or earlier, depending on the level of preparation of the child. Then, during the exam, the student will not have the question of how to write presentations in Russian.

    teach your child to shorten words and use shorthand;

    find examples of GIA audio texts and write presentations on them from the plan presented above;

    write vocabulary dictations.

How to write a correct presentation? The answer to the question is periodic practice, and even the most difficult task can be completed without problems.

In task 1, you are required to write a concise presentation, retaining the author's microthemes. At the same time, it is important to convey the content of both each micro-theme and the entire text as a whole. It is important not to forget to use text compression methods. But first things first.

What is a microtheme?

microtheme- this is a small part of the general topic, otherwise - the topic around which the sentences of one paragraph are grouped. Thus, all sentences of a paragraph should be connected by one microtopic. And all micro-themes must obey the general theme of the text. For example, the theme of the entire text is autumn. But in the first paragraph, the author can talk about the Indian summer in September, in the second, the author will talk about the golden autumn that comes in October, and in the third, describe the cold November autumn. The theme and micro-themes of this type of text can be represented as the following plan:


1. Great time - Indian summer!
2. Pushkin's time - golden autumn.
3. Autumn is the time of preparation for winter.

Having such a plan, it is easy to imagine the content of the entire text as a whole, however, your task in the exam will be to hear all the micro-topics, and, as here, there will be exactly three of them in any readable text. It's much more difficult. Trying not to miss the important, the ninth-grader tries to write down every word, but this is not necessary, since already at the first listening, having mastered the techniques of text compression, one can distinguish the main from the secondary.

Ways to compress text

There are three main ways to compress text:

At EXCEPTION necessary:

  • highlight the main (essential) and details (details);
  • remove details;
  • skip sentences containing secondary facts;
  • skip sentences with descriptions and reasoning;
  • combine the essential;
  • compose a new text.

1. We exclude one or more synonyms in a series of homogeneous members, we save one of the synonyms that has the greatest capacity in this context.

before compression
joyful, bright, cheerful smile.

after compression
Every person who entered the room to the kids, on the face appeared friendly smile.

2. We remove explanatory constructions from the text, for example, a number of homogeneous members with a generalizing word or a number of simple sentences in the composition of a non-union complex, explaining the content of the first part.

before compression
He knew different languages: German, French, Italian and Moldovan , and no one could recognize a Russian in him.

after compression
He knew different languages, and no one could recognize a Russian in him.


  • isolate single facts;
  • pick up language tools their generalized transmission;
  • write a new text.

before compression

Residents of the village spend their leisure time in different ways. Someone rereads Jules Verne novels loved since childhood; someone spends a lot of time on the river or in the forest. The main occupation of teenagers is sports games and competitions. The most memorable event was last year's cyclocross.

after compression
Residents of the village spend their leisure time in different ways, depending on tastes and habits.


  • replace difficult sentence simple;
  • replace the sentence or part of it with a demonstrative pronoun;
  • combine two or three sentences into one;
  • break a complex sentence into abbreviated simple ones;
  • convert direct speech into indirect speech.

1. Replacing a subordinate attributive clause with a synonymous definition.

before compression
A small room on the second floor is occupied by a company which offers its clients tours to all continents and countries.
after compression
A small room on the second floor tourist firm.

2. Replacing the subordinate adverbial clause with a participial turnover.

before compression
When you read Nikitin's diary you feel his boundless love for the motherland.
after compression
Reading Nikitin's diary You feel his boundless love for the motherland.

3. Reducing the number of structural parts of a complex sentence.

before compression
It is pleasant to look at the kingfisher, which, smoothly descending on an alder branch, bowed to the very mirror of the river, began to spy on prey.
after compression
It is pleasant to look at the kingfisher, which smoothly sank onto an alder branch and began to watch for prey.

All these and other methods of text compression can be used both separately and in combination. complex.

The following example demonstrates complex application compression methods:

  • replacement adverbial adverbial clause with adverbial turnover;
  • replacement an agreed definition expressed by a participial turnover, a non-spread inconsistent definition.

before compression
When I hear harmonious combination bird voices , hosting a morning concert When you admire the river and enjoy the birds singing you are truly relaxing.
after compression
listening morning concert birds I try to look at the river. Admiring the river and enjoying the singing of birds, rest for real.

Information source - Levchenko O.S., Tishina T.N. "Preparing for the GIA in the Russian language. Grade 9" Omsk 2009

How to properly compress text, what is a micro-theme and why do you need to know whether you are visual or auditory.


In the first part of the OGE in Russian, you need to write summary. During the exam, an audio recording is turned on twice, in which the actor reads a short text of about 150 words from three paragraphs. The first time - for familiarization, the second time - to consolidate what was heard. The audio recording lasts 2.5–3 minutes. Between readings, they give another 3-4 minutes to comprehend the text and work with notes in the draft. After the second listening, the students begin to write the presentation.

Perception types

People perceive information in different ways. There are visuals who learn it visually: to understand the text, they read it. And there are auditory people who easily perceive the text by ear.

What type of perception you have depends on what you do while listening to an audio recording.

If you are a visual, immediately write down the abstracts in a draft. Ignore when they say “listen first” on an exam. Do what is convenient for you - after all, it will be easier for you to work with the written text later.

If you are an audiophile, then first listen carefully to the audio recording. Even when everyone around rushes to make notes in drafts, do not write anything: sit and listen. To write down what you hear, you will have a break between readings.

If you cannot determine your type of perception, ask someone to read two texts to you. Work with the first one as a visual: write down the abstracts immediately while reading. First listen to the second text, and then write down everything that you remember by ear. Then see how you enjoyed working best and stick to that strategy in preparation and on the exam itself.

Stages of work on the presentation

1. First reading.

Visuals: write down what you hear right away. It's best to do this by shortening words and leaving large spaces between lines. Do not spare papers: you will be given as many drafts as you need.

Audials: mentally highlight the most important in the text and divide it into semantic parts in order to understand what each of them says. It is also worth immediately identifying the main topic of the text.

2. Break between readings.

Visuals: fill in the abbreviated words and run your eyes over what is written to realize what this text is about.

Audials: write down the key words, leaving large spaces between them. Try to make a detailed plan of the text right away. Highlight the micro-topics of each of the three parts and formulate 1-2 sentences that contain the main idea of ​​each paragraph.

3. Second reading.

Visuals: fill in the gaps left with what you didn’t write down the first time. It doesn't matter if there is space left: this is still a draft.

Audials: specify the first impression of the text and, if possible, complete the text scheme. Pay attention to the logic of the author's reasoning and compare it with your plan: highlight the key words and match the paragraphs with them.

4. Correction of the draft: find micro-themes, plan and separate main information from the secondary.

Put everything you've written together and draft a concise summary. Pay attention to the highlighted micro-topics: they should be connected and together make up a logical text. Then read what happened.

5. Compress text: condense what you write.

The abstract must be at least 70 words. There is no limit on the maximum number, but if the text is large, you will be deducted points according to the compression criterion. So re-read the text and think about how else it can be shortened. Then make final corrections and additions.

6. Work on the composition of the presentation: re-read the text for the third time.

Your text should be three paragraphs. One micro-topic - one paragraph. If there are less or more, points will be deducted from you. Check the draft twice, take your time. If the text is read in one breath and without hesitation, then you have a good presentation.

7. Correction of content: correct errors and omissions, check spelling and punctuation.

Underline any words you are unsure about. Take a spelling dictionary and check them. A dictionary is required for the exam, and you have the right to use it.

8. Rewriting the clean copy on the form.

At this stage, we advise you to put your text aside and go to the test or essay, and return to the first part at the end of the exam. So you have time to take a break from the presentation and look at it in a more detached way. Allocate at least one hour to rewrite the presentation and essay in a clean copy, as well as to check what has been written.

Evaluation criteria

For presentation, you can get a maximum of 7 points. To earn them, you must look at your work like an expert. To do this, check it according to the following criteria.

Microthemes. The topic is what the text is about. And it usually unfolds through a few small subtopics.

A micro-topic is the main idea of ​​a paragraph, it reveals one problem. Your presentation should have three micro-themes and, accordingly, three paragraphs.

The first criterion for evaluating the presentation at the OGE

Text compression. Your presentation should not be verbose and detailed. To reduce it, use three compression methods:

1. Exception repetitions of words, homogeneous members, participles and participles, introductory words.

“Kremlin stones can sound. Each wall and dome has a special sound, and all together they merge into a heroic symphony, performed by a huge orchestra from the pipes of the golden domes of the Kremlin.” "Each stone, wall, dome of the Kremlin has its own sound, which merges into a single heroic symphony."

2. Replacement words as synonyms or other parts of speech. For example, several nouns can be replaced by one pronoun.

"Men and women, old people and teenagers came out to protect their native city." “All the inhabitants came out to protect their native city.”

3. merger several sentences into one.

“A vocation is a small sprout of talent that has turned into a strong, powerful tree on the fertile soil of diligence. Without diligence, without self-education, this little sprout can wither on the vine. "A vocation is a small sprout of talent that can wither without diligence."

  • sequence of presentation;
  • three microthemes in three paragraphs;
  • keywords.

What can be excluded when compressing text:

  • examples, evidence, details, digressions;
  • generalizing words and sentences;
  • homogeneous members;
  • repetitions;
  • direct speech - we convey it indirectly;
  • a lengthy description of nature, feelings and moods.

The first paragraph is the hardest to condense because it is easier to remember and students write it down in detail. And the last paragraph is forgotten, so it is cut well. Be sure to check the first paragraph of your presentation.

The second criterion for evaluating the presentation at the OGE

Separation of paragraphs. Each paragraph should have a complete thought.

Semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation Points

- there are no logical errors, the sequence of presentation is not violated,
- there are no violations of paragraph articulation of the text in the work.
The work of the examinee is characterized by semantic integrity, speech coherence and sequence of presentation:
but 1 logical error was made
and / or there is 1 violation of paragraph division of the text in the work.
In the work of the examinee, a communicative intent is visible,
but more than 1 logical error was made
and / or there are 2 cases of violation of paragraph articulation of the text.
The third criterion for evaluating the presentation at the OGE

How to prepare

The FIPI website has open bank assignments with audio recordings that will be on the exam. Open materials and practice writing summaries. Perhaps one of these texts will come across to you at the OGE.

For example, take this text. Listen carefully to it twice and write down the micro-topics and keywords. Then check this table:

Micro topics Keywords
1 Kindness is the basis of the spiritual beauty of a person, and it should not be shy. Question - answers, kind, sincere beauty.
2 Good feelings should be brought up from childhood along with the knowledge of the value of life. Care, brought up in childhood, the value of life, deeds in the name of good.
3 Good feelings, emotional culture are the focus of humanity. The path of goodness is the only true one life path person. The path of good. In a world where there is a lot of evil. Good for the individual and society.

Write a summary and check it twice. Check if it meets all the criteria:

  • all three microthemes were submitted;
  • all three microthemes are compressed;
  • the text is clearly divided into three paragraphs;
  • no logical errors.

The more statements you write and check, the more comfortable you will feel on the exam.

So, the ninth graders are starting to get a little worried. The Russian language is not an easy exam, because in addition to knowing the rules, you need to be able to write summaries, understand the main idea of ​​the text, clearly express your thoughts and select the correct argument in detailed answers to questions about the text.

In our first article on the OGE, we will try to give a few useful tips in preparation for the first part of the exam in Russian - presentation. In March, it's time to start actively training.

1. Focus on the essentials!

Presentations at school are written in every class, so often schoolchildren believe that problems simply cannot arise here. On the one hand, training always helps, on the other hand, there are several points that it makes sense to pay close attention to.

On the exam, the first task requires you to write a concise statement.

With a concise presentation, a detailed retelling of the text is not needed. Another important skill is required from the student - to understand the main content and key points that support the main idea. Everything else is not only possible, but must be omitted.

The less you spread your thoughts along the tree, the more clearly you formulate, the better. The main thing in the format of a concise presentation is to clearly convey the core of the text with the author's arguments and examples (they are called microthemes). This is where training is needed. Listening texts are publicly available on the FIPI website. How to work with them?

2. First audition = plan

Turn on the audio recording, listen carefully to the text. You do not need to write anything while reading! Trying to take shorthand is a big mistake for schoolchildren. Often, with this approach, the meaning of the text escapes, the missing pieces are very difficult to recover, because they flew past the ears.

Try to just focus and understand what they are telling you. Grasp the main topic right away, pay attention to the author's arguments or examples. And of course - in style!

Changing the style in the presentation is one of the most common and sad mistakes. Stick to the author's style, do not change artistic to business, because you are not rewriting the work, but just retelling it.

After you have listened to the text, write down the main theme and the important points you have noted. That is, make a short work plan. So you will have a diagram in front of your eyes, on which you will rely.

3. From second listening to draft

But during the second listening, work with the already drawn up plan, designate paragraphs for each author's statement.

Tip - write not in a row, leave enough space between the intended paragraphs to enter the missing ones from memory.

So, you have a presentation plan and planned paragraphs. Now we are writing a draft. Don't rush, don't be afraid to miss something. Texts for presentations are within the power of every student. Write in paragraphs, remembering what you heard. Try to keep the author's style, avoid gag.

After writing a draft, be sure to check your original plan with the resulting text. Think about whether you have taken everything into account, “scroll” the text in your head. Have you covered the topic? Does the author's logic match? Are the micro-topics clearly stated and do they lead to the main idea expressed in the text? If you are satisfied with the work, proceed to the spelling and punctuation check.

4. Checking ourselves

The level of literacy during the exam is also assessed, and points for mistakes are reduced. But you are not writing a dictation, but a presentation, this format works for you. If you have any doubts about the spelling of a word, remember the synonyms. Change words, phrases, even sentences if you are not sure about the correct spelling and punctuation. In the presentation, it is important not to use the exact author's words, but to convey the meaning.

But remember that either Hemingway or a student is allowed to write in telegraph style. elementary school. Detailed proposals are still expected from a ninth grader, so there is no need to cheat in the hope of avoiding mistakes, this can turn against you.

5. How to understand that everything worked out

So, you are training your skills, but how do you know that everything is working out? First, you can first practice on printed texts. So you will better see the correspondence between the presentation and the original. Try to read the text aloud on your own, remove the text, write down the plan. Read a second time, remove, write down the plan in paragraphs. Write a draft. Check your literacy. And then check both texts.

Secondly, you can involve parents and friends - let them read the text to you, and you act according to the above scheme. It is very convenient to train with friends - you can read in turn and check each other's work.

Well, and thirdly, if you feel insecure, there is still time to improve your skills in courses or with the help of tutors.

Presentation is, first of all, an analysis of the text, a quick understanding of the main idea. This can be learned even if there is nothing left before the exam.

Good luck preparing for your exams!

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